My daughter has had tics on and off for 6 years or so, never officially diagnosed with tourettes, just a tic disorder. We initially had her see a ped. nuerologist and she did an MRI and lots of bloodwork. Everything checked out fine. I was told part of the bloodwork was to check for strep. I never really asked about the details of the test, since they said it was negative. So anyway....she has been having a lot of strange behavior lately, very hyper and told me about these "thoughts" in her head. Clearly OCD type thoughts. I called the original neurologist, but can't get her in until the middle of February. I also talked to her ped. and she ordered bloodwork for her - seemed very open to the idea of PANDAS. Well, the nurse just called and said the strep test was negative, but they are also checking on the titres and this will take up to 2 weeks. Apparently, they had to send the bloodwork to the Mayo Clinic, they don't do it around here.
Even though they said she was negative for strep, could the titres still indicate PANDAS? I am really worried about her, especially the OCD issues. I don't know how to help her in the meantime.