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We have my DF daughter every other weekend and half of hoildays


The last 2 to 3 times we have had her we have noticed that she was shaking her head and then arms then kissing her teeth and then blowing raspberrys and more and more things


She does it throughout the day and it was upsetting us seeing her do this So we asked her and she said 'Its someone in my head telling me to' so we told her to tell them to go away and that you can stop then


We told her mum and nan who said that they know about it but had not said anything to us about it

since we have said something to her mum/nan the child seems to think its ok to do what she is doing because everyone think someone is telling her to do it and thats ok


But in my eyes if you dont tell her to stop she does it more and more and more which is what is happing


People are looking at her funny when out and it upset me as well as my DF .


I have been looking on the net and found a link talking about head shaking tics in children but it is not much help


If anyone can help me out with info or websites that would be great


My DF daugther is 8 years old



telling her to "stop it" is not the answer. If anything, it can make it worse!


Children can have tics (which these sound like, vocal and motor tics) for a number of reasons, from having Tourette Syndrome, to having an infection (like strep) to having allergies to foods or things in the environment.


when it is associated with a compulsive drive (which seems is occurring when she describes it as being "told" to do these tics, then it may be a form of what is known as tourettic OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder merged with Tourette Syndrome)


there are other instances of compulsive or obsessive tics, seen in Aspergers Syndrome (high functioning autism spectrum) and also with kids who have chronic infections (again like strep, a condition known as PANDAS, or other microbes, known as PITANDs, which can also include Lyme Disease etc.


Some children may show these symptoms after vaccines, including flu vaccines, as well as an asortment of other "triggers"


So, as you can see, there are many things that can be causing these tics for this girl, but she is unlikely to be able to just "stop" doing them as they are likely neurological and not within her control! The stress of being told to control something happening beyond a child's control can in turn trigger even more of the tics. It would be like someone telling you not to blink. You can hold it for a bit but then you simply *have* to....same for a person with tics!


The parents should rather try to find out what is causing the tics so as to best treat them. If they or the child are not bothered by the tics, and if the child is not showing signs of illness and seems content, then you may have to actively try to not react to them yourselves, if you are able to ignore it and just enjoy having her around. But especially don't add to the problem by telling her to "stop it ", as it is more than likely that she simply cannot.


hope that gives a bit more perspective for you :)


our main page has a bit of info about tics and tourettes http://www.latitudes.org and also has a link to a very helpful book about natural ways to treat tics and tourettes


If you want to learn more about Tourette Syndrome, here is a good website http://www.tourettesyndrome.net



telling her to "stop it" is not the answer. If anything, it can make it worse!


Children can have tics (which these sound like, vocal and motor tics) for a number of reasons, from having Tourette Syndrome, to having an infection (like strep) to having allergies to foods or things in the environment.


when it is associated with a compulsive drive (which seems is occurring when she describes it as being "told" to do these tics, then it may be a form of what is known as tourettic OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder merged with Tourette Syndrome)


there are other instances of compulsive or obsessive tics, seen in Aspergers Syndrome (high functioning autism spectrum) and also with kids who have chronic infections (again like strep, a condition known as PANDAS, or other microbes, known as PITANDs, which can also include Lyme Disease etc.


Some children may show these symptoms after vaccines, including flu vaccines, as well as an asortment of other "triggers"


So, as you can see, there are many things that can be causing these tics for this girl, but she is unlikely to be able to just "stop" doing them as they are likely neurological and not within her control! The stress of being told to control something happening beyond a child's control can in turn trigger even more of the tics. It would be like someone telling you not to blink. You can hold it for a bit but then you simply *have* to....same for a person with tics!


The parents should rather try to find out what is causing the tics so as to best treat them. If they or the child are not bothered by the tics, and if the child is not showing signs of illness and seems content, then you may have to actively try to not react to them yourselves, if you are able to ignore it and just enjoy having her around. But especially don't add to the problem by telling her to "stop it ", as it is more than likely that she simply cannot.


hope that gives a bit more perspective for you :)


our main page has a bit of info about tics and tourettes http://www.latitudes.org and also has a link to a very helpful book about natural ways to treat tics and tourettes


If you want to learn more about Tourette Syndrome, here is a good website http://www.tourettesyndrome.net


Thankyou for you reply


We only stoped telling her to stop kissing her teeth as people kepted looking at her like what a rude child

