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Everything posted by JenniferG

  1. Goats milk is A2. Interesting.
  2. My 3 children have a milk protein intolerance. I have been researching for quite some time different types of food/drink they can consume. I stumbled across some articles about A1 vs A2 genes in cows. And certain types of cows...Jersey etc... Very interesting, it states that the A2 genetic make up protein is the one that people with protein intolerance react to. And the MD continues with how removing this type of milk (A1) from diets has been shown to relieve Autism symptoms and GI issues and rhinitis, ear infections etc associated with drinking milk. But when A2 milk is introduced....the symptoms still do not return, because of this gene....very interesting. Dr. Keith Woodward. Devil in the Milk......is the name of his book...haven't read it...yet There are several interviews on you tube
  3. Thank you. I was curious if it was an allergic reaction. He is on Omnicef, which is new. They thought he was allergic once before because of a belly rash, but when the abx were stopped they rash didn't totally resolve.
  4. Just returned from Children's ER with my ds41/2. He started to complain of leg pain, then limped, then fell to the ground crying,his ankle swelled....all within an hour. Got to the ER and he had a rash on his legs and buttocks. Jan 7 pos throat cul. Then ear infection, followed by croup and 2 more ear infections. Started Thurs with sinus infection and fever of 102
  5. My ds4(x2) were on azithromycin for well over a year. They also have GI issues.....reflux, what, milk and soy intolerances. They aren't growing. Once we removed wheat and changed from azithromycin to Omnicef we saw large improvements in reflux and eating and they started to gain weight. But, now they have been sick for 6 weeks. Strep throat, ear infection, croup then another infection. Now both complaining of a sore throat when they swallow. They both have had a culture every week for 3 weeks (rapid and sent out) all have been negative. Does this mean Omnicef isn't cutting it? One of the has swollen lymph nodes that are so large you can see them on his neck. And it hurts him to turn his neck.
  6. My dd8 has been in an "exacerbation" for over a month and a half. Her brothers had strep, ear infections and croup. Thought it was that. Everyone is better. She does have a tooth " hanging by a thread" could this be the cause?
  7. Has anyone had a throat culture that was positive for anything other than strep?
  8. Thank you. We have tried a few. A while back they took Aug and we THOUGHT they were allergic. But this weekend they had the same "reaction" to Omnicef. And now we are wondering if the rash ismScarlet Fever or a strep rash. It was only their belly and back, and didn't itch. Hmmm. Pharmacist does not think it was an allergic reaction. How much probiotics and what type do you use? I called a DO here in CT, their first opening is August. And I think my Immunologist is getting to busy. My calls aren't being returned until I've called two, sometimes three times. They stopped all meds on Friday to rest their bellies until we saw GI yesterday. They both have fevers and a sore throat this AM! Here is the question, do I just restart ABX or get a throat culture? Because regardless they need the ABX. My dd8 is reacting to their infection.....
  9. My pharmacist called me. Very concerned about my children's ABX. Wanted to be educated on PANDAS. Understands the issue, but is still very concerned about long term use and resistance. Especially at 4 years old. Saw GI today, suggested 2 nd opinion. DS 4 belly very irritated from ABX. Prevacid not working, losing weight....he only weighs 34lbs. Pedi understands CVID and PANDAS...saw him again this week, he also suggested 2 nd opinion. We have seen a CT Imunologist and a NJ MD. contacted a DO in CT today and their first appt is August! I'm in tears...
  10. Did Dr. B do the stool yeast test?
  11. Thank you so much for your responses. So no need to worry that it went from 50 to 90. As long as its "normal". Thanks again.
  12. My dd8 has had the hiccups for 2 days. Just wondering if this could be a tic.
  13. Just wondering about strep titres. When everyone here has states their childrens results wer...125, 153, 134 etc ( just making these up ) how were those given? What I mean by that is this....when my children get labs, each time it will say their result and the the "normal" value. Each time it has been different. My ds4 results were <90 and that's what the normals value was. And when his results were <50 that's what the "normal" results were. I was told the results neg. When you get a value like above, in the hundreds, does it state "<" in front of the number?
