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I posted last week regarding my five year old son. His Imuno Bloodprint came back as sensitive to wheat, bananas, yeast, milk, eggs, and cheese. Just as I was trying to understand that he came back with a high level of candida positive.


I am trying but having much difficulty in doing this diet. He is also on several supplements including a probiotic and a prescription for nystatin. Is it my understanding that the yeast could be the reason for his tics? My doctor came highly recommended but is very hard to get on the phone to answer my many questions.


I tried the yeast free bread and my son threw it up. I am also having a very hard time getting all of the supplements in him. I just feel lost right now and could use some direction. Thanks!


Hi there,


I remember reading your post last week about diet and I meant to reply but did not get around to it. I was also very overwhelmed with the diet changes - I have three small children and am busy enough without baking from scratch. While I am still in the process of learning and reorganizing my kitchen to make it function better, it is getting easier. We had to eliminate all dairy, soy, gluten (wheat), and eggs. Quite a challenge when you are used to buying a lot of convenience foods. I did buy a bread maker after buying several gluten free breads which no one would eat - the baby actually did throw up after eating it - it is disgusting - at least all the white rice breads we tried. I was trying to get as close to plain white bread as possible. After about 5-6 attempts with the breadmaker, changing the recipe a little each time - we did finally have some success - although the kids will only eat it the day it is freshly made. I bought a breadmaker that makes bread in 1 hour 10 minutes - so it is not too bad. I also started baking and found a few recipes that work and stick with them for the most part. A couple cookies. pancakes, cupcakes - the end result is nothing like Martha Stewart recipes which are full of butter etc - but the kids like them well enough. I cleared the kitchen of all foods that the kids could not have - so they would not be upset seeing something and being told they cannot have it. We know my middle child has allergies to all the same things - although we have no medical concerns with him - but with hope by catching the food allergies early we will possibly prevent PANDAS in him.

With respect to getting vitamins into kids, I have heard of some giving vitamin shakes, and finding all the vitamins that are in liquid/powder form and adding them. We have switched to goats milk and almond milk - the almond chocolate is quite good. We have also been making gluten free pizza dough in the breadmaker which is remarkably easy and very delicious - we use goats cheese - it come as hard mozzarella, cheddar etc. I had always thought of goats cheese as only soft. It grates fine and the kids have not noticed any difference.

I have resorted at times to giving treats for things during this journey we are on - when we went off tv he earned money for a toy. There have been some days recently my son has grumbled a bit about the vitamins. This is fairly new - I have on occasion given him something he really likes once he has finished his vitamins.

Sorry if I am rambling, not sure if any of the info is helpful - I know how overwhelming it all is. What I can tell you is when we went 100% off the foods the changes we saw in my son were incredible - and happened within a few days to a week. We were only hoping for a reduction in tics - but his concentration improved, his fine motor skills improved - these were actually things we were really not concerned about - so were amazed to see how much better he was able to function globally when his immune system was not being assaulted. He is also happy pretty much all the time, a real joy to parent. The teacher was shocked - he had not been a problem in school and was doing fine academically - but the shift in his focus and his improvement in handwriting and drawing was incredible. The other thing we noticed immediately with the vitamins was he started to sleep 2 extra hours a night.

I do not know much about the yeast - although it is something I am hoping to look into this week - my son was on antibiotics for over 4 months with no probiotics so I am sure this is an issue for him - from all that I have read - yeast can be a problem that results in tics. I have read that when treating yeast some kids get a little worse before they get better - "die off" I think, or a 'healing crisis". So don't be alarmed. I am sure others will be able to fill you in on the yeast -I will be watching for the info as well.

Good Luck.




I would highly recommend a book called The Yeast Syndrome but John Trowbridge and Morton Walker.

it not only explains what candida is, but also gives really helpful recipes to make the special diet more livable.


