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We are going to see Dr. Latimer tomorrow, and I"m freaking out (surprise, surprise) about what affect this will have on my daughter. Up until this point, we have not made a big deal out of her tics---just call it extra energy. So she thinks they are "no big deal." Now we are taking her to a doctor, and to an almost 7 year old, that means "something's wrong", which will mean "my tics mean something is wrong if I have to see a doctor for them."


I don't know how Dr. Latimer handles appt.s with the kids---does she talk about it all in front of them? Ask them questions? or just do a physical exam??


Any thoughts would be appreciated.


We are going to see Dr. Latimer tomorrow, and I"m freaking out (surprise, surprise) about what affect this will have on my daughter. Up until this point, we have not made a big deal out of her tics---just call it extra energy. So she thinks they are "no big deal." Now we are taking her to a doctor, and to an almost 7 year old, that means "something's wrong", which will mean "my tics mean something is wrong if I have to see a doctor for them."


I don't know how Dr. Latimer handles appt.s with the kids---does she talk about it all in front of them? Ask them questions? or just do a physical exam??


Any thoughts would be appreciated.


i handled ds tics the same..told him.not a big deal, everyone is different...so i too was in a pickle...

i would tell her..if she has the ability to hold them..not too...to let her energy go, just like at home...this doc undertands them and just wants to check us out...and see how much energy she has.

you can ask dr l to talk privately at first...i did...it can be alot for them to have to think about as you are sitting there talking about them...it can be a long visit.....on the other hand if she can hold them...and wont show doc...maybe talking about them in front of her will force them out a little....but doc l is pretty good about seeing subtle ones and realize there may be some control going on

Don't be scared..but easier said than done i realize....


I was just matter of fact.. told him the dr. was going to try to help us figure out why he had to clear his throat so much and why he was all of a sudden so afraid to sleep alone at night. My son was 7 when I took him last year.. he has no idea he has pandas because it's just so mild that it never warranted an explanation. He did ask me why he was having his throat swabbed once when he didn't have a sore throat and I had to explain that he was clearing his throat a lot and we thought it might be because of strep throat and he just doesn't get sore throats.... He was satisfied with that and never asked me anything more about it. When I saw the dr. I saw for pandas he had a waiting area with some things for my son to play...he spoke to my husband and I and then called my son in to do an exam. Sometimes I think we make things a bigger deal and worry more than we need to. I would just see how it goes and answer your daughter as it comes up.


We just told Dr. L that we were more comfortable with our daughter not listening to the overall "history". Dr. L was fine with that. My daughter sat in the waiting room with my husband while I went over history and symptoms. My husband came in with my daughter when Dr. L needed to do her exam and observation.


I will say this about her...she was great with my daughter. She took a couple of minutes to explain to my daughter what was wrong with her. It was very good, and after that we took her lead and try to talk more to my daughter about it...before we were afraid to add to her anxiety.


Dr L ( we are referring to the female neurologist in bethesda, MD, correct?) has a calming nature about it. She did not set my, easiyly set-off even NOT during an PANDAS exacerbation, dd8 off.

Her waiting room is prety boring. So if you are going alone ( with child) I would suggest bringing some sort of reading or video game for your child. I have done two appts with her with my dd8 in tow---one was pretty much on time and one was over an hour late ( she's very thorough so just be patient, it will be worth it), alone. I would suggest having another adult with you to chat with Dr L. These are expensive ( and worth it) appts and there is a lot of info. I felt like I wished my DH had been there so we could re-cap later.


Karen---can you tell me what she says about "what is WRONG with her"--gosh I don't like that wording:( How old is your daughter??




Like Marylandmom pointed out, Dr. L has a very calm nature. She did her neuro exam on my daughter, and was great with her, smiling and praising her and such...just as you would expect a doctor who works with children to be. She spoke in terms that were easy for my daughter to understand.


It went something like this (I'm going by memory from June 2009):


"Do you know why you are here today?"


Vacant stare from my daughter, with her tongue sticking out and to the side.


"Well, sometimes when a kid gets a strep infection, other things happen because of the strep. You may get sad, or have thoughts you don't want to have, or not be able to do your schoolwork." (I don't really remember what symptoms Dr. L described--just filling in the blanks-they were along the lines of what my daughters symptoms were)


Still just staring from my daughter.


"But you're going to be okay." (there was some more types of reassurances from Dr. L, but for the life of me I can't remember how she even phrased it.


Prior to that, we were not discussing it at all with my daughter for fear of creating more anxiety. However, after Dr. L handled it so well I knew I needed to be a little more proactive in reassuring her that things will get better, and such.


My daughter was 6 yrs old at the time.


Sounds like you got an earlier a ppt. That is great. I know all will go well. Pls try to relax and you will get the answers you have been looking for. Doesn't sound like you have Cunningham's test back yet. That should be coming soon or you could email Dr. Cunning ham or call Kathy and ask that the results be sent to Dr.L and you today because of your a ppt tomorrow. Do relaxation for yourself so you can get the most out of the visit. believe me you are going to see an expert who has seen hundreds of children with issues like our kids. Good luck and you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. PLease email and I can call you if you want.


We are going to see Dr. Latimer tomorrow, and I"m freaking out (surprise, surprise) about what affect this will have on my daughter. Up until this point, we have not made a big deal out of her tics---just call it extra energy. So she thinks they are "no big deal." Now we are taking her to a doctor, and to an almost 7 year old, that means "something's wrong", which will mean "my tics mean something is wrong if I have to see a doctor for them."


I don't know how Dr. Latimer handles appt.s with the kids---does she talk about it all in front of them? Ask them questions? or just do a physical exam??


Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I'd just say this doctor is interested in kids with tics. I don't think she will necessarily equate doctor with "something is wrong with me," especially if you are relaxed and upbeat about it. Dr. Latimer will ask a lot of questions, some directed at the child, some at you. You can always write a note for the doctor and have the ladies at the front desk give it to her before you go in. Explain that your child does NOT know why she is there, and highlight any information you may not want to share in front of your daughter. I'd be even better if you could bring someone else along to the visit so they can sit with your daughter while you talk to the doctor.

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