She has had a urine infection and then a chest infection in the past 2 months

As far as we know her food as not changed She dont live with us and we dont get told much from her mum/nan this problem was only brought up when we said we was worryed about her and they then said they know


Could this tics be caused by the infections ?



yes tics could definitely be caused by infections like that!


you may want to also check our PANDAS/PITAND forum for further info on infection induced tics/OCD

Tell the parents there of the urinary and chest infections. They mainly talk of strep induced symptoms but many have also dealt with things like Mycoplasma, which causes pneumonia/chest infections and can possibly also induce tics/OCD

here is the link



as far as people staring....well, sadly that is something people with tics get all the time, and one has to simply learn to ignore them! It is THEY who are being rude by staring!!!!


she cannot help it! and if anyone says anything rude to her about it, simply tell them she has a nervous tic and cannot help making the sound.


You have been given some great advice.

I just wanted to stress again that the best thing is to ignore her behaviour. drawing attention to it will only make it worse. She probbaly doesn't even know she is doing it half the time anyway.


Thankyou for you help so far


I did not have a clue what it was until i typed in head shaking in kids

I will take a look at the other thread



telling her to "stop it" is not the answer. If anything, it can make it worse!


Children can have tics (which these sound like, vocal and motor tics) for a number of reasons, from having Tourette Syndrome, to having an infection (like strep) to having allergies to foods or things in the environment.


when it is associated with a compulsive drive (which seems is occurring when she describes it as being "told" to do these tics, then it may be a form of what is known as tourettic OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder merged with Tourette Syndrome)


there are other instances of compulsive or obsessive tics, seen in Aspergers Syndrome (high functioning autism spectrum) and also with kids who have chronic infections (again like strep, a condition known as PANDAS, or other microbes, known as PITANDs, which can also include Lyme Disease etc.


Some children may show these symptoms after vaccines, including flu vaccines, as well as an asortment of other "triggers"


So, as you can see, there are many things that can be causing these tics for this girl, but she is unlikely to be able to just "stop" doing them as they are likely neurological and not within her control! The stress of being told to control something happening beyond a child's control can in turn trigger even more of the tics. It would be like someone telling you not to blink. You can hold it for a bit but then you simply *have* to....same for a person with tics!


The parents should rather try to find out what is causing the tics so as to best treat them. If they or the child are not bothered by the tics, and if the child is not showing signs of illness and seems content, then you may have to actively try to not react to them yourselves, if you are able to ignore it and just enjoy having her around. But especially don't add to the problem by telling her to "stop it ", as it is more than likely that she simply cannot.


hope that gives a bit more perspective for you :)


our main page has a bit of info about tics and tourettes http://www.latitudes.org and also has a link to a very helpful book about natural ways to treat tics and tourettes


If you want to learn more about Tourette Syndrome, here is a good website http://www.tourettesyndrome.net


Thankyou for you reply


We only stoped telling her to stop kissing her teeth as people kepted looking at her like what a rude child

She has had a urine infection and then a chest infection in the past 2 months

As far as we know her food as not changed She dont live with us and we dont get told much from her mum/nan this problem was only brought up when we said we was worryed about her and they then said they know


Could this tics be caused by the infections ?



I just feel the need to point out that just because a child has any childhood 'infection' such as urinary or bronchial, etc. does NOT mean that these necessaryly 'cause' tics. I think its important for those seeking advice to undertand this is only a factor if one has an 'autoimmune' reaction or condidtion such as PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropyschiatric disorder, associated with strep). Strep has been the one most studied, and some other bacterial infections are being investigated, but I do want to point out that just having one of these infections does NOT just cause tics in most kids. could it play a role? maybe. but it that is to be determined by your doctor and in context of the other symptoms and medical work up of your child. I just don't want people to think that any ordinary infection 'causes' tics...in most of the pediatric population, it does not. If it is playing a role, there is somehting more going on with the chld, and that needs to be investigated.




We have enough anecdotal evidence just on this forum alone that suggests many kids here have tics wax when they are ill, whether or not they have PANDAS/PITAND.


Where childhood infections do not appear to cause tics for most of the pediatric population, those with compromised immune systems etc can exhibit tics from illness or infection. So if a child has had recent infections, and is manifesting with tics, then one absolutely should investigate the possible connection further, IMHO

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