Andy Posted February 8, 2005 Report Posted February 8, 2005 Hi. My wife and I are ready to take the next step with my son's treatment. We have been supplementing with minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, restrictive dieting, and using various products to repair his gut. All based upon medical testing and under a neurologists care. He would be doing great and then boom everything hits. I have been researching medical journals and conferences for the past eight months off and on and it seems to be that there is a feeling within the medical community that treats this issue, without heavy prescriptions, is that mercury from vaccination shots is the most likely cause and that the mercury does immediate damage and occasional on-going damage as time goes on. This might explain the boom after the smooth sailing. So basically what I am now looking for is anyone who has had success with DMSA or alphalipoic acid and then DMSA treatments for removing mercury out of the body and if so what doctor did you go to.
Claire Posted February 8, 2005 Report Posted February 8, 2005 Andy, We got rid of my son's mercury by supplementing with the antioxidants in which he was deficient, based on the test. He was low in cysteine, selenium, glutathione and alpha lipoic acid. It was a slow process and not DMSA, but it worked. His yeast went up during it as predicted, but came back down to prior levels after nystatin. Heather used NDF--she hasn't been posting much, but I remember she was happy with it. I too believe that mercury from vaccines is at the heart of this for many children--never all, that would be too simple. I think it was at the heart of it for us. Pfeiffer sometimes uses zinc and selenium for metals. They are not into DMSA, but prefer antioxidants. Claire
Claire Posted February 8, 2005 Report Posted February 8, 2005 Andy, Most here haven't done chelation or serious mercury removal (Chemar did some with chlorella and accupuncture) and Mustang Carole did some. While I have never personally visited the Autism board on Braintalk, it is incredibly active (I just spotted 23 people are viewing it as I post this). This is where chelation and mercury removal experience will be the most prevalent, due to the greater awareness of mercury as a potential factor in autism. Latitudes hosted a forum discussion with Dr. McCandless on this a while back. Here is the link. Here is a subtopic there on chelation Good luck, you know I agree with this. Although I always believe in testing before treating. Unless you do something more innocuous with no harm even if there is n no mercury. Claire
Claire Posted February 9, 2005 Report Posted February 9, 2005 Mercury removal, I learned something...
Andy Posted February 9, 2005 Author Report Posted February 9, 2005 Wow, Claire you really put into access alot of information to consider. My wife and I have been taking small steps into this direction for we want to make sure we are doing what would be the most correct procedure for our oldest son. Thanks for the time that you put into this matter and I hope others are reading and researching themselves for one thing I did learn was never go into a doctor's office without doing your homework first.
Claire Posted March 23, 2005 Report Posted March 23, 2005 After hearing Dr. Walsh discuss chelation, I searched his site. Excellent read. Your doctor may or may not agree, but it is good to read and ask him/her about. He discusses that chelation messes with the zinc/copper balance, and that most of these kids have zinc/copper issues in the first place. Marina, No, I am not posting again, but I would be remiss not to share this! I think that photosensitivity can ebb and flow based on other balances. If he is less sensitive now, that is great! (It makes me wonder if he would still be 100% tic free with no screens for a week or two again, but I realize that for most teens, a few tics is well worth not having to restrict it). Sometimes, for some, just having the break for a while seems to settle their systems--but many (most?) aren't that lucky. But if it returns, you just need to manage it. As for foods, I think managing them contributes to long term healing. And I think Ronna's point was excellent about seasonal allergies possibly increase/decreasing overall sensitivity. Here in the US, we just entered Spring, with some facing more troubles, so in Australia I believe you are just entering fall which would mean fewer allergens in the environment taxing his system. Thus that old bucket theory with less to fill the bucket. Just food for thought. I hope you keep posting on it, it will be a learning experience. Claire
Andy Posted March 24, 2005 Author Report Posted March 24, 2005 Hi got my son's results back from the first challange test. No mercury was found but it is my understanding from the research that mercury usually is not found in the urine from the first challange test because one, urine is not the best indicator of mercury presence,( fecal matter is) and two the detox usually empties other metals first. As the case of my son, he had very high levels of lead. So I am very happy for the lead removal. My son also had low vitamin B, high ammonia, and very low glutathione results from the blood tests. I saw instant results from the challange test which was a detox in itself and this Friday I will be driving back into Miami for the second detox, challange test, with DMPS IV. We will also be using the DMSA in between the DMPS treatments along with the a GSH, NAC. and I believe a TTFD type of treatment. We have had our son on over two years of supplements, 4 years of organic diet and over 2 years of a very restricted diet so we feel he is ready for a heavy detox program and we wish it to be since I wonder if the older the child the less of success applies and if so time would be an issue. I noticed the research indicates that is the case with Autism but I do not believe any studies were done with TS or tic syndrome kids. However my son does have alot of the same health gut and heavy metal issues of the kids labeled with Autism, ( who I believed may have been posioned enviromentally and medically), but we are lucky with my oldest that his condition was not that severe and my heart goes out to those kids, their parents and their families. I will answer any private PMs if anyone is thinking about detox. I am not a doctor but as a parent, I think every parent should look into it and decide which procedure is best for their child if any.
