Thank you so much for your response. As soon as they confirmed the strep, he had penicilin shot the same day. I have been reading about PANDAS but didn't see any conclusive treatment methods other then what the neorologist told me -plasma exchange. He is defient and very argumentative in general. The only difference between now and prior to strep is his more frequent vocal tics.
I really appreciate your response. I feel so helpless and sad. I guess this is the normal reaction of parents. Just sharing information with people who has same or similar problems helps.
Thank you again.
Have you been over to the ACN PANDAS forum to ask this question? I'll give you what I know, but you may want to see what other people say as well.
Did your son get antibotics for his strep? Does he have any other symptoms? Has he had a sharp rise in OCD issues, is he spacey or hyper all of a sudden, does he seem defiant or have rages over small things?
Since you have a documented case of strep, it's likely that there is PANDAS involved and I personally wouldn't wait around to see if the tics went away.
Go to or and see if this looks like your kid.
My dd had all sorts of PANDAS-like symptoms that have all improved on abx and ibuprophen -- all except her tic. So, if your son only has a tic, perhaps it's something else?
However, like I said, since you have a clear strep event where things got worse, then my opinion is to definitely look into PANDAS.
I hope this is helpful, and please do go over to the PANDAS forum and see what the others have to say.