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Just wondering have you considered the cough might be a tic? My son has a cough tic that comes and goes with every pandas flare. He's been in a flare now for the last year so we just did ivig. The cough (tic) too has been there all year. Myco p neg.


Just wondering have you considered the cough might be a tic? My son has a cough tic that comes and goes with every pandas flare. He's been in a flare now for the last year so we just did ivig. The cough (tic) too has been there all year. Myco p neg.


is your son neg igg and igm

my igg is very high. igm neg...i am currently being treated for myco p(chronic i believe)..i have a cough that comes and goes. Probably depending on the state of my immune system, as in letting the myco p take over, vs my system keeping myco p suppressed.

the more i am being treated the more consistant my cough is(herx?)

i am not the pan parent...my hubby has pans.

it feels like something is stuck in my trachia.

i personally don't believe you need the cough to have myco p. It can express itself different in differne people.

a cough could be a tic for pans kids


Yes, neg myco p IgG and IgM. Definitely a cough tic in my ds's case as it gets worse at times like right after school when a lot of kids release all that tension and explode at home.


I didn't read this whole post. Sorry - but the answer is you need to get blood tests - and you probably need to get another blood test in a few months to see if the IgG is going up or down. Could it be a tic - yes, but you need to rule it out before you assume its a tic.


With a pandas kid - in my opinion - the IgM means nothing. I would assume that if mycoP is an issue for you it is chronic mycoP or recurrent mycoP and in most of those cases the IgM will be negative. You need to track the IgG over time. The doctors will try to talk you out of that. Don't listen. If the IgG goes up you know you have. Same or decline - you probably don't have it.


My son - had the persistent dry cough. Its longer than a week. More like 3 weeks. Weird sounding (not quite croup, but kinda)- no strep. Lungs clear. He had this a couple times early in our pandas diagnosis. It wasn't that bad - no fever, and I was taking him in constantly to check for strep (alway negative) and his lungs were always clear. This is way before we found out he had it.


You don't need the cough to have a chronic myco infection. There are literally no symptoms of typical pneumonia. I just recalled that he had a sort of long lasting cough, a couple times over the years, that I had checked when he had them. His blood test for mycoP was a year later - when he had no cough, and no classic pneumonia symptoms. Pandas IS a symptom.


Just like with strep - all pandas kids should get tested for it (twice!) to rule it out. Its a known cause - its a quick and simple blood test - just push for it and get it!! You aren't looking for typical mycoplasma. You're looking for chronic mycoplasma - and they are different. (but of course you could have the typical version too - but not if lungs are clear)


Lyme doctors are used to mycoP - because it is a common co-infection with Lyme for some reason (ticks carry it, and because the Lyme messes with you immune system making it unable to clear it). So, if your ped doesn't understand it or you have any resistance - I'd go to a LLMD. And if you come up positive at the pediatricians - I'd then head to the LLMD - because they know the antibitocs to treat it, and the Ped will most likely give you treatment for typical pneumonia - not chronioc mycoplasma.


Hope that helps!

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