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Found 2 results

  1. our DD has been prescribed as part of her protocol either Trileptal or Lamictal - does anyone have experience good or bad? she has been diagnosed with Lyme . Our concerns are the side effects of those two. They are supposed to help with her nuero-irratabliity, nerve pain and extreme sound sensitivity because of the infection. We are considering using something like Lyrica - appreciate any feedback
  2. Someone here mentioned that lamictal is helpful for ocd in pandas b/c it reduces glutamate. The more I read about this, the more fascinated and excited I get b/c of the overwhelming evidence to support this. The government is doing clinical trials now with the ALS drug: riluzole (http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/nct00523718) in the treatment or augmentation of ocd. They say 70% respond to ssri's and CBT, but the other 30% don't and that there has been successes with the glutamate reducers in the reamining 30 percenters (which would include me; I've tried most of the ssri's, maoi's, antipsychotics, and tricyclics with no benefit at all with ocd and very little benefit in depression). I've never tried lamictal and this seems like an interesting topic to bring up with my psych. tomorrow. I was just wondering if anyone else here had success in treating ocd and if they had tried any of the other ALS drugs? Thanks P.S. Excuse any mistakes I may have typed out or included in my information, I am very very sleep deprived day in and day out and I deal with an incredibly insane amount of fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness. Reading is very very difficult for me as is retaining information.
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