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Well it was ok.....

He is integrative..and does treat some lyme patients with Marshal protocall...i just know a smidge about it...


He was ehhh

I think he would be a good starting point for someone in the area who is just starting the panda/pit/lyme research/avenues...

i believe they do vitc iv...glutithione..etc there..


his starting questions felt like, what you see on tv from an pyschologist visit...

what are you here for..

what do you want from us..

how do you think we can help...


IDK...that's why i'm here....


anyway..his assistant knows all my DANS.not just aquaintances..she was awesome..loved her..i will be researching her/she worked at princeton univ..in neuro something...husband is a nuero something...(sorry trying to type and 3 kids at home for x weeks ...and the fighting OMG)...

i just think i am way advanced(which is a scary thought) for what they can offer at this point...so i will probalby just stick with my other docs..which i wasn't planning on changing...but he doesn't know if it's lymes??? which is why i went

i respect that....but i feel like it was a wasted visit....he did order a couple more tests??? cd57 included....

but with my sons history...curled toe nails..bruxism..vocal explosion with original steroid burst...wonderful response to taper..extremely positive reponse to parasite formula...2 pretty indicative igenex tests and etc on list of things

. i am starting to get more convinced it is lymes..or lyme mimic...no matter cd57 results...

and would like to target it as such....


steph ...i know you were waiting on this...i think you are way way beyond this...but again the assistant..she KNOWS all your guys persoanlly...so i will investigate with the dans if they have more thoughts on him


i did learn that the FDA..besides limiting acetomehophyn(tylenol)in abx...they are going to limit the amount of vit c you can get in an IV....it makes me so mad...i never used iv c.(i am using hd at home)..but they are sure helping the pharmaseticals stay in business...

he does have pandas patients...though i dont know what he does for it...as he seemed not to thrilled with long term abx...and that is not what i was there for....

mind you ...he usually doesn't work on fridays and is making up time...maybe he was not on his game and having a bad day...

we will see what happens with follow up...there are always somethings to take away


he knows and likes lnd...was curious why i discontinued spironolatone....i told him my concerns with boys and hormones, long term..he said i had a good point...

told he we were off meletonin as things were so good...

he said meletonin is a natural anti-inflam..at .5 g it is the natural amount found in body..should not have concerns about not acutally needing it and that dosage level disregulating anything.....

concerns about NAC going forward even at 250mg and yeast being an issue for ds...


and i agree somewhat with someones post..for our kids they probably need abx (not herbals)at least to start..as we are talking about very sick kids with alot of underlying coinfections that have probably been there a very long time...but i have seen some very good things with herbals



so lastly...can i ask the board for another referral in the Atlanta/alpharetta GA area...

i am seeing the B in MD in 2 weeks...i just wonder if i should see another doc..

or do i just follow what the doc i saw may come back with...or just see what the MD visit brings....

as i don't suspect i will follow through too long with this particular doc

but it would be nice to have a doc at a drivable visit....i think 8 hrs round trip is the best i can do for a day trip


Well it was ok.....

He is integrative..and does treat some lyme patients with Marshal protocall...i just know a smidge about it...


He was ehhh

I think he would be a good starting point for someone in the area who is just starting the panda/pit/lyme research/avenues...

i believe they do vitc iv...glutithione..etc there..


his starting questions felt like, what you see on tv from an pyschologist visit...

what are you here for..

what do you want from us..

how do you think we can help...


IDK...that's why i'm here....


anyway..his assistant knows all my DANS.not just aquaintances..she was awesome..loved her..i will be researching her/she worked at princeton univ..in neuro something...husband is a nuero something...(sorry trying to type and 3 kids at home for x weeks ...and the fighting OMG)...

i just think i am way advanced(which is a scary thought) for what they can offer at this point...so i will probalby just stick with my other docs..which i wasn't planning on changing...but he doesn't know if it's lymes??? which is why i went

i respect that....but i feel like it was a wasted visit....he did order a couple more tests??? cd57 included....

but with my sons history...curled toe nails..bruxism..vocal explosion with original steroid burst...wonderful response to taper..extremely positive reponse to parasite formula...2 pretty indicative igenex tests and etc on list of things