kim Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 Andy, I have been waiting to hear some news from you. I'm so happy that it looks like you're having success with the detox! I don't post very often, but I read every single word of what's written here. Please keep us posted. I took my oldest son to his ped. today, armed with all of my research. I wanted him to know about some problems my son has been having (rash on side of face, occasional acid reflux type of thing, and in the last week or two, severe itching, head- body everywhere!) It's the strangest thing, it only happens about 9:30 at night, pretty consistantly. I think it has to do with allery, but I couldn't rule out Bonnie's TS Plus or the EFA. Also, I wanted a referral to a Board cert. internist that I located about 120 miles from our home. I spoke with her and she knew every lab and test that so many here have used. My Ped agreed, and I also got him to order the Candida test that Immuno Lab does. When I spoke with Andrea at Immuno, she gave me the CPT codes for the candida urine test- #86331 1 unit required and 86628 1 unit. I our Ins. co. -Health Plus and they said these tests did show as being approved, but I had to use a local lab. This is what's stated on my order for the lab: Urine-code #86331 (gel diffusion qualitative)ea.antigen/antibody and Urine code#86628 (candida). He laughed and said he would order it (last time he was negitive about Vits. and yeast issues) but for me not to expect him to know what the results meant. I was greatful as maybe the new Dr. can help. I am so sure this is an issue with my youngest son, if not both. He did give me the lab request for both boys. This was a huge accomplishment and I was feeling pretty good until I got to the boys Neuro. We just happened to have back to back appts. Boy was he *issed! He told me if I was going to use this Dr. who he referred to as a nut case, he thought it was time we "parted ways". cont.
kim Posted March 25, 2005 Report Posted March 25, 2005 I quietly listened while he told me that I had better get used to the fact that my boys had TOURETTE SYNDROME and I was being unfair to them, and possibly dangerous using 4000 mgs. of vit. E, and wondered if I thought the medical comm. was hiding info. on a cure with vitamins. ( I had faxed the ingredient list to him several weeks ago when we started the ts plus and the marine lipids.) About the 3rd time he emphasised I should accept TOURETTE SYNDROME and increase meds: I blew. I told him I had no intention of trying to "cure" my children myself and that the environmental Dr. was not a witch Dr. that used bat toes and tonic as a treatment, and the max dose of vit. e was 400mg. thankyou (not the 4000-he had referred to) Also, I think if a big drug co. was paying for the studies of the success of treating with vit/supp. maybe it would be proven by now, AND since he was so sure my boys had TOURETTE SYNDROME, I would like to hear where he would place them on the Yale tic scale, since I was under the impression that they would not even qualify for one on his precious scientific studies, if I tried to enroll them in one, for what they qualify as TS. When I brought up PANDAS which even my ped. recognizes as a medical condition, honest to goodness I think he thought I was talking about bears. I told him I thought he was right, it was time to "part ways." I think I can find another neuro to charge my insurance $107.00 for 3 minutes every 6 mos. to write a script for clonidine. His parting words to us were "be careful, there's a lot of dangerous stuff out there". I replied " well at least we agree on one thing: Haldol and Pimozide certainly can be dangerous drugs for kids". My son said his receptionist got a chuckle out of that. I did'nt notice, I was trying too hard not to throw the artificial plant at his arrogant close minded head. Thanks for the vent space. Kim
Andy Posted March 28, 2005 Author Report Posted March 28, 2005 Hi Kim. I'm at work now on a break so I don't have all the data from my last doctor's visit this past Friday. However, I will tell you that I felt that I wasted alot of time and money with the mainstream doctors. Of course this is just my feelings but lets face it what person is going to say yes I might have posioned hundreds if not thousands of kids for I let big business dictate to me on how to be a doctor. Plus why would they want to open themselves up to individual law suits. Anyway, I found the Dan doctors to be at the forefront of this issue and even if our kids are not as seriously affected by the heavy metals as the kids with the autistic label they may both have been posioned by the same substances from the same sources so the Dan doctors measures may be the best to use. If you could find a recommended Dan doctor in your area then I would recommend seeing that doctor for your kids treatments if treatments are needed. As you read thru the postings on this site, I think you will find that more and more parents are opting for various type of detoxing after having alternative doctor led testing on metals, vitamins,amino acids, minerals and food allergies. Which is as medical as you can get if you think about it. I had one mainstream doctor who just looked at my kid and wanted to prescribe him heavy medication that was not designed for his condition and now I have an alternative doctor who tests my son's body cheminstry before taking a plan of action that is also based upon research. Now which doctor is practicing real medicine?
