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Kim I live all the way here in Oz and we even have heard of the stir this book has caused. Aparently they are going to make it into a movie. Once someone has read it, I'd love to hear an opinion!
MPV means mean platelet volume. I just did a google on it... Not sure what significance it has, but you may want to check it out some more. I know for us that testing has really helped guide us in the right direction, before we were just stabbing in the dark. Just my two cents worth, but I would think checking for heavy metals first would be a big help. So many systems in the body do not function adequately if there are heavy metals involved. We are just starting out on the metal detox now, yet we have been supplementing for nearly 18 months. I wish we had found someone to do this test back at the beginning, and that we were further down that road. Oh well, cant change the past! Caz
I have tried to type a response twice, but both times, my post has failed to show up, not sure what is going on with my computer. I check my sons full blood picture, and his neutraphils (?? spelling) and other parts of white cells were all normal. Actually I looked them up on google, and whilst the lab here showed they were normal, his eosiniphils were low as per other labs ref range, as were some others, so I will check it out some more and let you know. His basophils were also low, that is less than .1, so they listed it as 0% - I'm sure this is conencted to histamine. My sons white cell count was 4.9/nl which is within the labs ref range, but different to your ref range, so I guess this depends on which lab you use, but they break the percentages of leukocytes down as percetages of white blood cells, so if wcc is low, then this would affect the ratio etc I guess this just tells us that their immune systems are not running at 100% either that they are fighting viruses or bacterial infections etc I'm planning to spend some time later (kids on school holidays so maybe not) to check this out more. Caz
For Kim I was curious when I read your son had a high b6 level show on his blood test. My son too had this, (ref range 30 - 96, his was 120) and I have not been able to make much sense of it, except that the doctor thought that he was unable to activate it into its usable form.. Just this morning, after looking at the enzymes and autism yahoo site that Claire and others talked about I found an article that showed this in its connection to autism. Whilst TS is not autism, I found the conclusions and recommondations intersting. Since we got the b6 blood tests back, we have been doing P5p instead of normal b6, but this refers to it as plp - which I am guessing is the same as p5p Its a long article, but worth reading. This article by Dr. Steve Austin with commentary by Dr.Alan Gaby was published this month and I found it really helpful... A New Understanding of the Use of Megadose Pyridoxine in the Treatment of Autism Author: Steve Austin, ND Reference: Reference: Adams JB, Holloway C. Pilot study of a moderate dose multivitamin/mineral supplement for children with autistic spectrum disorder. J Altern Complementary Med 2004;10:1033â€"9. Design: Randomized, double blind placebo controlled intervention trial Participants: Twenty children 3â€"8 years of age with autism spectrum disorders (autism, pervasive developmental disorder, or Asperger’s syndrome) Study Medication and Dosage: A liquid multi-vitamin/mineral was administered for three months, which included all essential vitamins and minerals and 30 mg of pyridoxyl-5-phosphate per ml, with graduated increasing doses finally plateauing at 1/ml t.i.d. for every 5 pounds of body weight. Thus, a child weighing 50 pounds would be given 10 ml t.i.d., or a total of 30 ml per day, which would contain 900 mg of PLP in addition to high amounts of all the other vitamins and minerals. Outcome Measures: A parental questionnaire was administered recording global impressions, sleep patterns, gastrointestinal (G.I.) symptoms, and psychological symptoms in all subjects. Vitamin B6 serum levels were also measured at baseline and compared with levels found in normal children. Vitamin C serum levels were measured at the end of the trial and compared with those of normal children. Key Findings: Statistically significant improvements in sleep and G.I. symptoms were found in the group receiving supplements when compared with those given placebo. No significant differences occurred in psychological indices. Serum B6 levels were elevated at baseline (a mean of 75% higher than in the healthy children to whom they were compared, P<0.0000001). Similarly, vitamin C levels at completion of the trial were below average levels in those given placebo (though close to average levels in those given the multi- nutrient supplement). Practice Implications: Because so many nutrients were supplied to subjects, we cannot ascribe the clinical improvements observed in this trial to any particular nutrient. More importantly, the chief psychological symptoms associated with autism for which parents are primarily concerned did not improve significantly. Thus, the clinical findings are neither impressive nor the focus of our interest here. Instead, the exciting