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I found this website to be excellent!




The more I read about this the more amazed I am that anyone in authority would still hesitate to err on the side of caution when it comes to mercury in vaccines!!


I recognise the dangers of these diseases and the need to vaccinate against them.....but if only attention had been paid to the first red flags linking mercury to some neuro problems...then by now the illustreous pharmaceutical companies could surely have come up with an alternative preservative to thimerisol!





Thanks for posting that link. I spent a long time on that one this afternoon. I got out my youngest sons vaccine record and used a site on there to check "hot lots-" on most of them, I came up with one or two reports. On about the third one I checked, I got 45 reports and that was only using a time frame of 0-1 year. After I signed off, I realized I should have checked about 0-5 years. There were a few reports of Autism and retardation, most were reports of fever and irritation at the injection site, a couple of cases of sids. Some reported babies screaming, and jumping in their sleep, as if in pain.

I never gave Autism or vaccines much thought a month or two ago, and just quickly scanned the articles I ran across pertaining to these things. Now, it almost seems as if puzzle pieces are coming together, and the fit is a lot better than simply "genetically inherited tourettes". I don't think I have a problem with that diagnosis and am grateful this Dr. bought this abnormal movement disorder to a place that it was medically recognized. My problem is that it should be a start to the diagnosis, not the end. I do believe there is a genetic component, but as I read about thermerisol and even soy formula, if my kids had a certain genetic makeup-and even half of what I've read is true, had one or the other been avoided, the symptoms of this disorder may have stayed where they have been in our families (non existent). I remember reading a study about a certain type of white mice that they used in a trail. They said the findings were significant because there was nothing genetically altered about this type of mouse. It just had a certain makeup, that made it more vulnerable to damage than other mice. I'm sorry to ramble, but the more I read the more incredible it is, that our children have been subjected to such reckless disregard of Facts! And we are denied our right to even suggest, something else may be going on with mainstream Dr.s without fear of being viewed as paranoid and treated in such a condescending manner.UNREAL.

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