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About Not_the_Same

  • Birthday 03/13/1966

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    nw Chicago

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  1. Please remember i am just a comment on the internet.... not a DR. (how do i get this spell check to work?) The first one was about 4yrs old and the 2nd (had symptoms 2months later) was 13yrs... it took about 6 - 8 months of abx. We used a full spectrum Abx (Biaxan)after we tested, showing micoplasma and strep. It is important to use the correct abx... not all can penitrate the cellular walls . I wanted to keep things as simple as possable, and wanted a doctor not to make a mountain, with complicated solutions.There is plenty of worry time, combined with research---- use the research. To recap... I used various doctors opinons, I sifted through the mire,weighed my options and managed. I ... by nature have learned not to believe everything that is presented by the main stream. Test ----Try to identify the infection (The source if possable) Kill the infection ( this may be most difficult) considering common perscriptions are like car warranties >too short replenish the gut with healthy gut flora
  2. I wanted to say thanks to the producers of this forum. I remember when this disorder, just about turned my family upside down. Thanks to the people in this group, and especially DR.T. We are symptom free for about 3 yrs and counting. One thing i remember from back then, was i did not see many conclusion storys. I would like to offer one. These are just my opinions , based on facts we went through. I do not have the time to get really detailed, so please pardon my shortcuts. I had 2 children affected within 6 months. It happened around the time of the H1N1 scare.... The time of a big vacination push in our local schools..... Remember that? Our first case was with our youngest, he first displayed "complex vocal tics" This is when i considered my self baptised by fire, and scoured the internet for truthful information. I found this forum and within a Link to Dr. K....( I will not use names of Dr.s) He provided breif assistance, with a Short script of Augmentine.(Immediate temporary improvement 1 month of so) Too short in my opinion. We discontinued with DR. K, after he discontinued with us.... I was not on board with I.V.I.G.....He Did not really responed to my emails or my lack of Insurance. During the time of the initial course of ABX, I studied the comments on this web site. I then solicited DR. T for his knowledge and help..... Everthing is now in order thanks to DR. T. I believe some cases can be Cured( yes i used the word cured) with a strong dose of the correct ABX. How has our life changed? No packaged foods No GMO We consider everything we put into out body. I wish you all the best of the best, on your journey. btw here is a link to a new person sharing vids on pandas. Thanks again to you all. -john
  3. After reading many of the articles, if not all, and watching the various news clips and programs, found by links provided by most of you all. I have painted a picture in my mind. We had very little information when we first heard of this Mystery illness in Leroy. "Tourette like symptoms"These were the google keywords that brought me to ACN 2 years ago. It sparked emotion in many of us, because it was remarkably familiar to us. This Mystery illness appeared to be shrouded by secret closed door meetings amongst the New York department of health, and there minions. They sited HIPPA as they gave little or no answers.Did HIPPA even apply here? Each day, I have checked this site to find another piece of information. Ahh to see conversion disorder,I thought oh these poor girls, what kind of treatment will they receive? They said the equivalent to "it is all in there head". With the original diagnosis,I think they dismissed infections, along with various other things. It was not until Dr T appeared , did i hear of attention given to the infections. Dr T found infections or indicators of past infections, that could trigger these symptoms, and he plans to treat them. If the original Dr.s saw these infections, did they attempting to treat them or did they dismiss them? After reading the article in EAMom's linkAnd some from the other night,I started to realize that it is very possible Dr T. has his hands full , not only with diagnosing and treating the afflicted,but he has to be careful of those who have Egos that need mending. The conversion disorders diagnosis, is not convincing to me against the fact that 6 of the 8 had elevated ASO titers. Shouldn't these elevated titers provide a red flag of some sort? This simply means to me - Where there is smoke there is fire. I wanted to mention Dr T said "pandas like illness" i don't think he said a definitive Pandas or pans. I took this as meaning an infection... be it strep. mycoplasma or some other infectious agent triggering the auto immune response of tics. I am confident Dr T. will treat the patients with the correct dosage of Abx for the correct duration of time to clear the infections. This cure will have nothing to do with the placebo effect. I have noticed that it is not only the infectious microbes under the microscope at this time, but possibly Dr T also. I look forward to reading about the dramatic improvements with all of misdiagnosed. -
  4. Hello Melanie, A while back before having my children treated . I was very interested in this abx Doxycycline , I was beginning to gather information about Doxycycline, but had no further need to continue. The abx they needed removed there symptoms. one of bit of information i found interesting was that is was used in successful treatment of Gulf war veterans exposed to infectious agents. My link Another - It crosses the Blood Brain Barrier My link I have no other bits of information, but wonder if it has been used in successful treatment against the symptoms prevalent in this forum. best wishes.
  5. article http://www.wgrz.com/news/article/150087/37/Update-on-Tourettes-Like-Illness-in-Leroy It seems the NYS Department of Health does not want to reveal too much information. I would like to know a bit more. What is the diagnosis? What is the treatment? I can not help but wonder, if the students at that school, had been given a vaccine recently, I mean something like the swine flu vaccine. I just wanted to share this story with you people on this forum, if you had not discussed this yet. If any of you know more about i would be interested. best wishes to you all _John
  6. Hello ACN I remember searching this forum for answers a year ago,when my family was blindsided by this disorder. First affecting my youngest now 5, then my oldest at 13. Funds were limited, faith in doctors vanishing, but in the end, with the commits and insight from this forum, both kids are back. I would spend hours like many of you reading post after post. Dr. T. had thrown many valuable pearls of information out on this forum, before he left, and this is when I understood that he was not a doctor just prescribing protocol,but he was still studying and learning, and most importantly he was sharing his information. I do not want to sound like a commercial for anyone, my intention is to share a possible solution. What did we do? After switching to Dr. T. We found the correct abx for the correct duration.(Not as easy as it may sound,my first Dr. offered a path that i feel we would still be on) My Children have been off ABX since last June.Nothing Else. Maybe we are just lucky. I hope you all can find your remedies with the wisdom on this board. John
  7. I wanted to point out this bit of information. It may be useful for you. This video shows how fillings may be a cause for illness.
  8. It seems that main stream media has finally grasped the idea that a common infection can cause complex disorders. The often misdiagnosis will lead to respected professional opinions suggesting treatment with ssri or other masking plans of action. Alternatively, an aggressive course in the correct abx, may prevent a life of psychiatric medications. I would also like to mention, I do believe, the flood of GMO and Non Organic food supply, into our every day diet adds to the probability of a heavily medicated society. This is what i believe. Thanks for the article Vickie.
  9. Congratulations to all! -John
  10. Hello, Without giving too much of an explanation, I think it would be wise to not add any more variables than are necessary. 1 cook at a time. You may be correct about trying (NAET). This is what you feel, but like you stated; " Since I'll be starting antibiotics in just a few days, not sure how much we'll be able to tell happened as a result of the NAET,". Doctor K has been right on the money for my son (4), and i would, if i were you, let him work his magic. All the best to you -John my youngest has no tics now Btw I now plan to explore what NAET is, considering my little one is allergic to many things.
  11. in our case, My 4 yr old son, that developed a "complex vocal tic" since Nov 2009. He has reduced the frequency of occurrence 97% since treatment with DR.K. -John *negative on the strep swab *elevated titers
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