part of these findings derives from a new understand of why autistic children need so much B6 and why it does not make them sick. For many years, orthomolecular psychiatrists have used megadoses of B6 (sometimes over a gram per day) in the treatment of childhood autism based on the findings of 11 double-blind trials (cited in the current report). Pyridoxine is needed in pathways that affect amino acid conversions to neurotransmitters. Presumably these pathways are related to how B6 supplementation improves the severe psychological deficits associated with autism. What had been lacking previously in this treatment approach was an understanding of why such megadoses (often 30 mg/kg body weight) were appropriate for children. Equal amounts of pyridoxine by weight can induce neuropathies in adults. Yet, despite the lower body weight of the children who have been subjects in these trials, virtually no evidence of neurotoxicity has ever emerged. Recent evidence from other reports shows that pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP) levels are low in autistic children, as are levels of pyridoxal kinase, the enzyme needed to convert pyridoxal to the active metabolite PLP. When paired with the findings of this new report showing highly elevated serum B6 levels in unsupplemented autistic children, a better understanding emerges that probably explains both the need for such high doses of B6 in autistic children and why such doses have not led to toxicity. PLP is the molecule responsible for enzyme activation leading to the formation of neurotransmitters. The current findings show that autistic children do not convert adequate amounts of B6 to PLP. Presumably, because of the inadequate conversion to PLP, serum B6 levels climb while PLP levels remain subnormal. These findings explain why giant doses of supplemental B6 are needed to override the metabolic block. In addition to explaining why so much B6 is needed by autistic children, the current finding of high B6 levels, when paired with other recent evidence showing abnormally low PLP levels (2003 conference proceedings of the National Autism Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA, July 16â€"20, 2003), also explains why so little B6 toxicity has occurred in these children, even when given massive doses of B6. Presumably, the expected sensory neuropathies have not occurred with any frequency because the neuropathic side effects are probably a function of excessive PLP levels, a problem that does not occur in these children even when given massive doses of B6 supplements. Do these findings suggest that instead of using massive levels of B6 doctors might use lower amounts of PLP instead? (PLP is available as a separate supplement, albeit at significantly higher cost.) Maybe so. But if practitioners choose to prescribe PLP instead of B6, they need to be aware of two challenges. First, the appropriate dosage for PLP is unknown. The large doses of PLP caused no toxicity in the current trial, but perhaps this was true only because the trial lasted for only three months. (The short duration of the trial might also explain why the PLP supplementation did not result in psychological improvements -- changes that have consistently been reported in previous trials using massive doses of B6. Also, by directly bypassing the just-discovered biochemical blockage, we have reason to expect that neuropathic toxicity that did not occur with B6 might well eventually be a problem in autistic children given “too muchâ€� PLP (again, recalling that we don’t know how much is “too muchâ€�). As a result, practitioners using PLP instead of B6 will need to watch for sensory losses in the extremities that are not accompanied by any motor component. (These sensory-only peripheral neuropathies are the hallmark of B6 toxicity.) If neuropathies do appear, practitioners will need to reduce the dose of PLP. Alternatively, pyridoxine may still be administered, given the positive effects it has been reported to induce in controlled clinical trials. These new findings are important for yet another reason -- they add considerable credibility to the pioneering work of Bernard Rimland and others who, for reasons previously not understood, discovered years ago that seemingly frighteningly high doses of B6 improve symptoms of autism without causing toxicity. The vitamin ASD-plex on the Millennium Nutritionals website has enhanced amounts of B6 and has been yielding positve results: http://www.millnut.com/asdplex.shtml
I had not heard that hcl inducing supplements were not good for kids. They were recommended to me by a doctor, and we have been really pleased with what they have done for our son. We only do a low dose though, somewhere I read that adults could take up to 6 of these tablets with each meal, and we only do one for an adult size kid. Low stomach acid can cause a whole cascade of issues, not only relating to protein digestion, but also to stimulating the pancreas to release other enzymes which help with digestion of fats etc as well. It is the stomach acid levels on release from the stomach into the small intestines that determine many other factor relating to the rest of the digestive tract, so just supplementing digestive enzymes may not cause some of these other cascade events to take place. We do both, and find that works best. Thats just our experience though. Caz
