My husband has Tourettes and I have to say that it has shaped his whole personality in such a positive way. I truely believe that he would never be the amazing, kind-hearted, sensitive, caring person that he is if he did not have TS. He is the most handsome man, has a GREAT job, and we have 2 absolutely beautiful children together. He has everything in the world going for him. Yes, he tics, but he is such an amazing person that everyone in his life just sees past it. He had hard times when he was younger and his mom was probably feeling like most of you are on this board. With lots of love, security at home, and by finding something that he was interested in and good at (sports) he got through the tough times. He told me that when he went to college he made a life changing decision. He decided that the tics will not interfere with his life anymore. He was done giving them any attention and was going to live his life to the fullest. It worked for him! He is 33 years old and the happiest person I know! I think everything happens for a reason and I just know that he has TS because it has made him a better man. I know it seems so hard to believe righ now but I promise you all that everything will turn out okay.