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Hey There

Anyone recommend a good vitamin for tics? Also, how much mag and vitamin B6 should I be giving him a day? Anything else other then omega 3? He is 9 years old and weighs 55 lbs. :unsure:

Thanks for your help,


Posted (edited)

Hi BikeWP,

I think you'll find Megan's thread very informative on several notes, especially the multivitamin. It's worth taking a few minutes to read through:





And here's a good thread for the omegas also worth reading; omegas can be tricky since different sources of them seem to have different effects on different kids:




I'm not sure if Bonnie Grimaldi's TSPlus vitamins are mentioned in the multivitamin link, but that's another one to consider.


We think the potent multivitamin we use (Kirkman's Spectrum Complete) probably provides enough B6, so we don't supplement that on top of the multi.



Searching on the two topics will bring you to lots of links on the fora (as a sometimes Latin teacher, I can't write 'forums' :) Good luck!




Oh... regarding the magnesium. We use one named Natural Calm in the powder form. 1 teaspoon nightly. We used to give one in the morning too, but since starting his multi a couple of months ago, which has roughly the same amount of mg in a single dose as a dose of the Natural Calm, we stopped the morning dose of NC.

Edited by Cj60


I have been doing Natural Calm, Omega 3 capsules ( I have bought a higher strength syrup but the taste is awful and can't get DS to take it!) and Epsom Bath Salts.

If you get a good multi it may also have extra magnesium in it.

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