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WOWWWWWWah! Now I want to see him!


That sounds amazing. I'm so glad you liked him, and so glad he was willing to help you. YAY!!!!! *happy dance*


After the first one didn't turn out too well, did you guys end up finding an LLMD you liked? Any news on Pixie's adrenal stuff?

Happy dance indeed! I chose a little stuffed monkey I have as my "treatment buddy". Whenever I'm nervous or scared or feeling bad I'm just gonna have Cassanova, his name, to squeeze & help me through it. I think having a designated doll will help.


I am soooo happy for you! The others are right, you are amazing!! I wish my son would be like you! I fight to get him treatment and he refuses ..... you fight for your own treatment!! You have an amazing life ahead of you!! I wish you a speedy and smooth recovery!!!


Emerson, I'm trying to remember - did you originally test negative for other bugs? My ds18's Igenex tests were negative for all but Lyme - that was bad enough, I hate to think that he might be positive for some of the other crud after all! We're going to travel to an LLMD in LA (we're from the Houston area) - is that the one you're seeing, too?


Oh yeah, and when your doc says a basic diet - how basic is he talking about? Whole foods based or like just meat & veggies?


He said alkali foods specifically, which I've also heard from a lot of people on here. http://thealkalinefoods.com/

I'm a gluten-intolerant vegetarian who's about to have to cut out sugar on this treatment, so my diet is about as basic as it gets. Hahaha.


I'll message you about the LLMD. I was positive for Lyme & MycoP through blood. We ran the co-infection PCRs (blood, not urine) through a doctor who I trust & love dearly but who knows nothing about Lyme, so he told me when they all came back negative (including the Borrelia & the Mycoplasma that I had already hit positive for!) that he wasn't too sure what they meant. After that I just stuck with ART, which is how we judged the official set of diagnoses.


Emerson I am so happy that you are under the care of a good doctor. You should be proud of yourself. Things may be bumpy for a while as you know but I really think the end result will be so worth all the hard work you have put into this. Hang on for the ride... You can do this!


Oops just seeing this-


Yes, LLMD second appt w/new dr for BOTH her and me (my first) on Friday. No real big herxes for her just yet- increased knee pain but she seems in higher spirits. Lethargy/exhaustion about the same- making it to school 3x/week since Christmas.


Adrenal stuff comes back Thurs.


That is a great thought about the doll/bear- she has her IGI V bear that we got from the drug co that might help. She does have a stuffed bunny that goes w/her to blood tests, etc. so maybe having something specific will help. I know they sell those virus and bacteria stuffed things- wonder if there is a spirochete one out there. That would be too cool. She loves science, btw.


Oops just seeing this-


Yes, LLMD second appt w/new dr for BOTH her and me (my first) on Friday. No real big herxes for her just yet- increased knee pain but she seems in higher spirits. Lethargy/exhaustion about the same- making it to school 3x/week since Christmas.


Adrenal stuff comes back Thurs.


That is a great thought about the doll/bear- she has her IGI V bear that we got from the drug co that might help. She does have a stuffed bunny that goes w/her to blood tests, etc. so maybe having something specific will help. I know they sell those virus and bacteria stuffed things- wonder if there is a spirochete one out there. That would be too cool. She loves science, btw.





& thank you Momofgirls!


Ok Emerson- that just gave me goosebumps...yikes :P


I'm so glad you're on your way to better health...you really deserve it!!


What did? D:

& thank you!!! Your Lyme pamphlets were a HUGE help to my parents!


Those are just the thing! Maybe I would let her shred them or something when she's healed. ;)


Ok Emerson- that just gave me goosebumps...yikes :P


I'm so glad you're on your way to better health...you really deserve it!!


What did? D:

& thank you!!! Your Lyme pamphlets were a HUGE help to my parents!

That spiral microbe...it made my hair stand up :o . I think we have enough microbes in this house. :D

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