I too have found that alot of the autism sites have so much necessary info. One that I have been looking at alot lately is chelatingkids2 chelatingkids2 We are about to go down this road, and wanted to know other peoples experiences. Claire - interesting about the amino's - hope the enzymes make a difference for your son. We are using betaine hcl to help increase stomach acid to start the protein digestion things working. I have read that heavy metals can knock out enzymes, but I think from memory you have fixed this issue. Take care, Caz
Pfeiffer outreach in AUSTRALIA on April 1
Caz replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hi guys Thats amazing news on Pfieffer coming to Aus - Perth is way too far from Sydney to consider it, but I will email them to find if they are training anyone from Perth. Thanks for the info direct from Bill Walsh. I wish they were able to do more research into TS. I guess it is a money thing. To Marina Glad Matt is doing better. Its such a long process of trial and error. We still have good weeks and then problem weeks. Now my boy is at highschool, I feel I have less control over the food. I only have healthy stuff in the house, but going to friends houses, and other activities, and school stuff makes it hard. I bet you find this with your boys. I can't remember if your eldest had tics, or other issues. For us, supplemnets have helped all the attention issues, but the tics are certainly harder to deal with. Hope your testing yields some answers.. We recently had the heavy metals challenge test, and found that Josh has lots of mercury and lead. Our next step is to detoxify these. Next Dr appt is on 31st, so hopefully that will point us in the right direction. I know for my kid, diet plays a part, but for him the salicylates and amines were not the main issues, it was more the ability to break foods down, and malabsorbtion that were the biggest problem, so we are still working on all this. I get sick of the sight of the kitchen at times, having to prepare most foods from scratch. How about you guys? -
HI all What a good idea to summarise these results. I haven't posted for a while, things got really good for a few months, then just lately the wheels have fallen off again. I guess that is the nature of TS! Our experience with Heavy Metals, also showed minimal in hair analysis. The doctor did say at the time that the patterns of high sodium, potassium with low calcium and magnesium , along with high copper suggested lots of hidden heavy metals, so we have been working on this, but after 12 months, we have recently found that we have probably only scratched the surface of this problem. My son just recently did the pre/post chelation challenge test, and for magnesium, his level pre dmsa (or dpms what ever it is called) was " not detected" then in the post, it was 46 (ref range 0 - 6) so this would suggest that he is not exreting it normally, but that there is lots there. Lead was also outside the ref range, but cadmium was ok. His last hair analysis (june last year) showed lots of cadmium, so we have had success getting rid of this one I think. Low Glutathione/Antioxidants We have not had this test done, but I would guess that they are low, as it is glutathione that helps eliminate heavy metals, and this is an issue. Yeast CDSA showed negative, as did IGG test for candida, but a naturopathic doctor did kineseology testing (muscle testing) and this showed there was disbiosis of the gut still, so maybe still an issue. Pyroluria My sons result was 5.5, so negative. Still he sometimes has white spots on nails, but we are already supplemting 60mg zinc per day anyway. Thanks for the great tip of B12! I'll be checking this tomorrow. Caz
Re: allergy shots - I asked this question to my peadiatric allegiest, and he said they do not contain anything other than the allergen, no mercury. no preservative. I am keen to hear what others have heard in regard to this. I sometimes wonder if we get the "whole" truth.... Caz
There is a test for leaky gut, which is called an intestinal permeability test. YOu drink a liquid containing manitol and lactulose (spelling????) and then you wee into a bottle for a number of hours, and then they test this for how much of the lactulose and manitol you have absorbed. ONe you shouldn't absorb, so if you do you know you have a leaky gut that is allowing things in that should not be there, and the other one you should absorb lots of, so if you dont then you know you have a condition of malabsorption. Please bear in mind that it is not only casien and gluten that can be issues, it can be other things being absorbed that should not be there. If the casien and gluten (or their peptides) are an issue, it is more that you are not able to break these down into their individual amino acids, and as your gut is leaky, you can absorb these larger peptide molicules that a non leaky gut would not absorb. So really there are two issues at play here. Hope you can find someone to help you through this maze. Caz