  14. DS4 (x2) got taken off of Azithromycin because they tested pos for strep throat on it and it is wreaking havoc on there bellies. No weight gain, reflux etc.. Changed to Omnicef now they are allergic to that too. Now what? Joe has been sick for almost 3 weeks. Pos for strep, then massived ear infection.....had to suction pus out of his ear. And now still has a bellyache, sore throat, stuffy nose and is starting a cough....not too mention the emotnal side of it. He can't stop crying. I broke down into tears today, just overwhelmed with 3 sick kids.. Thanks for letting me vent
  15. Can someone please explain how someone is born with Lyme?
  16. I haven't posted or read in awhile. Sorry. Things were going so well, then a big crash. I was thinking about a naturopath. Does anyone have any experience with one in CT? Thank you.
  17. Had some recent labs. All normal except a Low Total Bilirubin. Any thoughts?? Thanks.
  18. Her local Lyme Western Blot was neg except for p41 band. MD ordered Igenex Bartonella test. She has such a bad yeast infection. What brand/strength of probiotics is typical use for a 48lb 8yo girl? She takes about 5-6 billion a day of Jarro chewables. I feel that's low considering I take 60 billion,1-3 daily.
  19. Spoke with Dr.B this week and he is adding a Bartonella lab from Igenex. Her local Lyme Western Blot was neg except for p41 band. Is Augmentin used for Bartonella?
  20. MD added a pm dose of abx for dd8 with PANDAS. She got worse very quickly. Increased anxiety....Higgins and OCD creeping in and rage returned. Unable to make decisions and "hates her life because it isn't perfect". Stopped abx....almost all but slight anxiety resolved. And her yeast is getting better.
  21. What is the best for a little girl's yeast inf? My dd8 has really red,itchy bottom and Vusion just doesn't cut it anymore.
  22. My dd7 had her tonsils and adenoids out this week. It was rough, very painful. My 3.5 yo twin boys are thought to have PANDAS also. Labs show neg titres, but, they are following in her footsteps. Their Pneumoccocl, Hib and Tetanus vaccines didn't "take". And they are showing signs of aggression, rage, clinginess, separation anxiety and one reverts to wetting his pants when he has strep. They had 5 strep throats last season and this year are up to number 4 and need to go in tomorrow because they are both complaining of sore throats....have been for a week and a half...neg culture earlier. ENT says they "fit the bill" for T &A but has no problem waiting. What's the lessor of the two "evils". Long term abx or T & A? I thought is was the sx until I am seeing what Meg is going through. One of the reasons we chose the sx for her was because of the risks of abx. With so many different aspects of this, I am getting myself confused. Motrin works wonders. And they all have reflux issues and are currently trying a dairy free gluten free diet per GI. They are underweight and had a lot of improvement on a trial run. SO many things got better gluten free. I know I am rambling, sometimes you just want to leave any detail out!
  23. Just wanted to give an update. What a long week! She ended up with an infection. Thank goodness I listened to everyone's advice and asked to put her on abx. She started Clindamycin yesterday. Her pupils are so dilated her eyes are almost black. She has beautiful blue eyes. . Both her brothers have a sinus infection and one with an ear infection. She is becoming very dehydrated. Not eating or drinking. Now she just vomitted. Spoke with ENT yesterday and said her tonsils were "ugly" when he took them out. My dd7 had a Tonisillectomy and Adenoidectomy on Tues. I am noticing some exacerbation in symptoms. She was doing very well before the sx. She is also on Tylenol with codeine. Anyway, ENT sent her tonsils to pathology and microbiology....they cultured negative! She has been on prophylactic abx, but her tonsils were huge and full of pus. The path showed "reactive lymphoid hyperplasia". Anyone familiar with pathology?
  24. Is that recommended?
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