My husband and I are struggling with that same question....ds10 doing the best since augmentin XR began 30 days ago, however ADHD is what we now have to deal with. After all we've been through...ADHD is a piece of cake! Having said that, are we missing an opportunity to help him completely recover (by not getting IVIG) and not to mention he hasn't tried getting off antibiotics yet.? What if everything returns and he just isn't successful without antibiotics and now more time has passed, he is older, has had this longer...have we decreased his chances for IVIG to be successful? What if we say that this is good enough and then this bright child hates school and is failing? Will we always wonder..."what if?"
When PANDAS hit the T.V. show "Mystery Diagnosis" this summer...will we even be able to get an appointment for an IVIG?
Won't all of these doctors be overwhelmed?
For right now, in THIS MINUTE, (which is how we have learned to live) all I want to do is take a deep breath, enjoy the relatively happy child, and take a moment to look up at the things in life that I almost forgot existed!
I pray for each of you, your families and all of our precious children each night!! Dear Lord, give us guidance to make the best decisions for each of our children.