. i am starting to get more convinced it is lymes..or lyme mimic...no matter cd57 results...

and would like to target it as such....


steph ...i know you were waiting on this...i think you are way way beyond this...but again the assistant..she KNOWS all your guys persoanlly...so i will investigate with the dans if they have more thoughts on him


i did learn that the FDA..besides limiting acetomehophyn(tylenol)in abx...they are going to limit the amount of vit c you can get in an IV....it makes me so mad...i never used iv c.(i am using hd at home)..but they are sure helping the pharmaseticals stay in business...

he does have pandas patients...though i dont know what he does for it...as he seemed not to thrilled with long term abx...and that is not what i was there for....

mind you ...he usually doesn't work on fridays and is making up time...maybe he was not on his game and having a bad day...

we will see what happens with follow up...there are always somethings to take away


he knows and likes lnd...was curious why i discontinued spironolatone....i told him my concerns with boys and hormones, long term..he said i had a good point...

told he we were off meletonin as things were so good...

he said meletonin is a natural anti-inflam..at .5 g it is the natural amount found in body..should not have concerns about not acutally needing it and that dosage level disregulating anything.....

concerns about NAC going forward even at 250mg and yeast being an issue for ds...


and i agree somewhat with someones post..for our kids they probably need abx (not herbals)at least to start..as we are talking about very sick kids with alot of underlying coinfections that have probably been there a very long time...but i have seen some very good things with herbals



so lastly...can i ask the board for another referral in the Atlanta/alpharetta GA area...

i am seeing the B in MD in 2 weeks...i just wonder if i should see another doc..

or do i just follow what the doc i saw may come back with...or just see what the MD visit brings....

as i don't suspect i will follow through too long with this particular doc

but it would be nice to have a doc at a drivable visit....i think 8 hrs round trip is the best i can do for a day trip

It is a good idea to see Dr B in MD so that you can get the opinion of a lyme expert. He is very likeable and super smart. He can get you started and for established patients whom he has seen in person he is willing to do telephone appointments occasionally for those who live out of town so long as you get your blood work done to check liver etc. I have a number of family members who have done that with him. I would do the cd57 test before you go so you have that info with you. The results come back in two days sometimes. Remember to do it through labcorp. Dr B is also about as inexpensive as it gets for a llmd and I think that even if you find a closer llmd it is always nice to have a second llmd you can consult with especially regarding kids' treatment. He treats a lot of kids.


I know what you mean about the fda getting involved in vitamin supplements. Crazy. Don't they have more important things to monitor??!It will be horrible if we are unable to buy natural supplements in the future without going through a pharmaceutical company that will likely charge a lot more and change the product for the worse so that it can be patented as they have done with synthetic hormones. What is lnd? Do you mean low dose naltrexone?


Do you know why he was concerned about NAC? interesting comment about melatonin.


Well it was ok.....

He is integrative..and does treat some lyme patients with Marshal protocall...i just know a smidge about it...


He was ehhh

I think he would be a good starting point for someone in the area who is just starting the panda/pit/lyme research/avenues...

i believe they do vitc iv...glutithione..etc there..


his starting questions felt like, what you see on tv from an pyschologist visit...

what are you here for..

what do you want from us..

how do you think we can help...


IDK...that's why i'm here....


anyway..his assistant knows all my DANS.not just aquaintances..she was awesome..loved her..i will be researching her/she worked at princeton univ..in neuro something...husband is a nuero something...(sorry trying to type and 3 kids at home for x weeks ...and the fighting OMG)...

i just think i am way advanced(which is a scary thought) for what they can offer at this point...so i will probalby just stick with my other docs..which i wasn't planning on changing...but he doesn't know if it's lymes??? which is why i went

i respect that....but i feel like it was a wasted visit....he did order a couple more tests??? cd57 included....

but with my sons history...curled toe nails..bruxism..vocal explosion with original steroid burst...wonderful response to taper..extremely positive reponse to parasite formula...2 pretty indicative igenex tests and etc on list of things

. i am starting to get more convinced it is lymes..or lyme mimic...no matter cd57 results...

and would like to target it as such....


