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Are you looking at the general information or at your daughter's specific results? For instance, on the Igenex blood results that we got back, there is information similar to what you are quoting and it was just stating the criteria that was needed for a positive result by Igenex standards or by the standards of the Center for Disease Control (CDC). For your daughter specifically, if it is from Igenex, there should be a VERTICAL list of numbers like 18 kDa, 22 kDa, etc. There should be one of the following symbols next to each number in the vertical list: -, +, ++, IND. A - is negative for that antibody. A + is a postitive, more than one + is a strong positive, and an IND is an Indeterminate -- there was some reaction, but not enough to show a firm postitive.


So, you should look at the ones that have an IND or a + and see if the ones that are so marked meet the criteria for a positive Western Blot by either CDC or Igenex standards. The standards are different for IgG and IgM and different for Igenex and for CDC. The criteria are what is listed in the paragraphs above the vertical lists. That is because some antibodies are very Lyme specific and some aren't, so they want to see a specific set of antibodies before saying it is Lyme. However, an LLMD may interpret your daughter's results differently than the official criteria and may still decide to go ahead and treat.


Hope that helps.


On my girls lab, it says...

Possitive: 5 of the following Borrelia-specific bands:18, 23, 28, 30, 39, 41, 45, 58, 66, and 93


If those were actually your daughter's results, it sounds pretty positive to me (of course, I'm not an MD!) Which lab ran your blood work? And when do you expect your Igenex results back?


On my girls lab, it says...

Possitive: 5 of the following Borrelia-specific bands:18, 23, 28, 30, 39, 41, 45, 58, 66, and 93


Wilma, was that on blood work that was done that was not the Igenex test? Do you think you also got the Western Blot done through the regular lab? What else does it say?




If you got a positive on a Western Blot, then it is very likely positive! Lyme sure would explain your daughter's agony. But was she already being treated for Lyme? Or was she dx with PANDAS? Sorry, don't recall. So, you are waiting for Igenex results too? I certainly would trust a positive from a Western Blot. Did she ever have an obvious tick bite? Rash? I sure hope that this means a road to recovery for your daughter. Keep us posted!



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