susan0101 Posted March 28, 2005 Report Posted March 28, 2005 Andy, Just want you to know that I find your "journey" very interesting and thank you for sharing. My son's eye tic came out of nowhere in October and we haven't had a day without it since. Our weekly acupuncture treatments, herb and mag supplements seem to provide days of relief - but again, he hasn't had a day without any ticcing. I honestly don't know what is actually providing him relief. I'd like to think it's the acupuncture, etc. only because I've spent so much time, energy and money in that direction! But I'm not sure. It's such a motivator to read about other parents who refuse to be bullied by traditional medical doctors. Western medicine can be a wonderful thing, but not for every problem or condition. Like many of you out there, I REFUSE to have my child labeled anything - especially when it hasn't even been a year that he's exhibiting symptoms. It may be easier for a doctor to prescribe dibilating meds after they've put a label on a child, but what they don't understand is that method isn't good enough for parents! It's a band-aid to justify their fees. I wish you and your family the best. Please continue to keep us posted.
Andy Posted April 4, 2005 Author Report Posted April 4, 2005 Sorry for the delay in response to my posting. I have been responding to personal e-mails but I realize that there may be lurkers who are not ready to make a step yet but are interested in the information so here I go. 1. It turns out that when I got the hard copy of the urine toxic metal testing report from Doctor's Data Lab that my son did have mercury as well as arsenic, lead, nickel, tin and thallium. For the first provocation I am surprised that any mercury came out for based upon research it usually comes out after the body kicks out the lead, etc. 2. My son has had a second DMPS IV with glutathione and did not show any ill effects of the IV during the process but has had a week of low grade tics since then. He also has had a cold which means tics come anyway with the sniffle one first so it is hard to say if the IV was the factor or the cold for the tics. 3. We also got our results back in hard copy from SpectraCell Labs for the FIA Comprehensive Profile 5000 and after a year of intensive supplements and I mean intensive, there was little difference from his SpectraCell deficiency results from a year ago. I am thinking that this goes with the theory that in some cases the heavy metals have to come out before the supplements can be digested anyway. My son is thought to have leaky gut and does have a host of delayed food allergies and is on a special restricted diet for over 2 years now. 4. I am planning on taking my son for a third IV detox but am concern for according to research this is when the mercury really starts to come out and his tics can get extreme for a while before becoming stable again due to the process of detox. 5. I really think that this is needed for after 4 years of going to different doctors and trying different stuff we have seen gains but the tics do come back and have come back stronger. We feel that we have to dump the poison out of his body and then give his body a chance to heal itself. I also think that a life long detox supplement program will be needed for him, glutathione cream-TTFD cream perhaps to help his damaged body keep the poisons of our world from building up in him again. 6. I am sharing information, more personal in the e-mails, for I think it is the right thing to do but the amazing thing is that I am also being repaid in kind with also being given wonderful information. I do not think that anyone knows everything in regards to this issue but with all of us helping each other it is like a think tank/fact conference which is a godsend.
KJS Posted April 4, 2005 Report Posted April 4, 2005 Andy, and others, I am trying to follow all of the testing & supplement & detox information but finding it overwhelming. We just finished the "no screens" protocol as our first step toward trying to find triggers (screens don't seem to be a factor after 12 days) and I'm trying to figure out the next step. So many people speak of yeast - is that a logical next step for us? Karen
KJS Posted April 4, 2005 Report Posted April 4, 2005 Kim, Vent away! I find it helpful to hear from people who can muster up so much indignance. I think it helps others to feel good about 'alternative' practitioners. I think it was Andy who asked which doctor is practicing real medicine and it's an excellent question. Good luck finding another doc who is interested in working WITH you & your family. Karen
Claire Posted April 4, 2005 Report Posted April 4, 2005 Andy, I am glad you are posting publicly. No active poster here has gone through chelation and everyone will learn from it. Perhaps you saw mercury the first round because you have already been supplementing antioxidants so the mercury was already mobilized to some degree. For me, I need to get my mercury fillings out. I kept waiting for antioxidants to come up first, but will move forward even if they aren't. My case is somewhat similar--I have this unlimited mercury supply in my fillings and won't get better until I get rid of the source. Good luck. Claire
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