steph ...i know you were waiting on this...i think you are way way beyond this...but again the assistant..she KNOWS all your guys persoanlly...so i will investigate with the dans if they have more thoughts on him


i did learn that the FDA..besides limiting acetomehophyn(tylenol)in abx...they are going to limit the amount of vit c you can get in an IV....it makes me so mad...i never used iv c.(i am using hd at home)..but they are sure helping the pharmaseticals stay in business...

he does have pandas patients...though i dont know what he does for it...as he seemed not to thrilled with long term abx...and that is not what i was there for....

mind you ...he usually doesn't work on fridays and is making up time...maybe he was not on his game and having a bad day...

we will see what happens with follow up...there are always somethings to take away


he knows and likes lnd...was curious why i discontinued spironolatone....i told him my concerns with boys and hormones, long term..he said i had a good point...

told he we were off meletonin as things were so good...

he said meletonin is a natural anti-inflam..at .5 g it is the natural amount found in body..should not have concerns about not acutally needing it and that dosage level disregulating anything.....

concerns about NAC going forward even at 250mg and yeast being an issue for ds...


and i agree somewhat with someones post..for our kids they probably need abx (not herbals)at least to start..as we are talking about very sick kids with alot of underlying coinfections that have probably been there a very long time...but i have seen some very good things with herbals



so lastly...can i ask the board for another referral in the Atlanta/alpharetta GA area...

i am seeing the B in MD in 2 weeks...i just wonder if i should see another doc..

or do i just follow what the doc i saw may come back with...or just see what the MD visit brings....

as i don't suspect i will follow through too long with this particular doc

but it would be nice to have a doc at a drivable visit....i think 8 hrs round trip is the best i can do for a day trip


Sorry, I don't know of a good Dr. in your area but boy Dr. B in MD is awesome. He really seems to know his stuff. He will not start off the appt. like the doc you just saw. He's very logical and kind. He's direct & confident but not cocky. He was more serious at the first part of the initial visit but we were all joking by the time he got to the 2nd and 3rd hour...long but sooooo worth it. He'll at least get you on the right track and maybe can refer you to someone down your way. We have seen him 2x now in the past 7 wks and finally have made huge strides after a long year w/ only tx-ing PANDAS. We definitely think our DS6 has had Lyme or some infection/issues since birth...poor little guy. My DH always described him as "discontent" much of the time. We could never quite put our finger on it. When we left Dr. B's office, I asked DH, what do we do about our appt in Feb w/ Dr. J in CT? I feel so confident w/ Dr. B. But...Dr. J is fantastic. We decided to still go for that 2nd opinion w/ Dr. J b/c we just don't want to miss anything w/ our 2 sick kids. We think Dr. B is great especially for me, but want that extra opinion for our kids since we've waited months to see Dr. J. I hope you get a lot of answers from Dr. B. and you see improvement soon. :D




Sorry, I don't know of a good Dr. in your area but boy Dr. B in MD is awesome. He really seems to know his stuff. He will not start off the appt. like the doc you just saw. He's very logical and kind. He's direct & confident but not cocky. He was more serious at the first part of the initial visit but we were all joking by the time he got to the 2nd and 3rd hour...long but sooooo worth it. He'll at least get you on the right track and maybe can refer you to someone down your way. We have seen him 2x now in the past 7 wks and finally have made huge strides after a long year w/ only tx-ing PANDAS. We definitely think our DS6 has had Lyme or some infection/issues since birth...poor little guy. My DH always described him as "discontent" much of the time. We could never quite put our finger on it. When we left Dr. B's office, I asked DH, what do we do about our appt in Feb w/ Dr. J in CT? I feel so confident w/ Dr. B. But...Dr. J is fantastic. We decided to still go for that 2nd opinion w/ Dr. J b/c we just don't want to miss anything w/ our 2 sick kids. We think Dr. B is great especially for me, but want that extra opinion for our kids since we've waited months to see Dr. J. I hope you get a lot of answers from Dr. B. and you see improvement soon. :D



That's what we did but the other way around. We had been to see Dr. Jones several times before starting with Dr. B. I went to him first when I lost my first lyme doctor and I was not sure if I was going to stay with him b/c I was still sick after one lyme treatment and wanted to be sure I got someone good the second time around. Any questions about him evaporated with my first appointment because it was obvious that he knew what he was doing and he was aggressive with lyme, which is what I needed. I decided to have him treat our kids along with Dr J b/c he does more than just treat lyme-he looks at heavy metals, nutrition, etc. and it is all very helpful. We ended up seeing both doctors over a year and a half and I can say with certainty that either one would have done a great job on his own but we were lucky to have them both. Neither one has a problem with second opinions just glad you use a llmd. They were basically in agreement on the treatment approach b/c they both follow ilads guidelines. Even after lyme treatment DR B is our doctor-never going back to a traditional non integrative doctor again unless I have a specific need for one :-).


