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hi everyone.

i am new here, but i have been reading the comments on this site for a while now and have put a lot of it to good use. I have a 7 year old boy who has been diagosed as pdd/autism, even a little bit of retardation. I dont see him as any of this labels. i just see him as a boy with delays and he needs extra help in getting there. He was also diagnosed as high functioning. It has not been an easy journey, but with a mother's determination, anything is possible. he is a very social boy and his receptive and expressive delays makes it hard for him to keep conversation with kids and social exchanges. But he has come a long way and he is still trying hard. He has had tics for a while now and with the information i got from this site, i worked on his diet and his supplements. He now understands the relationship with certain foods and his tics. Eliminating certain foods has definitely helped his tics and one of the hard ones is chocolate cake and candies. But he is very disciplined about it. He sometimes even reminds me not to give him certain foods or drinks. My question is do you think his tics also have a connection with the frustration he feels when he cannot hold a lenghty conversation with his peers?

so in this case what can i do. he presently is getting speech and occupational therapy from school and i am also thinking of taking him to a behaivioral therapy even though he does not have any(knock on wood) any behaivour problems?

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Hi Paige and welcome :)


so good that you and your son are working together to make things better for him


yes, frustration and stress can intensify tics.

Best you can do is help him feel relaxed and accepting of things and keep reassuring him that all the positive things will start to help and that he should just take it a day at a time

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Thanks Chemar,

for your response. Its good to be around people who understand what is going on. I also wanted to know if any one had a child with a receptive or expressive delays. Am talking about cognitive processing difficulties. That is one of my son's biggest obstable and i would like to know about other parents that have this problem with their children and if it eventually gets better or what their observations are.



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My son is almost 9 years old. He does have receptive and expressive language delays although the expressive is more pronounced than receptive. He can become quite frustrated when he is not able to express himself as he wants to. I would say this has become easier as he gets older but my son does not have pdd/autism. My son was in speech therapy for years along with occupational therapy. It is my general feeling that with the elimination of milk/casein his speech improved.



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my son hates milk and he really is not into dairy. i worry that his receptive delays makes him come across as dumb but in all actuality he is a very smart little boy and blows me away with things that does does require abstract thinking. He also talks in a sing-song voice and that sometimes gets him weird looks from his peers. I know he cant help him self and i feel he has asperger more than anything else, but i have been given so many labels that it is very frustrating. He asks the weirdest questions sometimes and it breaks my heart, because most of the time the questions is so out of context and does not related to the situation he is in, that i try to block it, when he does that. His teacher did confirm this and she says she just try to bring his attention to what ever task is at hand. I feel his case his very unique and i have read through most or all the threads and i have not found any parents with the same problem. I worry about him so much, as far as situations where he might give imapproprite responses and what actions might be taken due to his response. Help, Help!

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