Marina I am sending you a personal message regarding your osteopath. Am curious what type of osteopath they are and what type of treatment they are doing. Things are so crazy this time of year. Trying to keep us healthy eating with all these parties etc is sooooo hard! Things are still pretty good for us despite all the food but... Wishing you all a very merry Christmas, and new year. Caz
Sorry Ausclare - I forgot to mention that this particular product would not be suitable for vegetarians as the pepsin is from pigs I believe. Other forms without the pepsin are available. Some of the things you recommended to me weeks ago like lemon in water and applecider vinegar are reported to stimulate the stomachs hydrochloric acid as well. I got a hold of Sandra Cabots book on liver health and read that info in there on low stomach acid. Caz
The Betaine HCL is not an enzyme itself, but comes in a product called protein digestive aid by natures sunshine. I got it from the Health Food Store, but had to ring around to find one that carried it. It contains 325g betaine Hydrochloride and 65mg pepsin, which when activated by the stomach acid begins to break down protein. (Pepsin only works when the stomach acid is a ph of 2 - very acid) From the stuff I have read - pepsin is an endopeptidase enzyme which means it hydrolyses peptide bonds in the middle of the polypeptide chain of protein. This means that it begins to break down the bond in the protein commencing its necessary digestion into its individual amino acids. This stimulates the pancreatic endopetidases and they digest the proteins and peptides (from above) and make them even shorter in the duodenum. Different endopeptidase enzymes cut the protein sequences at different places on the peptide chain because they target different amino acid sequences. This way there are many free ends on the chains for the next enzymes to work on. Exopeptidases are enzymes in the membrane of the ileum epithelial cells that complete the digestion of the short peptides into its individual amino acids. It is somewhere around here that once broken down into its individual bits, they are absorbed into the blood stream and then transported around the body. It is also here that if all of the above doesn't work properly, the protein is not broken down sufficiently - eg some of them remain as shorter chain peptides rather than as their individual amino acids, that if there is a leaky gut problem the peptides are absorbed into the blood rather than as individual amino acids. You know the human body is amazing - really if there was no leaky gut or microflora imbalance, then even these larger peptides would not cause such an issue, we would just be somewhat devoid of amino acids. But these not completely digested amino acids cause other problems if there is not complete flora balance in the gut. They encourage certain flora to flourish, and this can then cause its own issues. My son for example on this cdsa showed a possible protein maldigestion problem with an imbalance of short chain fatty acids in his gut. It is the microflora in the bowel that create short chain fatty acids. these are different from the long chain fatty acids like omega 3 and 6 - these short chain do different jobs in the body. But if you do not digest your protein well, then these short chains are imbalanced, and this can also cause a cascade of trouble. Hopefully for us, getting the hydrochlic acid in the stomach right can like a cascade effect fix some of these other troubles, and it can also help correct the microflora issues. I have read that insufficient stomach acid is one of the biggest reasons people have candida yeast issues! If I have not bored you to tears so far, have a read of this link http://www.thorne.com/altmedrev/fulltext/hcl.html Caz
My doctor did not even understand why I wanted this test - so they cannot help me. I have muddled through on my own and decided that for many different reasons b3 might be more of a deficiency than b6 for my kid, and this may be the final piece of that puzzle. I guess for so long I was fixated that b6 was the issue, now that I am open to other options, things seem to be working better. Shame we do not have a test like spectracell here in Australia!!! Caz
Betaine HCl is actually betaine (trimethylglycine) with hydrochloric acid - to supplement the bodies naturally made stuff. INtersting that it actually tmg that is good for the undermethylated person. Anyway it is only the HCL form that helps with the stomach acid, not the plain form. Just recently we started with free form amino acids, rather than protein that the body has to break down. We are going low low dose of this just to see if there is any reaction, as it contains phenalanaine and stuff. I'll keep you posted. Caz
For all those who have followed the histamine connection - all those tested at Pfieffer have been undermethylated high histamine. We just had this test done in Australia, and much to my surprise he was extremely low in histamine - below the reference range, so this would suggest that he is overmethylated. I know different labs use different techniques but this test would have to be a reasonable guide I would think! Caz
