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Everything posted by Suzan

  1. HUGS To you! But I'm glad you have a diagnosis and can help yourself as well. I took Transfer Factor Lyme and also TF Immune. I can't remember which did what since I took them together but I do remember that it made me herx until I got used to it. I know that it was suposed to help raise CD57 and my LLMD uses it exclusively. I took it for quite a while and due to the cost, decided to use Cats Claw which is supposed to raise CD57 too. Hang in there! Susan
  2. This does sound like what she has going on on her back and legs. Has he had a positive bart test or is it a clinical diagnosis? What is he taking for his bart?
  3. That does sound like what we have going on here and fits in with Kim's theory. I have just taken her off abx to commit to the natural treatment for a while and give her gut a rest. I wonder if the metal free is too strong or fast for her. She told me last night she is holding things together so hard while we are outside the house that when we come home she falls apart. I asked her why she thought she was so much worse at home (me thinking mold, etc.) and that was her response. Susan
  4. http://www.bodyhealth.com/html/metalfree/index.asp I buy ours from my doc but this is the product, Metal Free spray. Your theory is intersting. I will ask my doc about it. I know her personality has changed since she worked up to the full dose.
  5. dd10 came home with scratches on her back that made me wonder if it was a Bartonella rash. It just looks like cat scratches though, not stretch marks. What are your experiences of Bartonella symptoms in your kids? She's doing heavy metal detox which I've been assuming that is what her trouble is. I noticed one Bartonella symptom is being combative and you can surely say that is her right now. Her primary attitude and tone of voice is "you are an idiot why am I spending any time talking to you" or "I hate myself because I can't do anything right but you are an idiot anyway" or "I hate your guts and you are an absolute idiot" (see a trend ) and refusal do do anything that is required of her (taking pills, getting dressed, helping to decide what she wants to eat since she won't eat anything that is made for her otherwise anyway). She's 10 and starting to go through puberty. This is my first pre-teenish kid so I can't tell what is just normal and her horrid personality and what is also because she has a chronic infection. If it's puberty, is life really going to be like this for the next 8 years with no hope of a cure? Lyme parents should be exempt from puberty in their kids. Ok so I got off on a tangent on puberty but I really think there is a combination and something else is rearing it's head.
  6. Thanks! It does make you wonder though about the kids who were born with lyme and it's interaction with strep and they end up with pandas, pitands, etc. I'll take a look at the article.
  7. Do you have a link to the article? Is it online? I'd like to read it. Thanks!
  8. Hey, dd10 and I are both taking Lauricidin. You are saying it will help deteriorate biofilm? Doc just cut dd10 back from 3x to 2x a day due to some of her symptoms (bad stomach upset). I think we are on it for it's antiviral/bacterial and antiyeast. Susan
  9. LLM, wanted to say I am sorry about what you are going through with DD7! You have been so supportive to me and my family. I hope you find what she needs. What I've learned is everyone is different and no one thing works for each person. It sure makes things complicated. HUGS!
  10. I found mold in the bottom of our wicker laundry basket. ewwwhhh. I am stressing about the washing machine and refrig now too. I also found some mold I think in our dishwasher. Not sure what to do about it all. Susan
  11. My dd10 had pain. Legs, fingers, toes, growing pain, pain that got worse after IVIG, periods of time where she could not walk but nothing was wrong as far as the doctor's could tell. Otherwise, she seemed pretty cut and dry PANDAS with confirmed strep connection but starting to react to all virus exposure. Her pain is usually gone now completely with occasional flares. dd9 I tested after learning more about lyme for dd10. She had the strep connection but was not getting better, not getting worse. She seemed more of a mystery all around. Still does a little Susan
  12. I know! It kind of freaked me out too... I will let you guys know how it goes. My new doc is very serious about his belief that this stuff works. He says I can start the girls on it any time I'm ready. I'll probably try dd10 first as she is more mature and can probably handle the herx better. maybe next week we'll give it a try. I'm very worried about starting the kids. The thing I'm confused about is if it does help us and we feel better, how would we know when to stop. How do you know if it's really gone? Doc says kinesology and testing for no antibiodies. Does that mean a negative igenex test? susan
  13. That's basically the protocol I was on except flagyl (not refampin) and I don't know what probenecid is. I'll have to look that up. The plaquenil is great stuff for getting the abx down deep into the cells. But my LLMD's didn't prescribe it for my daughters. I don't know why so I don't know if there is an age/size issue? My girls were on amoxicillin, azithromycin, nystatin, diflucan, flagyl. Is rifampin a cyst buster? Since we've started seeing a natural doc, I've stopped some of the meds for other supplements but that was after a full year on the LLMD meds. Susan
  14. I am half way into the first month of my homeopathic treatment. It's totally knocking me down. Has anyone else tried this stuff? deseret biologicals borrelia series therapy http://www.humandiamond.com/store/deseret_biologicals/product/53/Borrelia-Series-Therapy-10-Vial-Kit I have leg aches, headaches, ringing in my ears, muscle pain, shooting pains, fatigue, rib muscle twitches. It's obviously herxing. But I'm still getting up to speed on homeopathy and whether or not I think it will work. My natural doc really believes in this stuff and says it's cured his lyme patients. Susan
  15. That's great! So many posts about lyme. I hope they listen.
  16. My thoughts are to wait. I think this test is ver sensitive and can still come back normal even if you do everything right. I think you will quesiton the test results if you don't wait. What do you think? Susan
  17. I am so sorry for all you have been going through and I know losing him again after being so well was devastating! I am so happy that you have hooked up with a great doc who is helping to find the remaining pieces to the puzzle. Sounds like you are on a great path. I wish our new natural doc was also a medical doctor so I could combine the great things we are doing with him with some good medical testing but overall I am hoping that he will help with my kids in a similar way. I look forward to hearing your updates! Susan
  18. Wellness doc said pulled muscle and not lyme. I think lyme still. He treats lyme but is not a lyme doc you know? But that said, I say it's all lyme when she is still a kid and pulled muscles can happen. She loves the idea of the therma pad. I wish I had one right now for my back. Susan
  19. Nancy, Oh I love the heating pad too so I'm going to buy some of those therma pads. I think dd will like that if I can get one that will wrap around her knee. Philamom, we all crack a lot. Sometimes we argue over who's joints just cracked, LOL. dd's back cracks and it's loud.
  20. Oh, LOL, I use the CMS powder for myself then! The heating pad does not seem to help but I don't think she uses it enough. I'm going to have her sit in the sauna tonight.
  21. I have some clay, thanks for the reminder. I don't know about CMS powder. I'll look that up.... thanks! Susan
  22. I know this has been talked about before but... I think dd9 is herxing. She has bad pain in her right knee and can't walk well. Great news for my little non herxer! However, she can't swallow pills so I can't give her the herb I have to help with herxing. Any suggestions? She's been taking detox baths and foot spas and occasional ibuprofen. We see our natural doc this afternoon and hope to get her knee adjusted.
  23. Whoa, great. Hopefully if there is an increase in lyme at least we get more people diagnosed and more out in the open and treated better. That is crazy. I wonder what is going on with the trees? Susan
  24. How is he doing now? Susan
  25. Garlic, oil of oregano, NAC and Stephen Buhners herbs too.
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