Since we are sadly looking for a new LLMD, I got a list I just sent to you. We will probably head up to see Dr. Beals if nothing else pans out and seems to fit. Thanks for the update on your visit here. I was wondering about this doc.




thanks for all the replies...

makes me wish i didn't have to resched apt from next week to farther out...mannnnnn!!!!


yes i meant to type ldn....


nac feeds yeast..which is one of the reasons i have him down to 250mg

as an example..i don't know if anyone is interested in this thread from lymebusters regarding NAC and yeast




vit c also helps maintian glutithione....so maybe since ds is on hd i can just eliminate the rest anyway...maybe..


the meletonin thing was very interesting....will look more into that later


yes..there is a concern about FDA getting involved with the vitamins....they have done such a great job with cigaerettes over the last 50 years...


Suzan thanks for the list...if you want to discuss some of them..lets talk...a couple good finds if even 1/2 way as good as the infamous doc b(llmd)


who knows...maybe this doc will have some amazing new info or protocal or idea to try ...


went back to my herbal store....Gosh i am lucky to have them close...they know so much....

in meantime i will continue to work on ds bowels and gut...no pain or anything..but not in harmony....as who's is with all the chlorine in our water and blah, blah, blah...

and will probably redo the parasite formula thingy......


Hi Fixit,


Sounds like not the greatest... and maybe you would be better served elsewhere. But perhaps useful for some things.

The Marshall Protocol would throw up a caution flag for me. We had a thread going here a while back if you want to look at that. I would just urge great caution before going down that path.


Look forward to hearing your thoughts after your Dr. B appointment... I suspect you will see a great contrast.


And yes, if you want to PM me, I'd like to hear about your experiences with parasite cleanse when you get a chance.





thanks for all the replies...

makes me wish i didn't have to resched apt from next week to farther out...mannnnnn!!!!


yes i meant to type ldn....


nac feeds yeast..which is one of the reasons i have him down to 250mg

as an example..i don't know if anyone is interested in this thread from lymebusters regarding NAC and yeast




vit c also helps maintian glutithione....so maybe since ds is on hd i can just eliminate the rest anyway...maybe..


the meletonin thing was very interesting....will look more into that later


yes..there is a concern about FDA getting involved with the vitamins....they have done such a great job with cigaerettes over the last 50 years...


Suzan thanks for the list...if you want to discuss some of them..lets talk...a couple good finds if even 1/2 way as good as the infamous doc b(llmd)


who knows...maybe this doc will have some amazing new info or protocal or idea to try ...


went back to my herbal store....Gosh i am lucky to have them close...they know so much....

in meantime i will continue to work on ds bowels and gut...no pain or anything..but not in harmony....as who's is with all the chlorine in our water and blah, blah, blah...

and will probably redo the parasite formula thingy......

If you are flexible on when you go you can tell his secretary that you are interested in any cancellations and she will call if one comes up. This happens frequently so you can get in sooner if you are flexible.


@ LymeMom--Thanks for the input. Glad to know you used the same docs we're seeing and to know you had success w/ them. We are really looking forward to Dr. J's opinion. I booked Dr. J at the end of Oct. when I had a strong feeling Lyme could be the culprit and it's been a gift (appt. is on my b-day!) we're counting down to! But within a week or two of booking w/ Dr. J, I got very sick and simultaneously a local wishy washy LLMD pointed out the kids' positive IgG Bartonella Igenex results which our immunologist in CT failed to explain b/c he interprets the test differently (I'm assuming). To me it seemed our immunologist was interpretting the results more like the infectious disease dr's school of thought. TPotter was so kind to give me Dr. Beal's info that weekend before Thanksgiving. I called Mon. and the receptionist I spoke to(whose mom happens to have LD) must have a special spot in her heart for LD patients. She had 2 cancellations the following day and she managed to get Dr. B to stay late during his holiday week/his family in town so that he could see all 3 of us.


