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I'm stopping DS's antibiotics.


I'm terrified, but feel like we've tried everything we can and need to pursue attacking the YEAST.


DS has been on abx since January after getting strep 4 times last winter. He hasn't had a full blown pandas episode with tics since he was 3, almost 3 years ago.


We've had a terrible year, dealing with major aggression, defiance, chronic irritability. I'vve blamed pandas all this time.


I think I've been wrong. I think it's yeast. He's been on Nystatin all year as well, but a very low dose. In January he had a thick white coating in his throat that we were scared was step but ended up beign yeast.


I think he still has a yeast overgrowth in his body causing all these behaviors.


AM I crazy to do this now, strep season and all? I just feel like I can't keep him on the antibiotics anymore unless he's actually got an infection. His body needs to get the yeast under control.


I'm putting him on Olive Leaf Extract, Grapefruit seed extract (in addition to the Nystatin) and Vitamin C.




I took ds off of his augmentin about a week ago. I suspected the same thing. He was so irritable, no focus, not making sense. His groin rash was awful two days ago. I was told that it was exema and I know exema can be caused by yeast. Hes better already. A few meltdowns at school and at home but something he snapped out of on his own. His speech is more clear and his eye contact is better. I am not doing any anti fungal just yet. I am waiting and giving it a rest.



I'm stopping DS's antibiotics.


I'm terrified, but feel like we've tried everything we can and need to pursue attacking the YEAST.


DS has been on abx since January after getting strep 4 times last winter. He hasn't had a full blown pandas episode with tics since he was 3, almost 3 years ago.


We've had a terrible year, dealing with major aggression, defiance, chronic irritability. I'vve blamed pandas all this time.


I think I've been wrong. I think it's yeast. He's been on Nystatin all year as well, but a very low dose. In January he had a thick white coating in his throat that we were scared was step but ended up beign yeast.


I think he still has a yeast overgrowth in his body causing all these behaviors.


AM I crazy to do this now, strep season and all? I just feel like I can't keep him on the antibiotics anymore unless he's actually got an infection. His body needs to get the yeast under control.


I'm putting him on Olive Leaf Extract, Grapefruit seed extract (in addition to the Nystatin) and Vitamin C.




I took ds off of his augmentin about a week ago. I suspected the same thing. He was so irritable, no focus, not making sense. His groin rash was awful two days ago. I was told that it was exema and I know exema can be caused by yeast. Hes better already. A few meltdowns at school and at home but something he snapped out of on his own. His speech is more clear and his eye contact is better. I am not doing any anti fungal just yet. I am waiting and giving it a rest.


that is what I did. Just stopped everything, letting her body rebalance on its own for a little while. I didn't want to tax her system with a big yease die off. we are doing ok so far



I'm stopping DS's antibiotics.


I'm terrified, but feel like we've tried everything we can and need to pursue attacking the YEAST.


DS has been on abx since January after getting strep 4 times last winter. He hasn't had a full blown pandas episode with tics since he was 3, almost 3 years ago.


We've had a terrible year, dealing with major aggression, defiance, chronic irritability. I'vve blamed pandas all this time.


I think I've been wrong. I think it's yeast. He's been on Nystatin all year as well, but a very low dose. In January he had a thick white coating in his throat that we were scared was step but ended up beign yeast.


I think he still has a yeast overgrowth in his body causing all these behaviors.


AM I crazy to do this now, strep season and all? I just feel like I can't keep him on the antibiotics anymore unless he's actually got an infection. His body needs to get the yeast under control.


I'm putting him on Olive Leaf Extract, Grapefruit seed extract (in addition to the Nystatin) and Vitamin C.




If you really want to take a look at the gut I recommend an OAT test and maybe a stool analysis. We just did this, here is what we found: yeast, clostridia, klebsiella, even strep in the gut. Just finished treating clostridia with flagyl, now attacking klebsiella with septra. Giving ketoconozole all along for yeast. This has made a night and day difference in terms of aggression/defiance, etc. PM me if you need a recommendation for a doctor who can manage strep/bacteria/yeast...


We use OLE for strep and find it is very effective...you should also get a really good probiotic on board. we use www.customprobiotics.com, d-lactate free formula.


I took ds off of his augmentin about a week ago. I suspected the same thing. He was so irritable, no focus, not making sense. His groin rash was awful two days ago. I was told that it was exema and I know exema can be caused by yeast. Hes better already. A few meltdowns at school and at home but something he snapped out of on his own. His speech is more clear and his eye contact is better. I am not doing any anti fungal just yet. I am waiting and giving it a rest.


that is what I did. Just stopped everything, letting her body rebalance on its own for a little while. I didn't want to tax her system with a big yease die off. we are doing ok so far



I cant believe how much better ds is doing off of augmentin. I took him off of sach boulardis and florajen for a bit too. I think that augmentin was really screwing him up. I still cant get a handle on this exema and if it truly is yeast related, he sure isnt acting like it. I wonder if its some kind of die off and it just happens to be showing up as a rash. ???

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