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Been spending lots of time with my chiropractor (sigh...) and he wants to get his hands on my pandas boys to help shift their immune systems. Wondering if anyone has gotten benefit from this.


We don't have any experience specific to chiropractic for the immune system, but I could certainly believe it may have some efficacy. When our DS was 2 and 3, he had constant, bad, recurrent ear infections. Having been told that chronic ear infections in toddlers is frequently a factor of the position of their eustacean tubes and the viscosity of the mucous, I decided to try chiropractic adjustments to see if they would help DS get the necessary drainage in his tubes so that the fluid didn't sit in there too long and become infected.


I found a chiropractor who was experienced with kids. I would lie down on the adjustment table and hold DS on top of me, basically lying across my torso. She would do a couple of quick, gentle adjustments to his neck and spine. After the first couple of times, he actually enjoyed it and would ask to go back to see Dr. Ginny. Basically, if he started to become congested or seemed to start sneezing a lot, I would head him off to the chiropractor for an adjustment. I'd say we were successful in heading off the ear infections better than 65% of the time, which was a lot for us at the time!


Also, I would swear that DS's whole demeanor became "lighter" and happier after an adjustment. It obviously made him feel better. Maybe even then it was actually assisting his immune system and not just his ears! Maybe we should head back over to the chiropractor ourselves! :P


We have seen the chiropractor since my girls were little (2-3 yrs old). I would say it was helpful for sure. But not the kind of help that a chiropractor might think (I feel some tend to claim they can cure everything). It has helped their pain and I am sure it helped with their overall progress. I can't say what it would have been like if we had not been going. Our chiro has been a huge support person for us.



Posted (edited)

Thanks for the feedback! I really do believe in what they do. This chiro told me about 8 years ago to take some probiotics and stop dairy for my allergies. I did not believe him and did not follow through. Then after putting my boys through the DAN protocol and stopping dairy, starting probiotics, etc. and seeing their asthma/allergies/chronic infections stop in it's tracks, I finally decided to try it myself. Needless to say, my own asthma/allergies/chronic sinus infections are a thing of the past.


Also, last week when he adjusted me I had some lingering flu symptoms I could not shake. He did an adjustment and some acupuncture and I walked out of there flu free, and the symptoms have not come back at all.


A couple days ago he put me through some muscle testing to see what was holding me back in terms of pain in my back from an injury. He came up with some chinese herbs. He had me take them right there, then he adjusted me and I finally walked out of there pain free! I have been taking the herbs ever since. I have a very hard time believing in the whole muscle testing thing, I just can't wrap my mind around this! But after seeing some amazing things with my kids I don't totally discount any alternative medicine anymore. Oh, he taught me how to do muscle testing on my sons to see what supps/meds are actually helping and which ones may be holding them back. I haven't done it yet, but DH and I are going to do some "single-blinded" testing with all the supps (meaning I dont' know what he is holding to my son and I am the one who tests the response in the muscle). See if it matches up to what I know (meaning I know there are certain supps/meds that he cannot live without). I will have to come back here and report.


BTW, my kids are not suffering from pandas symptoms at the moment. I just want to see if chiropractic would allow us to dump some of the meds/supps that they take - really FIX the immune imbalance, or add to the maintanence at least.



Anyone do any muscle testing? I think they can "detect" microbes that way too (strep, etc.). I know MichaelTampa does it, had an extensive conversation with him about this recently. Would love to know more opinions about this.

Edited by Stephanie2

I think 100% chiropractic adjustments help with Pandas. Two weeks before my son's six birthday he showed symptoms of Pandas. For two and half years we have been through countless doctors, antibiotics, steriods, diets,accupunture, chiropractic and therapys. Tyler has been symptom free for almost seven months....I believe chiropratic and accupunture treatments have played a big role...I would give it a try...

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