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This deserves a highlighted thread. Hmmm...I read the enzymes board too and didn't see this, thanks for catching it!!


I just called www.directlabs.com. They somewhat 'provide' a doctor's signature and then order the tests for you! Not just the hair test (for which they actually use Doctor's data--the same place Pfeiffer uses), but all sorts of other tests.


This is AWESOME for people who can't find a doctor willing to run the tests. You know I am always going to say 'don't actually treat without a doctor's signature'. However, at the very least, if you find some of these issues, you can make a better financial decision to then make the trip or whatever to a good alternative doctor to pursue this




They don't do the labcorp.com zinc/copper test, bummer, but they do a TON of tests.


Hair test for metals doctor's data

Urine test for metals

OAT test (yeast) Metametrix--looks like it covers yeast and some element of glutathione, though different from Great Plains, Metametrix is supposed to be a good lab.

Food allergies (delayed)


I would have assumed there was a mark-up because they sent you the kit, have their doctor sign the form and order it for you. Some of the pricing looks in-line and some are definitely a premium. (food allergy test had a premium, Dr. Data looked in line)


I know that for insurance purposes, you need a doctor's signature, and they said this is a normal MD.


Wow, this is great news. I know that opponents would say that it risks people self-treating. I do think that is a risk. But I look at it as potentially a way to get some indicators to justify the expense of a specialist.


Thanks again Kim, you probably just helped a lot of people. Also, yes, for that price I would do the hair test. Completely harmless and it could give you the info you are looking for.




I'm sick, we just had my oldest son's hair cut. He has always worn it short sides with the short spiky bangs, but the trend seems to be a little longer. He was trying the longer look, got sick of geling in the morning, and got it cut(shaved sides) little longer on top. Can they test 1/4 inch of hair? :lol: We just missed this opportunity by 2 days.


But.. I can finally order the yeast test for younger son (non eater, craves sugar) this is one of my biggest concerns at the moment. I do not have to worry about stopping vit. for yeast testing correct?


Hi Kim,


I would call Doctor's Data and ask re length of hair--it does have to be a certain length. Coincidentally, my son got his hair trimmed right before the test and initially said it was time for a buzz cut. I told him he had to wait due to the Pfeiffer visit (since then he changed his mind).


Yeast requires no supplement change. I assume you aren't giving antifungals (grapeseed extract etc..). If so, I might go 48 hours without them.




I am in the process of ordering the Candida $159.00 test from direst labs. This morning I have been looking at the tests and trying to decide if ordering the organic acid profile $266.00 which would give me some methylation information,yeast and B vitamins, with many other things I'm not fimiliar with, or just to go with the yeast for now, along with the hair element test. My plan is to start youngest son with the eating issues on some digestive enzymes, and try to get a handle on yeast issues if present. I have heard of a gastro. Dr. in our area who has ordered yeast testing for a neighbor of mine. If this test shows a problem, I'm hoping my reg. Ped will refer me to this man so I can started preparing his system for vit/supps. when I get my insurance changed, they are telling me July will be the earliest the change to Blue Cross will go into effect. At that time HOPEFULLY I can start with a DAN/or ALT. medical Dr./possibly Pfeiffer. The rest of the testing should be covered by then. Also I am calling them to see about hair length, and to see if it can come from the bang area for oldest son. I think the odds of him excreting metals is higher since he has been taking Bonnies Vit. and flax/borage for a few months. I have my doubts that youngest would be excreting due to low anti-oxidant levels? Well have to see. I hate to have too many test done now, as I would not to start any heavy duty supplements without guidance of an MD. It doesn't look like the Organic Acid test, tests for Pyroluria, other than giving B vit. info. If anyone has any thoughts on any of this would love the feed back. Thanks!




Kim, wait...I think the Candida test they have is for allergies to it...


In any case, it is quite different from the others tests we are all taking.


I would look at their dysbiosis test for under $200. Plus there is a glutathione test for $40---the two combined give you the key things I liked from Great Plains OAT test.






I'm so glad you're here this morning, thanks. The Dysbiosis Marker is urine, the Candida is blood. The girl I spoke with said they would send me to a Lab Corp. Lab. Does this make any sense? My Peds. office said Lab Corp. didn't do Candida testing. Now I'm throughly confused.

The first part of the Candida test, Immunodiffusion says "to detect precipitating antibodies to both Candida cytoplasm and mannan antigen fraction". I know from prior reading the blood is supposed to be more reliable than urine. The girl I talked to said they are unable to guide you in what tests to order.