I typed for one and a half hours all that I had learned about digestion, and then the baby crawled into the study, and banged the computer and the computer shut down and I lost everything!!! There must be a lesson to learn, but right now I am mad as ######!!! I don't think I can type it all again, but to summarize, I have recently recieved some test results for my son, both amino acid profile (7 out of 21 below reference range - 8 more within 10% of bottom of reference range and the rest below middle of reference range) This is after he has had months of eating protein with every meal and taking a protein drink with breakfast. How could this be??? Then his fatty acid profile was completed. He has been taking fish oil for 12 months, but his profile showed very little epa and next to no dha. But his saturated fats were off the scale high - where was he getting all the saturated fats? Apparantly from the fish oil. They are only 30% epa/dha so what is the rest? Well 40% approx is saturated fats. If you look into how the body processes fish oil you will see that it is actually quite complicated - they come as a triglyceride - and through digestion in the stomach and gut and being emulsified by bile salts, and the pancreatic enzyme lipase, you have to break these down into the tri part (with is 3 molucules of fattty acids) and they glycerol part - then these parts cross into the epitheliel cells of the villi, then they are re-synthesised and combine with proteins, travel in the lymph system and are then later carried into the blood. With problems with either low stomach acid, pancreatic insufficiency , low bile salts or damaged villi in the gut, you would have problems getting sufficient fatty acids into your cells, where you need them. This is even before you start looking at delta 5 and delta 6 desaturase enzymne activity and the elongase enzymes which "processes" fatty acids into their end products which are epa and dha etc etc , the bits that are then turned into prostaglandins etc. At the height of all this research, I went a bit dippy - the human body is such a complex thing. What I learnt from all of it probably relates mostly to my own kid, but I realized that health store bought fish oil may not be the best way to get dha and epa into our kids, unless you know that all of their other body systems are working well. We can't get them here in Aus, but I believe there are products that are high dha or epa, in a much better ratio to saturated fats than we can get here. The manufactures here in Aus do not even have to list that they contain so much saturated fat. Another intereting thing is that unless you have enough omega 6, your body has trouble dealing with its saturated fats, and if you are niacin deficient, you also have trouble with this. For us, how does this relate to his amino acid profile being so low? 2 weeks ago I took him to a friend who had just finished her studies to become a naturopath, and she does iridology. First thing she said when she looked into his eyes was "he has low stomach acid". I often thought this whole thing was like reading tea leaves - a bit witch doctor like, but it was fascinating. She said lots about him, but one of the main things was that his toxins are affecting his brain. Duh!!!???!!! I looked into stomach acid, and it needs b1, zinc and the amino acid histadine as well as chloride that comes from sodium chloride (salt). My son was extremely low in histadine - so that kind of fits. (This low somach acid becomes a vicious cycles, and if you dont have enough, you cant break the food down and absorb the nutrients needed and so you become deficient in the very things you need enough of to make more) What I found is that if you do not produce enough stomach acid, you cannot activate pepsin - the enzyme that begins the digestion of protein. Then when the contents ot the stomach are released into the small intestines, they should trigger the release of pancreatic enzymes to continue breaking down protein, and others to begin the process of breaking down carbs, sugars, and fats. If you do not produce enough enzymes, the foods remain only partially digested, and then they become a breading ground and a haven for the "unfriendly" microflora. Also the bile salts are not stimulated enough, and this causes other probelms. This then leads to toxins that then overburden the liver and other organs, causing trouble with them. When the body does not get enough nutrients, it then has trouble with so many other areas and enzyme reactions that it is like a cascading effect.... Again low stomach acid would suggest that your pancreatic enzymes wouln't be stimulated enough, so your lipase (fat digesting enzymes) would not work so well, and you would not be breaking the fish oils down as well and hence not having enough of then in your cells. Apparantly the body finds it easier to "cleave" the saturated fats from the triglycerol, rather than the omega 3 or 6's. I could not find this referenced anywhere, but the guy at the lab told me that, so this may be another reason my sons profile was so squewed in the area of saturated fats. Well, we are now stimulating his digestion with betaine hcl, and this and a few other things we are trying (like chelation of heavy metals and olive leaf extract for microbial imbalance) seem to be making a difference - touch wood - I know TS waxes and wanes, but for us, right not things seem to be on the improve.
