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I was diagnosed with OCD 10 years ago, and put on SRRI's; i.e., prozac, paxil, anafranil, and I could go on. I feel the Meds are part of my problem. If I go off of paxil, I get depressed easily.


I want to slowly stop using Meds--has anyone found a plan or supplements such as amino acids or the like, that has worked.


Has anyone used Immunocal and found that works?


Thank you for any any help you can give me. My goal is to get off of Meds.



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Hello Ann and welcome :)


my son's OCD has become negligible since he started a specifically designed supplement program.


The most beneficial supp for his OCD/depression/anxiety was 5HTP (5Hydroxytryptophan) which elevates seratonin naturally.

not everyone reacts the same wat to it, as some people find it makes them edgy, so if you decide to try it, take minimum dose of 50mg per evening for a week and see. You can go up if you need to as per directions on the label, but if you feel "spaced out" or edgy from it then it probably isnt the right supp for you


INOSITOL (aka Vitamin B8) is receiving a lot of attention because it seems to help with OCD and Depression without any bad side effects. The usual dose is around 500mg/day but some physicians recommend more.


METHIONINE (or its pricier and more cncentrated form of samE) is another supp that is very beneficial in treating OCD


Phenylalanine (recommended in DL- form) is also suggested by some for depression

St John's Wort( aka HYPERICIN) has long been used as a natural booster for seratonin levels



At one point my son was on minimal doses of all of the above, along with GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) for anxiety.


However, we were working with an Integrative physician who was monitoring his seratonin and reactions and so I really would not recommend combining these without guidance from a health professional, as you dont want to spike the seratonin too high as that is also not good for many reasons, including that too high seratonin can trigger migraines



There is also growing evidence that artificial ingredients in the diet (colouring, sweeteners like aspartame-Nutrasweet and sucralose-Splenda etc) as well as toxins (candida yeast infections, heavy metals, pesticides etc) and things like strep (PANDAS) can increase OCD.


Hope this helps a bit. i have a LOT more info but dont want to overwhelm you and so will rather just answer any specific questions you may have



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Cheri-and others,


Your dedication to all of us who are desperately looking for answers/help is remarkable. I know I speak for many when I say THANKYOU!


I spent last night(2:30 again) researching the yeast condition, and am convinced this is a huge issue with my 8yr. old. I did the spit test first thing this morning and sure enough-it had legs immediately. I was talking to my sister who had the Atkins diet book and she knew he talked alot about the over growth of yeast. He recommends Oil of Oregano or Olive Leaf Extract by a place called "Prolive-From allergy research group. Do you think it is safe for me to purchase this from the health food store and try it? Also, I am wondering what you think the results on his appetite my be. He eats only sugary foods, peanut butter, french fries, crackers, spaghetti sauce, (no pasta) cheese and pretzels. He will eat yougart and some fruits. You said in your reply that alot of the foods these kids crave are exactly the ones that make the condition worse. Boy can I see that! I am just at a loss as to how to possibly get him to eat if we eliminate these things that are making it worse. Will the die off occur even if sugar isn't eliminated? I know it will take longer and be harder to maintain, but is there a possibility he will add more normal foods if I can start to reduce the amount of yeast in his system.

Since his tics are not a big problem at this time, I think I will hold off on starting Bonnies vitamins (My 12 year old is in his 2nd week on the vitamins) and concentrate on trying to get a handle on the yeast. I could try my pediatrician, but even if they agree to test him, I'm sure they would want to use a prescription drug.

If anyone knows any thing that could be dangerous about trying this on my own-the info would be greatly appreciated. Kim

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