Also on the hair element, the hair does have to come from back of the head. She said the bangs are newer growth. She also said hair from south of head, haha is reliable. Can you hear that conversation. Ahhh, son would you mind taking a little sampling, putting it on this tiny scale they sent us, so Mom can mail it away? Oh by the way it has to be 1 inch, so could you measure it too. I think I will have to wait for some head hair growing time.


Got to decide what yeast test Claire. What do you think? Also, thanks for the tip about the Glutathione. That is something I think is worth it for both Now.




Talked to Lab corp. They said they DO do yeast testing. They do either blood or urine, however urine will detect yeast in urinary tract. I told them I was looking for yeast in the digestive tract. She said it sounded like blood would be best. She put me on hold to talk to the technician? He said they can't recommend what test Dr. is to order, but blood yeast culture was a common test.






I don't know Labcorp tests. My knowledge is limited here. THis is what I know:


Urine is the same test that Pfeiffer and the DAN doctor's do. I just give them credit for knowing what they are doing, plus it gives a more consistent basis of comparison. Much less invasive for the child too.



This link shows they measure arabinol--a yeast metabolite in the urine.


My DAN doctor says that Nystatin for yeast doesn't even enter the bloodstream, so I don't see how a bloodtest for Candida works, but I am not a doctor. I know he discounted our blood Candida test for IgE reactions as meaningless in measure yeast.


I know the Great Plains Urine tests don't test for yeast in the bladder, the metabolites from yeast in the gut are excreted in the urine. -again I have no idea what Labcorp does, but I know this about Great Plains arabinol test which a number of us used. I think the Metametrix disbiosis test is the same at Great Plains, but you should call Metametrix to ask. The Great Plains test is the gold standard for yeast.


Sorry I can't help more, really. We had this conversation relative to Immunolabs--I just don't know the blood tests.


Gotta run, crazy day, good luck.






You saved me a ton of money and a mistake that may have made me jump off a bridge. If I would have gotten my Ped to order that lab corp test and it would have been the wrong one, ohhh boy. Some how I keep confusing the blood/urine thing. I talked to 2 Dr.s and about 4 receptionists today at Lab corp. They were all really wonderful there. The bottom line is, the the technical director(Dr. Kevin) said if I wanted the test to measure Arabinitol, he would recommend a lab he visited some years ago, but couldn't think of the name. I supplied Great Smokies and he said "that's it", now rereading your post he was probably thinking of Great Plains. So if I want to get a jump start on yeast, guess I'm back to what you recommended this morning, the Dysbiosis Metabolic Marker through Direct Labs-Metametrix. I have to wonder, if it's high, if any Dr. other than a DAN/ALT Dr. will even know how to treat, if the Dr.s at Lab Corp. are this unfimiliar with this type of testing. Maybe I should wait for insurance, and let the Dr. order the test. :) What a day.




I did order the Dysbiosis Marker Urine test from Direct Labs, cost $187.000. This was pretty easy. The Spectracell 5000 was not so easy. As Claire said (this may have been in a PM) You can order directly from Spectracell, however since this requires a blood draw, I couldn't find a lab that would do the draw without a Dr.s signature. I told the guy I was talking with at Spectracell that I knew someone who had it done without a Dr.s signature. He said it varies from state to state. I called about 7 labs, and they all said the same thing-won't do the draw without Dr. signature.


My reason for wanting to have the Spectracell 5000 done, was again thanks to Claire who said her Dr. recommended that antioxidant levels be checked and high enough to support the body during yeast die off, she was happy to share this info-although again recommened a Dr. guide with supplementing any deficiencies. Claire said her Dr. does the ordering through Great Plains recognised as the best, however this is not a lab I can order from directly, and she was kind enough to point out, that the Urine marker test and the spectracell 2000 may be enough to give me info. for the main issues for treating yeast. However, the spectracell 5000 gives you more info. on vitamine and antioxidant issues. Here are the costs, which are not listed on their website. 5000-$310. 4000-$275 3000-$230 2000-$185, so for $487.00(Spectracell 5000+Dysbiosis Marker)I figured, I would have a pretty good idea what issues we may be dealing with. I really got the blood/urine thing confused, and Claire had explained that once before. :)



Edited May 26

If anyone is considering ordering this test please read this link that questions the validity of test (Dysbiosis Urine) from metametrix.


This one is Metametrix's view




If you do the Great Plains (urine) OAT test for yeast, there are several fruits that need to be avoided 24 hours before because they increase arabinose. From memory, I believe they are apples, grapes and cranberries, but I can't find that for sure now though the directions are clear on their instructions.


