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Looks like we are going to go to Disney in April when DS7 has spring break with our neighbors/best friends. I am really worried about the crowds and lines. Waiting for ANYTHING is just not something he can do right now. He also has sensory defensiveness and has been known to punch anyone who touches his wrong.


I know about the guest assistance passes that anyone with autism can get so they don't have to wait in the full line. I was just looking it up and saw they will consider ANY disability. We do have an Aspergers diagnosis, but I KNOW it's inaccurate so I would feel really bad "using" that.


Has anyone here gone to disney and gotten the pass? I'm wondering if anyone actually said PANDAS and got one. We have a host of DX to choose from...




Sensory defensiveness



Intermittent Explosive Disorder



As with IEP's, don't feel bad using a dx even if in your heart you know it's PANDAS and not the Aspergers, OCD, etc. Until society, the med community, and the public decide to treat our children with respect and equality, we need to do what we can.

Posted (edited)

We went to Disney a few years ago, before pandas diagnosis, before things were bad, when we just thought things were sensory integration disorder. After we got there, and I learned about those passes, I joked and said I bet we could get one. I sure do wish we had. Like I said, things weren't even bad then and we could have benefited. I totally underestimated the sensory overload when we went. My husband and I would have had a much better time if we didn't have to "control" in the lines and stuff. I say use as many dxes as you can. Don't feel guilty at all, it will make your experience better!!! And Disney, especially, is so customer-oriented, they want you to have a good time and get the most out of the experience. That was Walt's dream!! And if it makes you feel better, you don't have to use it all the time!! Have fun!!

Edited by forjpj

One thing that helped us was to ALWAYS use the Fast Pass system. It is really fun to walk past those long lines of people and it really cuts down on the exhaustion and anxiety.


Havent been to Disney in a while ,Sea world gsve us fast pass and six flags gives them too.Dont bother with the PANDAS DX they really dont know about that say tourette syndrome ,ADHD , Aspergers Autism Dx that will work .Its not like they ask for a DR note.


Enjoy it




Ah! Forgot about the tourettes DX. Have that one too ;)


They DO ask for a drs note. Doesn't sound like anything really major though - just a note. I don't have a problem with that.


Glad you posted this. Amazing what info. we can share on this site! We're leaving for Disney in 1 week and I've been getting quite anxious. DS4 was only diagnosed 1 month ago (the trip was already planned) we need special precautions to keep him from picking up any viruses (on the plane primarily) but wasn't sure what to think of the Disney experience. We were there last year, before the diagnosis and we too thought it was just sensory issues he was struggling with. We limited to 3 hours a day (which gets expensive!) and had to deal with a few meltdowns but NOTHING like we've seen lately. Those meltdowns were mild. :(

So, thanks for raising the question. I'll be looking into the pass and can share how it goes. Not sure what diagnosis to give.


We live close to Disneyland and dd has been going regularly and they have never asked us what her dx is. We got a note from her DAN! just stating that she has extreme emotional lability and is unable to wait in lines. Something along the lines of, "if you want this place to stay the happiest place on earth, you better get that kid to the front of the line!" LOL My dd is only 3 though and nonverbal so it may be a little easier.




Info. about the pass says it doesn't allow you to go to the front of the line.? So, not sure how much it would help us. He does need the stroller because of foot and knee pain. Did they give you problems going to the front?


I'm with Vickie as well. You use the dx you have. Sure they're wrong sometimes, but they're also evidence of the real problem you have, and it's just the imperfect medication community doing their best to document that for you. It's because the other ones aren't accepted that you ended up with the ones you did. Use them and enjoy!


We're only an hour from Disney, and have our first family trip planned this spring for my daughter's 5th birthday. I NEVER would have thought of this, and one of the reasons we haven't done Disney sooner is because of our son's issues around crowds/noises, etc...


Excellent information to have!!




While you may not be able to jump to the front of the line, if there are social issues (crowds, waiting etc...) I think that they do have special waiting areas that are seperate from the regular lines. Somewhat unfortunate though since part of the magic of Disney is how interactive and entertaining they make waiting for most of their attractions!


I think it's like the scooter/wheelchair lines - or maybe they just let you in the fast pass? When we went a few years ago, my mom was in a scooter. I was so embarassed at first, but got to appreciate it REAL quick! We went to a seperate entrance. I noticed a few group homes with us at times - one lady having a total fit. Since I oversee GH's for the state, I can usually tell a group like that. So I'm hoping that's what it is. Although waiting in a seperate, more peaceful area is fine as well.


As I read somewhere else... I'd gladly take a healthy happy child and an hour long wait over a chance to shorten my wait time at Disney ;)

As I read somewhere else... I'd gladly take a healthy happy child and an hour long wait over a chance to shorten my wait time at Disney ;)


Yes, of course you would! Regardless of what you 'know' is causing which issues... do not give it a second thought! The only way I would want someone to be concerned about that is if a child really did not need the pass for any reason. In this case, you truly need it and are not seeking to take advantage. Your child, you and your family have been through enough... we spend our sleepless nights searching for answers to help our children and their waking hours, trying to get them through the day - it's draining and stressful and we are not always very good about taking care of ourselves. People close to me have been reminding me recently that we must do this so we can be there for our kids... and I'm realizing they are right - we'll see how well I follow through! Ha! ;p


Get the doctor's note, get the pass and have a wonderful break! Let us know how it goes - hope you all have a great time! :)

  • 3 months later...

I guess my post here is late, but can still be usefull for others in the future. My niece has Type 1 diabetes and can't let her insulin pump be out in the hot sun for too long. I've visited Disneyworld twice with her. She and her whole party essentially have a fast pass to every ride.


For those not familiar with how it works, it essentially means that your wait for the rides will be less than 15 minutes. For many rides there will be no wait.


I've only been to DW twice and each time with her. Honestly, I couldn't imagine doing it any other way.

Posted (edited)

If you have a medical reason they have a separate entrance... it is where wheelchairs would access it as well. It is different from the fast pass... you don't have to go to certain rides at certain times... We don't need and could never justify it for the children but my dh happened to have broken his ankle shortly before our trip and was in a walking boot.. We didn't even think to get a pass but someone who works there actually stopped us while we were waiting on line and told us to go to guest services and get one.. We didn't wait more than 5 minutes for anything but we went in March at a time that was not very croweded to begin with... I felt a little guilty about it but they are the ones who sent us to get it. I can't even imagine the next time we go having to wait on lines because my kids got spoiled not waiting... I might have to break dh's foot first ;)



OOPS... I just realized this was a bumped post.. and that you have already probably gone ;)

Edited by ajcire

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