my 8 year old daughter was just diagnosed (kind of)...doctors seem to be not in any kind of hurry to help her....she tested positive for strep 2 x's since the beginning of march..(for first 5 days of the strep no antibiotics were given and she was soooo moody (this is sooooo not her!)....then she was finally tested for strep and given 14 days of amoxicillin...2 days after that ended is when she totally changed....ocd, pacing around the house, panic attacks, and tics...severe separation anxiety and afraid to do anything fun.....this was not her at all..(she normally is very well behaved, very athletic, very emotionally stable)......anyways, she went for 2 weeks like this and doctors kept saying she was not sick....finally after the 2 weeks they swabbed her for strep and it came back positive again ....that's when the doctor told us about after MANY doctors appointments this is the "treatment" we have gotten so far.....5 days of azitromycin and 20 mg's of zoloft.....this started around april 12th.....She continued to be HORRIBLE...complains of throat and stomach hurting, tics, trouble falling asleep, wants to bite things,etc........but, now we have had 5 days of normal behavior (well at least we are about 70% better) !!! there any way that the improvement could really continue or have all of you experienced improvement and then went back to the bad symptoms again???