This page, from Great Plains re: their OAT panel http://www.greatplainslaboratory.com/Organ...-Acid-Test.html describes some information about their yeast sensitivity test, and how it differs from tests offered by other labs, including Labcorp. I think it's an important test, because the metabolites found might also indicate an overgrowth of clostridia which is often found along with an overgrowth of yeast. Having this information was very important for us in helping our son.





I have already ordered the yeast test from direct labs/metametrix. I would have loved to order through Great Plains, however I can't do that without a Dr. signature. I did just check the Direct lab web site, and this urine marker test does measure clostridial level. Hope it's good enough for now. Once I start with a Specialist, maybe retesting can be done through great Plains. Thanks for the tip in regards to foods to avoid. I had not heard anything about that. Maybe it will be mentioned with test instructions?




Just an update. I received the Dysbiosis Urine test from Direct Labs/Metametrix. Direct labs orders the test kit from Metametrix-Met. sends it to you and you return it to Met. The results will be sent back to Direct Labs who will send them to me. Claire was right, the order from Direct Labs has a Dr's. name on it for Metametrix.

The test was simple. They send you a plastic bottle to collect any urine from overnight, if your child has to go, then you collect first morning urine. They send you a dropper to fill a test tube with, a small ice pack, a biobag to seal sample in, the box to return, and return lable for shipping, then you call Fed ex and they pick up the frozen specimen. Lable for shipping is included in cost paid to Direct labs. They give very detailed instructions. Metametrix said Direct Labs will have the results in 12 to 14 days.


I asked Metametrix about avoiding fruit. They said they don't test the levels that require this. I was disappointed to hear that, since it probably isn't as extensive of a test a Great Plains does, however it is the best I could come up with at this time.

For $187.00 dollars, I sure hope I can rule a problem in this area either in or out.

It was sent out yesterday, Thurs. so now I'm on hold. You can not ship later in the week than Thurs.



Guest Sydney

This is so weird. My husband and I were just now discussing getting our sons nutrtional levels tested by hair analysis. We need a Canadian company (I think). I found this site while I was checking out magnesium deficiencies.

My son has Tourettes syndrome and 3 years ago had a major seizure. His skin is "rashy" (ie bumpy and red), he has allergies, White spots all over his fingernails, spots in his tooth enamel, face and ears flush and get hot, major dandruff, and other things I'm sure I'm forgetting right now! (and although I feel funny mentioning this, we had earlier concerns about his sexual devlopement ie: little noticable sexual growth since about age 2, which I just read could be sign of low magnesium). He has trouble concentrating, forgets things easily, is easily distracted, tires easily etc some of which coluld be related to Trileptol which he takes for his seizure (s).

For years now I have been asking for a complete nutrtional analysis but am getting nowhere. When I mention the white spots in his nails I'm told its trauma related but ALL of them and so many????? My other son doesnt have them! The last time I saw the Neurologist I told him the differences HAVE to add up to something! It can't ALL be just co-incidental.

My son just started taking a magnesium supplement a few weeks ago. This is not with his doctor's approval and frankly I am concerned I may be doing the wrong thing but already I notice positive changes. He's not coming home and sleeping after school and he seems so much calmer. But I would feel much better having a medical basis for it. And I wonder about other things such as lead in his system. When he was younger he got into an "empty" paintstain can and put some in his mouth. Another time he was "helping" his father stain our fence and when his dad turned around he discovered him with both arms in the paint can painting himself all over.( I'm not sure either paint had lead in it but good possibilty). Up to age 3 we lived in an older home that may or may not have had lead pipes or lead based paint, He used to chew on jewellry including the cheap chains that we later found out had lead in them and for awhile, until we found out about the lead in them as well, we had pvc blinds. All of these things are now of a major concern for us!

Does any of this sound familiar and do you think we have good reason to be concerned??????

Any help would be greatly apreciated!





Eating non-food items can be pica (spelling?), which can be from low iron. There is a doctor's list at the top of this forum with alternative MDs who DO understand that nutrition/gut health/toxic metals can impact tics. You should ask over the phone first.


You probably read that Pfeiffer thinks white spots are zinc, though others thing other things like magnesium. Magnesium is one of the most common deficiencies.


You can do a test at www.spectracell.com to uncover most vitamin/mineral/calcium deficiencies (zinc, magnesium, etc...).


Paints after the 1970's should be lead free. But the doctors data hair test above may uncover this anyway.



To all,


I found this interesting 'faulty mineral processing' analysis of the doctor's data hair test. The writer says only 1 in 10 with mercury have it show in the hair test, but offers another way to look at the test to uncover mercury impact.







ps back to work for me!

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