Do also remember that Candida, the yeast like fungal parasite is NOT the yeast that we find in foods which is BAKERS yeast. Although your son has shown allergy to that yeast, his sytem is infected by a different yeast.


all the best to you as you start along the road to helping him heal. it can seem overwhelming at times, but that is what makes a place like this so very helpful. You have support here from people who understand what you are going thru, and who have a vast range of experience and knowledge, and who are all willing to share and learn and work together to help each other


Guest Guest

Chemar, but isn't brewers yeast different from bakers yeast? i thought brewers yeast was nutritious. I have seen it in health food stores. And bakers yeast, that makes things rise, is what can also feed candida. so I avoid yeasty breads. ??


First of all thank you to all of you who answered my post. If it wasn't for this website and all of the wonderful people, I would not have even know to go the alternative route.




Could you clarify the brewers versus bakers yeast and which effects candida? I am new to all of this and very confused. Thanks!


sincere apologies for the typo there while I was rushing thru here this morning

I am editing my post above to read BAKERS yeast




BAKERS YEAST is an active form of yeast that is used as leavening in bread and cakes etc. It is ok when cooked but unhealthy when not cooked and, for those that have yeast sensitivity and allergy, it causes health problems


Candida albicans is a PARASITIC YEAST that has no relationship to either brewers or bakers yeast. It can grow externally as thrush, genital yeast etc and internally in organ systems, most frequently the digestive tract.


the candida yeast feeds primarily on sugars and refined carbohydrates. So diets to eradicate it are low in sugar and refined starches in order to starve the candida. Cravings for sugar and even alcohol can often be due to yeast infection. There is evidence to show that many illnesses may be rooted in candida overgrowth.



hope that makes it clearer.



Thank you very much! We are in the midst of starting a diet and supplements and now today we found out that my son has strep throat. So we are having a slight setback. I am going to buy the suggested book before I officially start anything. We have already been following a low sugar diet.


Also, I am doing the supplements slowly. We started the fish oil and probiotic. Now we added the nystatin. We still have to add the Magnesium b6 and B Complex. We are waiting for I think it is called Gluclosimine (probably thw wrong spelling). Right now my doctor is away - what might the Gluclosimine be fore?


Lastly, he gave us Zyman drops. Does anyone know what that specifically for? I think it is for his slighly elevated tin and antimony. I could not find any information of the Syman and am reluctant to use it before I get more info.


Thank you so much for all of this wonderful support.


Hi Kmtatt,


My son Karl is also 5 years old and began ticcing last April 2004. It's been quite a journey for us. The folks on this website are fabulous and you will realize that you are not alone.


Like your son, my son tested positive to many foods - cane sugar, dairy, eggs and oranges to name a few. He also tested positive to grasses, oak trees and sycamore trees (we live in NJ and we have those two types of trees everywhere). I feel as you do about our doctor. He's very well known, has seen our son twice since November (our last couple of visits were with his partner who doesn't know anything about anything). Unfortunatly our doctor is also always too busy and he doesn't know our son. I can't call him on the phone when Karl's having bad tics and say 'What should I do'. He's an environmental MD but doesn't specifically treat tic conditions.


Anyway, our son also tested positive for yeast/fungu and Clostridia species including C. difficlile. Our doctor put him on Nystatin (two weeks on and one week off) and Culturelle. Karl's been on it since November. His tics have been really bad for the last couple of weeks, so it could be as a result of the yeast dying off.

Keep in touch.






What a coincidence, I am also from New Jersey. When I went to the doctor I thought he was really good, but I am getting frustrated. He ran around my questions on the phone and really did not do a good job of telling me why he prescribed the things he did or answer my questions about bloodwork. I have this lost feeling.


I really can't spend the money to go to another doctor because I am already out over $1500 and the diet and supplements are expensive.


It was nice to hear from you.






Wow...what a coincidence that we're both from NJ. Why don't you write to me at my email address, dara.pfeil@comcast.net. Who knows, you might live in my town..ha, ha. Since we've been going through this since last April, I'd be happy to share with you the doctors that we've seen and the things that we've done for our son. We could even have a phone conversation (which would probably be easier) since I don't always have time to write lengthy emails. This forum is so great and bouncing ideas off of other families is the only way to learn.


Looking forward to hearing from you.



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