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  1. I found a toothpaste that has no colorings,chemicals, preservatives, or sweeteners. It is also detergent free. (SLS) It's called "Healthy teeth & gums toothpaste" by "the natural dentist". There's a # on back: 1-800-615-6895 also www.thenaturaldentist.com website. Hope this helps! I don't know why fluoride would be a problem?
  2. We just got our son's DX last week. We've been dealing with TS for 2yrs. though. We never had a need to go to the Dr. before because our son has done great with his diet. We needed the dx for his medical history. If he gets stressed though...we will start to see mild tics even on his diet. He does do better in school. When I pick him up, the first couple hrs, that is usually the most tics he will have, if he has them. If children with TS do nothing BUT concentrate on NOT doing the tics...they can for the most part control it......TEMPORARILY! It is like holding your breath. And it will usually be worse right after. It's best if you begin to ignore the tics. I know sometimes it was hard for me ( my son would bark!HA!) not to laugh or be worried and maybe even angry. But ultimately, NOT calling attention to it is the best thing. He can't control it, you can't control it, and stress is (for my son) 90% of the problem that always increases it. A little tip: before my son began his diet it had gotten so bad we couldn't even watch a movie together if he was in the room. I would put the t.v. on closed caption or subtitle so we could keep up even with his noises.
  3. Yes, I'd like to know too! And, I CANNOT find an environmental physician ANYWHERE!!!!!! I live in Tn. PLEASE HELP!!!!
  4. I just wanted to say "Thank You!" to Sheila Rogers and others for starting this website. I have been on another one for sometime now and I'm running into brick walls with much if what I want to talk about. You allow us to investigate our own children and are TRULY looking for the cure/cause of TS. I'm not in the hot seat when I come here, and for that I'm grateful! I have been reading the book (Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourette's) and everything I've been saying for the longest time is supported in the book. It's fascinating! Well, I can't say it enough, so Thanks!
  5. Are you kidding? We saw our little boy come back to us! He is slowly ( over 9mos) having a few small tics slip back but I know it is because I've never taken him to get a detailed allergy test. And I've recently read here, actually, about the dry blood test. WOW! If you haven't read it..it's worth your while! I want him to get one too. I will know how to structure his supplements then. In fact, his teacher thought this whole thing was all in our heads. She really believed that he was doing it all for attention and all. I gave a lot of grace and patience to her because if you knew my son, you would see how out going he is. He likes attention! But when it was pushing his friends away and he was being shunned basically, it just didn't fit the picture. He does everything he can to be around everyone. Loneliness is his nightmare. Anyways........back to what I was saying. His teacher came right up to me with the biggest smile and said," I don't know what you're doing, but it is working!" That was all the proof I needed. The bowel thing still bothers me mostly because he's just so big now. He is having a few times a week now of not wetting the bed, so I'm hopeful he's growing out of it. Good Luck to the both of us-huh?
  6. My son reacts to just about all artificial colorings. Anyone know where to get color free anything? What does someone do who's deathly allergic? I don't know. When we have to give him Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benedryl, you name it! I think Benedryl has a color free one....maybe? Any info would help. Even natural remedies. Thanks!
  7. It sounds like you and I are on the same track! My son has had Tourettes for2yrs. now and my husband really thought it was all in my head and that he wanted attention or something. My son is VERY outgoing and has never met a stranger. So, when all this started to happen, it didn't match him. He was losing friends, teacher problems, for starters. It just didn't make sense for a kid who wanted to be around people SOOO very much to act weird to push them away. That's when I began my research. I cut out all dairy and food colorings and 1-2wks later he was a changed boy! His teacher came up to me and said " Whatever you are doing is working!" We were so thrilled! Well, over the summer and beginning of school, he's had a few ticks that have slowly surfaced. I know it's because there's more in his diet he's reacting to. So, I'm first taking him off his diet before going to the Neurologist so he can 'diagnose' him. Then I'm taking him to an environmental physician for an in depth allergy test. Then we're off to get a 'dry blood test'. I read about it here. It's interesting. After I get all thet done....I will know for sure what he can/can't have. If the Sheila Rogers book (I just got mine too..had it on preorder) doesn't convince your wife, I'd say just keep at it until you have yourself a changed boy and 'seeing is believing' for her. GOOD LUCK!
  8. To answer you from earlier....he has had TS for 2yrs. now. I am only just now taking him to a neurologist to get an "official diagnosis. I have to take him off his diet though to let the Dr. see all his symptoms. I'm really dreading that. His grades will suffer, I know, because it will take a good 2-3wks. to get back to his normal. I have self-diagnosed him and never had a reason to take him to a neurologist. I knew they would offer no help as to the actual cause. They only offer help with meds when it's out of control. We've controlled it quite well with diet but over the last 9mos., a few of his mild tics have surfaced and are getting stronger. I am planning to take him to an environmental physician and then to get a dry blood test. I really need the diagnosis though because we may possibly qualify for some federal or state $. I know that sounds awful, but we can't afford to feed him like he needs to right now and it could really help. My son has had problems smearing in his underwear all his life. All his Dr.s have only ever said is " He's just constipated". The only thing that has helped him so far is a once/mo. enema. I want to know if anyone knows of a natural remedy to help???? Fiber only helps slightly. Also, my daughter has had a similar problem. Only she goes about 3-4 times/mo. When she does go....OUCH! The size would make a grown man cry! Oh, that's right.....she gets it honest from Daddy. Yep! He has stopped up toilets ever since he was born. We could use any info on this subject!!!
  9. My husband has OCD and that sounds like it to me. Basically, if you can reason in your mind that what your doing/obsessing over doesn't make sense, but you are unable to stop yourself---you're "compelled" to do it...that is OCD. My son had TS and he doesn't really have OCD. He had major attention problems.
  10. My son has always had dark circles under the eyes but it is worse at times then others. My daughter too. My son has TS and I have always been told dark circles are a sign of allergies. I find it interesting though that you get negative test results. My son recently had a high (104) fever for 4 days and the Dr. got a negative test result even though you could clearly see a white area in his throat. She said it must be some other kind of something and put him on an antibiotic. We had to get it made without colorings just for him since they trigger his TS. He has been struggling with his tics ever since. Think there's a connection? I'm curious...........
  11. My son has done that for 2yrs. I thought it was part of his tics, but I took him to a routine eye exam and found out he sees far in one eye and near in the other. GO FIGURE! Anyway, it took some time in the beginning for him to get over the habit of twisting his head, but after while he was just fine with his glasses. You may want to check out his vision just to rule it out. MOMofJA
  12. Hi, everyone! My son and I are new here and would like to introduce ourselves. Jason is my son and has struggled with T.S. for 2yrs. now. We have been on quite an adventure so far and I'm excited where our future is headed with such a place as this! I will tell our story sometime too. I am interested also if anyone knows of a natural fever reducer. My son is allergic to food colorings and every time he gets sick I have to buy colored Tylenol or Ibuprofen, or colored cold med., etc. The only medicine I've found so far without colorings is a color-free Benedryl. He recently needed an antibiotic and we had to go to the only pharmacy that could do it without colorings. It was already about $75 normally. Now they said it was double that. Thank goodness we have good ins. and they only made us pay $10 more co-pay. ($35) My husband is a Sheriff's Deputy too which they said they gave a discount for. I don't know what to do about the med. problem or where to go. I know some people are allergic to red colorings. What do they do?????
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