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I haven't been sleeping well since my friend died. Four hours at a time, at most. Nightmares every night. This ended last night when I got some Valerian root.


That's all to be expected, but something weird happened Monday. School started up Monday & I was dreading it for multiple reasons. I was in bed by eight, like usual, knowing that it would take me a while to sleep. Finally fell asleep at 1AM, & woke up thirty minutes before my alarm at 5AM (school starts at 7 here) with my stomach hurting like it NEVER has before. I had appendicitis for three months (yes, it ruptured). I dealt with gluten-intolerant stomach pains & meat induced vomiting for years. My stomach has never felt like that in my entire life. I say "stomach", I just mean that area. I could FEEL everything moving & it hurt so bad & I was so nauseous. My heart stung like it did back in 2006 (I was cleared for any & all extended QT problems just a month ago). By the time I was at school, I felt perfectly fine. This kept up all week. I would fall asleep, & then get woken up by the pain. But it would go away in a few hours. As soon as I went back to sleep... it came back. Last night, even with the Valerian root, I still woke up once. Always at the four hour mark, too.


I've got more Valerian root for tonight but I was just wondering what this sounds like to anyone?! I've dealt with some weird stuff, but I have no idea what all of this is. If I drink caffeine, I know that specific stomach pain. If I'm not careful & I eat gluten, I know that stomach pain. Even if I accidentally eat something made with beef broth or something like that, I know the specific pain. This is none of that. :/


Hi Emerson,


This is just a thought...may not apply, but just in case...


A dear friend has recently been diagnosed with fructose malabsorbtion. She was on a gluten free diet (Coeliac) and had been in pain for ages, couldn't never figure why. Here at a local uni (Monash) they've come up with the low FODMAPS diet (acronym). As I understand it, it's about the balance of fructose (the F in FODMAPS). Things like pears (in lots of juices as filler) and onions, for eg, which are supposed to be high in fructose can play merry havoc with the gut and bowels. I've heard an estimate that about 10% of the population could suffer from fructose malabsorption...an interesting claim. Anyway, once my friend eliminated those foods the pain stopped and she's been as well as I've ever seen her.


Otherwise, a probiotic might help? Hope it clears for you soon.

Hugs from Oz.


Hi Emerson,


This is just a thought...may not apply, but just in case...


A dear friend has recently been diagnosed with fructose malabsorbtion. She was on a gluten free diet (Coeliac) and had been in pain for ages, couldn't never figure why. Here at a local uni (Monash) they've come up with the low FODMAPS diet (acronym). As I understand it, it's about the balance of fructose (the F in FODMAPS). Things like pears (in lots of juices as filler) and onions, for eg, which are supposed to be high in fructose can play merry havoc with the gut and bowels. I've heard an estimate that about 10% of the population could suffer from fructose malabsorption...an interesting claim. Anyway, once my friend eliminated those foods the pain stopped and she's been as well as I've ever seen her.


Otherwise, a probiotic might help? Hope it clears for you soon.

Hugs from Oz.


It didn't happen last night! When I start Lyme treatment in March probiotics & antibiotics will be a daily thing though. So I'll see if it happens after that?

That's really interesting! Never heard of it. I'm gonna read more about it!


Emerson, It does sound like a digestive issue though, happening after you sleep for a while. Hopefully it won't come back! Drink only water after 6 or 7 and maybe that will help. Do drink alot of water.


Emerson, It does sound like a digestive issue though, happening after you sleep for a while. Hopefully it won't come back! Drink only water after 6 or 7 and maybe that will help. Do drink alot of water.


I've swapped juice for Fruit2O! that counts as water, right?


I don't even know what that is Emerson! Only you happenin teenagers know these fun drinks! All we know around here is water and milk! No juice anymore since we found out about the salicylate sensitivity.


In your signature note you state you tested pos of lyme in August, but why are you not starting treatment til March? Are you on an antibiotic now for the pandas? Do you have high titers?


Just a thought - could it be gallstones? I had them for years with intermittent problems but never knew what it was. It often hits at night. It hurts worse than anything, and I mean anything!!! (I had 3 babies at home with a midwife and no meds, and gallstones is worse!!!) Finally I had one attack so bad I actually thought I was having a heart attack and went to the E.R. The only way I found out it was gallstones was because a friend told me. So I looked it up and asked my doc for an ultrasound. Sure enough. Now my gallbladder is gone and I've never had that pain again. Thank goodness!!!


I hope it's not gallstones, you have enough to deal with. But it might be worth checking into if it happens again.


Oo, I'm seeing some things I don't like in these exchanges Gallstone removal, for example. So sorry Momcap had to go through that!

EA, listen. Take a look at this. Use it or not.




The gist of it is, don't just get rid of gluten. Get rid of all grains, maybe re introduce rice and corn in 30 days. Eat dairy and legumes sparsely, lentils are best- presoak all of your legumes. Eat fish, some kind of meat if you can (chicken, turkey). I think you may be meatless though. Eat nuts, veggies, fruit.


I can't do it with my kids but I am doing it myself. Many grains have opiates in them, we get addicted. We need to get off a while and see how we feel.

Good luck. I just started but a couple times the past week, I took hidden grains and that screwed me up. You HAVE to get totally off grains and gluten.


What to eat: lots coconut products and avocados. Extra virgin coconut oil.

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