What a lousy time of year to loose your job!!!! I hope all goes well for your husband finding a new one. Like you say, new doors open, sometimes better than before!!! Don't know about you, but I am hanging out for the school holidays to start. Things go crazy this time of year with end of year stuff - class parties, graduation nights, carols by candlelights, christmas stuff!!!! Next year I swear I will do my shopping in November. The shops were absurd on the weekend!!! Hard to maintain much control over the artificial stuff right now with all the school/parties etc. Right now, apart from my son being really tired - too many late nights - which normally flare his tics up badly, things are actually going suprisingly well. Maybe today I will get time to share all I have learned about him in the last few weeks. Caz
Like you, I have had to totally relax the food thing with school windups and parties, it did not seem fair to restrict, and not being there to monitor made it so much harder. My eldest with the tics actually self monitors his artificial stuff. Things have slowly improved for him. We did have a few days where the tics were almost negligible - but then he came out in mouth ulsers, and things went back to as bad as they have been. Ulsers are gone now, so things have improved a bit, but I guess I am now so concious of them. My husband has commented that they seem much better so maybe.... We never got to a no tic baseline with failsafe. Things improved for my daughter, but nothing really changed for my son, except maybe alfter all the sugar, things may have actually got worse, so we are now only doing nothing artificial, but are taking things with amines and salicylates in them. Treating yeast or microbial imbalance with olive yeast extract and starting the chelate heavy metal over the past 2 weeks has seen the biggest change for us. Only time will tell if they have now plateued or if they will continue to improve. I have been meaning to write heaps of stuff I have learned over the past few weeks, but it is like a book. I have got results back for my sons fatty acid profile and amino acid profile and have immersed myself in biochemisty 101. Hopefully I will find half an hour or so to share it all. Poor everyone else having to read it I am keen to look into the osteopath thing. School is so flat out with grade 7 gradulation on highschool orientations etc. Am waiting for hols to find one in our local area. Anyway, as always, glad to hear from a fellow aussie. Caz
A few weeks ago I gave you Micheal Sichels email. I spoke to him today about some mercury detox stuff he got for my son, and I mentioned I had given his web address to someone in Singapore, and he emailed me the info on the seminar he is giving. autism forum Dont be put off by it being for autism. Some aspects of this and TS overlap. I have a copy of his book on "The alphabet kids" and it is a fascinating read. Some of the stuff about vaccinations is a bit scary, but neverthless, talks about testing and treatment protocol for heavy metals etc. Caz
Hi guys, I sent a message back Marina. Talking of allergies, I have started my son on grape seed extract, blackmores, high dose. After a week, his hay fever does seem a little better, not so congested etc. I know Bonnie uses this with her program, so thought I would give it a try for the allergies. I'll keep you posted on what type of difference it makes. Histamine: I have found that our local lab - clinipath - do a whole blood histamine test, covered by medicare. This is the test the pfieffer clinic do to determine methylation issues. His blood was taken yesterday, so wont get results for 3 - 4 weeks.
We tested fot this, but it was negative. Be careful with how you handle the sample as others here have said if it gets to the lab defrosted you wont get an accurate result. As an aside, our lab told me they had to chisel off the ice from around our sample so I assume this was not an issue. Best of luck. Caz
Macrobiotic weekend. Impressive. My weekend was the opposite. After all the moral support for failsafe and doing it for the babies sake, I went to an engagement party and gorged on all sorts of stuff including 2 pieces of cheesecake. Did I feel blah today or what!! Wish now I had done your weekend. Cant imagine trying to feel that type of food to the kids, but I am wondering with my kids if some of them are reacting to the sugar. The three year old is getting more psycho by the day. I kept thinking it was detoxing, but it is getting worse. Any suggestions????? They are eating such a limited range of foods, sugar is the only thing I can think has changed for the worse, everything else is failsafe and healthy. My daughters ezcema has flarred up a little, and she hasn't had it for at least 12 months.... Well, at least it is helped her older sister. Looking forward to the challenges, to see if these things do make a difference. Ausclare, have you got that far yet? What were your kids sensitive to? Trying to do failsafe, work and move house - don't know how you manage it all. Caz
Let us know how the no screens week goes. We are still working on it!!?????!! Interesting about the fluro lights - I often wondered about them when all this tv/screens thing came up. If migranes can be linked to them, then other neurological stuff must be too. All schools here have them, and they often flicker. Even the room we have the computer at home has a fluro light. Not at the flickering stage. Actually now I think even our family room is one of those circular fluro's. HOpefully those wont have to go... Sigh..... How is failsafe going? I am exhausted from all the cooking. Every night I am baking stuff for lunch box treats. Kids are sick of pear jam sandwiches. Caz
Methylation diagnostic impact on supplements
Caz replied to Claire's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
An interesting find: I spoke the other day of finding a naturopath who follows Pfieffer principles, well, she copies some pages from a book called Natural Healing of Schizophrenia and other common mental disorders by Eva Edelman as I mentioned to her that I though my son may be undermethylated, as per his symptoms. Anyway, I just today go to read the few pages, and in the first paragraph is says: That is the first time I have seen it in writing of the connection, other than in Walsh's info on this web site. The foot note says in regards to this "From interview with W Walsh November 2000" Intersting then that his form of treatment for high histamine/undermethylation doesn't help with the tics. I guess once some of you have been following his protocol for a few months, it will be intersting to see the results. Caz