Does Dr. J agree w/ the fact Dr. B put my kids on natural chelators to release metal toxins?I wonder why he doesn't make that part of his treatment. Dr. B doesn't have us on any extreme supplementation regimen but I like his philosophy of getting important vit./mineral levels up to par and detoxifying heavy metals in body to get the immune system to a healthy level. He thinks a healthy immune system and abx's are the key to clearing the Lyme and avoiding a relapse. I laugh when I think back to how healthy I thought I was. I mean a few years back I was. But especially in the past year when the kids were so sick, I was getting minimal hours of sleep, eating poorly, STRESSED and not exercising like I had in the past. But still thought I was invincible. I know better now. Dr. Beals made me realize that this healthy mindset doesn't stop even after LD treatment. He joked w/ me that he's really 106 yrs. old but he practices what he preaches and is holding up well! LOL!


I agree w/ sticking w/ an integrative dr. after all we've been thru. Our kids' peds and family dr. pre-PANDAS/pre-Lyme gave us minimal mins of their time @ an appt and just didn't have the insight we've found w/ Dr. Beals.


@TPotter--So sorry to hear about your husband. I pray he has a speedy recovery. I hadn't seen you on the boards lately. Now I know why. Stay strong. :)


On a happy note, my kids who were too sick to have b-day parties last Sept and Oct are on a good enough track that we booked a party for them in 2 wks. I promised that once they were doing better, we'd celebrate their b-day's w/ friends. They never let me forgot nor did I want to! I just couldn't plan parties back then when my DD was plagued w/ contamination OCD and daily meltdowns where it looked like her head was literally sewn to the carpet until I could physically put her in an epsom salt bath and wait for her decompress. And my DS whose rage, frustration, defiance were so heightened for him, some days it was unbearable. Gosh, his actually b-day was one of his worst days ever for him. One major difference, back then both were on steroids (Dr. Beals cringed @ that) and we weren't targeting the Lyme w/ the best mix of abx nor were we combating the yeast. I pray we never go back to that dark time.


@ LymeMom--Thanks for the input. Glad to know you used the same docs we're seeing and to know you had success w/ them. We are really looking forward to Dr. J's opinion. I booked Dr. J at the end of Oct. when I had a strong feeling Lyme could be the culprit and it's been a gift (appt. is on my b-day!) we're counting down to! But within a week or two of booking w/ Dr. J, I got very sick and simultaneously a local wishy washy LLMD pointed out the kids' positive IgG Bartonella Igenex results which our immunologist in CT failed to explain b/c he interprets the test differently (I'm assuming). To me it seemed our immunologist was interpretting the results more like the infectious disease dr's school of thought. TPotter was so kind to give me Dr. Beal's info that weekend before Thanksgiving. I called Mon. and the receptionist I spoke to(whose mom happens to have LD) must have a special spot in her heart for LD patients. She had 2 cancellations the following day and she managed to get Dr. B to stay late during his holiday week/his family in town so that he could see all 3 of us.


Does Dr. J agree w/ the fact Dr. B put my kids on natural chelators to release metal toxins?I wonder why he doesn't make that part of his treatment. Dr. B doesn't have us on any extreme supplementation regimen but I like his philosophy of getting important vit./mineral levels up to par and detoxifying heavy metals in body to get the immune system to a healthy level. He thinks a healthy immune system and abx's are the key to clearing the Lyme and avoiding a relapse. I laugh when I think back to how healthy I thought I was. I mean a few years back I was. But especially in the past year when the kids were so sick, I was getting minimal hours of sleep, eating poorly, STRESSED and not exercising like I had in the past. But still thought I was invincible. I know better now. Dr. Beals made me realize that this healthy mindset doesn't stop even after LD treatment. He joked w/ me that he's really 106 yrs. old but he practices what he preaches and is holding up well! LOL!


