It had been 3 years since my son (now 11) was having so many symptoms. I took him to the eye doctor twice for his blinking, then to the allergist numerous times for the blinking, the urologist for his urination issues (had surgery to enlarge his pee-pee hole), the pediatrician for allergies (coughing, upper resportory issues, etc). Never seeked advise for the hand-washing and ocd items. It wasn't until this past July at 2 am in the morning, after a rough night of my son going to the bathroom non stop, that I finally found the answer. I was determined to seek the internet for the answer and I wasn't going to bed until I found what I was looking for.... I Googled so many searches, but I finally I had my big moment when I seached "frequent urination and OCD". Don't ask me why I put 'OCD', but somewhere in the back of my mind I thought my son's perfectionism and love for routine was a little excessive for his age and the hand washing had become out of control. I'm sure we all had that moment of Oh My God ... the screen results filled with the word PANDAS! I couldn't believe there was an actualy name that matched my son to the tee. So 3:30 am on my couch, in the dark in my living room, I had put it all together... sitting there crying and shaking trying to wrap my head around the last 3 years. And we all know what happened next.... non-stop research, visits to the pediatrian with the puzzled looks and suggestion to go to another urologist, trying to find a specialist, etc. Finding this forum has been my anchor (I only read and never post) and getting lucky enough to grab an appt with Dr. Murphy in Tampa, FL. So many questions still go unaswered, but atleast we know we have so many parents pushing for results.