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Ok so my DD9 started with stomach pain and on and off diarrhea. she can't get comfortable. it hurts under her belly button. She also is starting with separation anxiety. What is going on? we were doing so well. I thought bladder infection but no pain there. She can hop up and down so no apendix trouble. any thoughts?


Ugh. I would get to the doc to have them check her out.


But, I can say that my 10 yr old will sometimes have stomach issues with a pandas exacerbation. She may get diarrhea (usually only once per day, a few times per week). She does complain of ache right at her belly button (not severe pain). I think she has a combo of a physical stomach issue (what causes it, I don't know), feeling/focusing on this discomfort because of sensory issues, and getting worried about this because of ocd (fear of getting sick). It can turn into a vicious cycle for us- this is how pandas started for her. It clears up 110% when she is pandas free.


We did lots of GI investigating, short of a scope, and she came up perfect.


DC mom, my dd does seem ok right now. I hope its not starting with another episode. she is doing so well. but she is clinging to her bear and blanket. she is a good actress. so its hard to know when she is in real pain. this behavior is new to me and that is frightening. I told her that I called her Pedi. and that seemed to calm her down a bit. I don't know what to do.


Could it just have been a stomach virus? That doesn't make it any less scary becuz PANDAS could still flare. But maybe (fingers crossed) it was just a 24-hr bug. Hope she stays well!


thats what i am wishing for... but she is on Pen V K since June so I hope its not C Diff. I don't know much about that but it is a worry.


Does she take a probiotic?

No we haven't used one. What do you suggest? Toda she only has pain. No loose stool or vomiting.


My son used to get stomach aches with strep/pandas. I would give him gripe water and it seemed to do the trick. If you are looking for a good probiotic, we use www.customprobiotics.com (D-Lactate Free Formula). If you end up with Scott, that is likely the brand that he will suggest. Very expensive but the bottle lasts a long time and it is effective. Don't forget to give away from the antibiotics.

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