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My "tic" has been worsening over this past year. I turned 17 years old in September and thought that 17 would be the age that my symtoms would start to dissappear. All I have is a head jerking tic but it is getting bad. It went from no one at school ever noticing, to people noticing now. I just can't hold it back. It seems as when I've been trying to watch my diet more, the worse they get. When I ate junk food all day over the past few years, it was a lot milder. Right now though, I am willing to try anything to stop this. I am on the computer for a good 3 hours each day. I also usually do get physical activity playing basketball or whatever with friends each day too. I would also definatly say even at age 17, I am still in puberty. While I am 6 feet tall, I still have a baby fash and can not yet grow much facial hair besides some peach fuzz. I am hoping that when I am finally done adolescence, at around 20, my tics will be done or how they were before. The weird thing about my condition is that, NO ONE in my immediate family has tics. My dad only has OCD. My brother has nothing. My uncles have nothing. My grandfather has nothing. His father had nothing. I do not want to go on a prescription medicine because I take pride in my body and like to work out and play sports. I heard that these medicines will cause very bad side effects. I have also noticed that as my tics increased, my motivaiton for school has dropped. As a kid, I was always the straight A student. Now I have trouble. This is so frustrating because I just want to be successful so bad. Sorry this may sound like a rant, but I just need some options. I have taken magnesium, calcium, b-vitamins, zinc, and taurine. I have always been inconsistent though. I may order the Bontech package and try some Omega essential fatty acids. It's terrible not knowing anyone that understands what you are going through but I am determined to get through this. If you can live with this and overcome it, what can't you get through?


Dear Spartan


just want to give you a (((big hug))) and say I am so sorry you are having a tough time with your tics.


You mention only one tic? a motor tic.....do you have any vocal tics too?

I cant remember if you have TS?

If not you may well be having the tic because of some other issue.......have you ever had allergy tests? checked for pyroluria and the other things like candida and metals etc

The fact that you are seeing this increse now with it being Spring is also interesting as you may well have allergies???


Have you ever tried accupuncture or Chinese herbal therapy?


I couldnt help notice that you boldly said you were not consistent with the supplements......honestly, when my son was on his supp program he really diod have to be consistent with it AND with avoiding artificial additives in his food.


well, all I really can say is dont give up Spartan......I know it can be so very frustrating when you are doing all the right stuff and not getting results, but somewhere there is a treatment that can help.


And vent all you like here. We sure understand.


More (((HUGS))))




Thanks a lot for your post. It means a lot to me. I used to have ONLY vocal tics when I was 5 and 12.. They then went away and now I am only left with the head jerking tic. Sometimes when I start thinking about it, I may start doing a vocal tic, but it is not something I have to do. It is only when I start thinking about it. That is definatly in my head. So I would say that I only have this one motor tic now because I may vocal once every 2 weeks. I definatly have allergies. I get sick a few times a year from allergies. I also was allergic to egg nog when I was younger. Don't know where we can go with this. This was 12 years ago when I was 5 though. I have not been checked for candida, metals, etc. I have also never tried accupuncture. Would you be able to explain this for me? Being consistent is very hard for me. When I actually am consistent, my tics actually do get better and I feel that I don't have to take them anymore because I think that I am better. I also am going to try magnesium taurate because I have been using another form. Thanks for the support!!


Hi Spartan,


I'm sorry to hear that your tics are becoming distressing for you. I understand your frustration. Since you mentioned that you are on the computer for a good 3 hours a day there might be a light at the end of the tunnel! Look back at the posts about TV and screens. Go back awhile. Claire noticed a reaction to screens (TV/computer/video games/gameboy) and created a poll about it. Judging from the replies, you may very well have good luck if you can either avoid being on the computer so much or change it to an LCD monitor.


Good luck and keep us posted.




Hi again Spartan


my son has always found accupuncture to be one of the fastest tic calmers around.

You do need a qualified clinical therapist for this to be properly done tho.


If you need specific info on the pyroluria etc you can either search the topics here, or just ask here and those with specific knowledge in the various areas will be glad to help answer any questions


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