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Everything posted by Vinny123

  1. Quote from a friend: IgM Western Blot was all negative with the following exceptions: 23-25 IND 31 IND 39 IND 41++ Omnicef omni-pac for a month and then I go back to see him. He is very nice and asked if I have any questions but I still don't understand enough to know what the heck to ask!! He said that I was about as close to a positive result as one person could be and still fall short.
  2. Children with PANDAS often experience one or more of the following symptoms in conjunction with their OCD and/or tics: 1. ADHD symptoms (hyperactivity, inattention, fidgety) 2. Separation anxiety (Child is "clingy" and has difficulty separating from his/her caregivers. For example, the child may not want to be in a different room in the house from his/her parents.) 3. Mood changes (irritability, sadness, emotional lability) 4. Sleep disturbance 5. Night- time bed wetting and/or day- time urinary frequency 6. Fine/gross motor changes (e.g. changes in handwriting) 7. Joint pains
  3. Lyme disease is diagnosed clinically based on symptoms, objective physical findings (such as erythema migrans, facial palsy, or arthritis), a history of possible exposure to infected ticks, as well as serological blood tests. When making a diagnosis of Lyme disease, health care providers should consider other diseases that may cause similar illness
  4. yeah its good...but after i cleared all my cookies..i could submit one more time...and each time i follow the procedure every time :lol: i can submit a new one
  5. Im talking on grounds of my personal experience.Lyme disease can affect multiple body systems and produce a range of symptoms.It is diagnosed clinically based on symptoms, objective physical findings (such as erythema migrans, facial palsy, or arthritis), a history of possible exposure to infected ticks, as well as serological blood tests.
  6. @momofgirls: The classic sign of early local infection with Lyme disease is a circular, outwardly expanding rash called erythema chronicum migrans (also erythema migrans or EM), which occurs at the site of the tick bite three to thirty days after the tick bite.Acute neurological problems, which appear in 15% of untreated patients, encompass a spectrum of disorders.Lyme disease is caused by Gram-negative spirochetal bacteria from the genus Borrelia. At least 11 Borrelia species have been discovered, of which are known to be Lyme-related
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