I agree w/ sticking w/ an integrative dr. after all we've been thru. Our kids' peds and family dr. pre-PANDAS/pre-Lyme gave us minimal mins of their time @ an appt and just didn't have the insight we've found w/ Dr. Beals.


@TPotter--So sorry to hear about your husband. I pray he has a speedy recovery. I hadn't seen you on the boards lately. Now I know why. Stay strong. :)


On a happy note, my kids who were too sick to have b-day parties last Sept and Oct are on a good enough track that we booked a party for them in 2 wks. I promised that once they were doing better, we'd celebrate their b-day's w/ friends. They never let me forgot nor did I want to! I just couldn't plan parties back then when my DD was plagued w/ contamination OCD and daily meltdowns where it looked like her head was literally sewn to the carpet until I could physically put her in an epsom salt bath and wait for her decompress. And my DS whose rage, frustration, defiance were so heightened for him, some days it was unbearable. Gosh, his actually b-day was one of his worst days ever for him. One major difference, back then both were on steroids (Dr. Beals cringed @ that) and we weren't targeting the Lyme w/ the best mix of abx nor were we combating the yeast. I pray we never go back to that dark time.


I am so glad your kids are getting better! That is great news. Dr J didn't every have a problem with the other stuff we were doing. He was not impressed with a hair test and suggested the blood test was better but did not order one for my kids. Their hair tests showed a lot of heavy metals especially arsenic so I figured that the natural slow detox that Beals recommended would be a good idea regardless. Not sure if Dr J tested vitamin B which Dr Beals thinks is important. Just can't remember. Dr. J is used to working with patients who use other practitioners as well and does not seem to have a huge ego at all. In fact his staff is happy when patients have local llmds b/c they just want to save these kids one way or another. I think Dr J understands all of this stuff and has seen it all even if he doesn't do as much in the way of detox and nutrition as an integrative doctor does. Dr Beals does have a great sense of humor :-). I have so much respect for him and he clearly LOVES his work. He is passionate about helping people but he is not militant about diet, etc. He lives in the real world :-). He is a clinical nutritionist too and this makes him more aware of the importance of nutritional supplementation if needed.

Posted (edited)

first omg...i hate typing a long thing on here and it gets lost.....i should know better and type on word first...

Nancy sorry i didn't see the post before...


ds has curled nails that once the whit part starts..it just kinda hugs his skind around his toe...like if you dipped it in wax...so weired..thgouth that was from hubbiels side...all my dss have that...showed doct the other day when i went and they said...look at that..hmmm.


ds ground his teeth so bad as a child it got to the nerve and it didn't look like he had teeth..just a small crescents in his gum line...we keep an eye on it as his adults are in...and he used a guard for a while...i grind like a feind too


in getting ready to do dot blot..my doc would not add another abx to challenge/provocate test....from what i heard you need a different and combo to do this test right...and my doc did not want to do anything other than the 250 zith he was already on....

so when the test came in...it suggests several herbs...and some for specifice parasites/spiroketes....

so i did my best guess..and i actully think i targeted the wrong one...did understand what band 39 was....

went to my herbal store..which i can't say enough about...so knowledgeable...and went for it that way...adding the herbs..giving it 24 hours before 1st sample and so on....

test came back 1 and 2 positive..3 rd neg....

but by the 3rd i had upped the zith to 500 for 48 hours alreday...so maybe that killed it all..maybe that made them rund and hide...

i don't know enough about the test...but maybe there were some but not enought for a pos

also that 3rd test..i had to use a cup i washed out as ds dropped it in the toilet before he even started to urinae on the 1st sample...called igenex..they said wash it out and let it air dry..idk...

if all 3 were pos that would be pos per cdc....

and if ds39 was pos instead of ind he would be cdc pos too

from what i hear 1 pos on the dot blot can be considered pos

can you imagine the result with the right abx....

or maybe he's just really infected?

the one lyme doc i talked to for 1/2 a minute said you can do this test 15 times and will come out neg..you have to catch it in the right cycle


Pacific i hope that answers some questions...

dh left for a week...i am kinda down..realizing the week ahead...still concerned about ds8 panda...doing better...but just need reassurance and will post tomorrow about him....need some hand holding..and don't know how i going to handle more than 1 kid like this and we haven't even hit the teen years yet...

Edited by Fixit

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