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Everything posted by EAMom

  1. Here's a very good article from Thinking Mom's Revolution re the CDC whistleblower. Tics are mentioned! http://thinkingmomsrevolution.com/the-thompson-transcripts-shocking-revelations-by-the-cdc-whistleblower/ Here's a link from the article to easily contact your reps: http://capwiz.com/a-champ/issues/alert/?alertid=67424921&queueid=%5Bcapwiz%3Aqueue_id%5D
  2. Also posted on a separate thread, here is a really good interview w/Dr. Wakefield. The CDC whistleblower is discussed.
  3. This was a good article https://willyloman.wordpress.com/2015/06/27/the-strange-story-of-dr-bradstreet-sb277-the-fda-and-the-struggle-against-mandatory-vaccinations/
  4. "Receipt of LAIV significantly increased the density of bacterial carriage and extended the mean duration of colonization from 35 to 57 days (Fig. 2C)." and "Here we show, in mice, that vaccination with LAIV primes the upper respiratory tract for increased bacterial growth and persistence of bacterial carriage, in a manner nearly identical to that seen following wild-type influenza virus infections" http://mbio.asm.org/content/5/1/e01040-13.full
  5. The recommendation for the 11 year old tdap vaccine was added a few years ago b/c of recent outbreaks. We didn't do it for PANDAS dd (now 10th gr) b/c of her PANDAS. I also more recently didn't do it for my non-pandas (12 years old) dd. 1) I have concerns re the aluminum adjuvant and autoimmunity 2) the currently used acellular pertussis vaccine is ineffective...1-it has a short duration of immunity (a couple of years) http://www.ccjm.org/clinicaledge/vaccines-public-health/single-article/long-term-efficacy-rates-for-pertussis-following-tdap/a472a117beae537686fe00eec3c32429.html?utm_source=Clin_CCJM_clinicaledge_070415_final&utm_medium=email&utm_content=ClinicalEdge%3A+MenB+Vaccine+ 2-it doesn't prevent transmission of dz to others (you can still become colonized and spread dz, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/26/health/study-finds-vaccinated-baboons-can-still-carry-whooping-cough.html?_r=0 + vax just prevents symptoms) 3-recent CDC study confirmed that most wild pertussis has mutated and the vaccine is ineffective vs these mutated (PRN neg) forms. In fact, if you are vaccinated, you are MORE likely to become infected (probably due to original antigenic sin) More here http://thinkingmomsrevolution.com/an-open-letter-to-legislators-currently-considering-vaccine-legislation-from-tetyana-obukhanych-phd-in-immunology/ The acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine (the final element of the DTaP combined vaccine), now in use in the USA, replaced the whole cell pertussis vaccine in the late 1990s, which was followed by an unprecedented resurgence of whooping cough. An experiment with deliberate pertussis infection in primates revealed that the aP vaccine is not capable of preventing colonization and transmission of B. pertussis (see appendix for the scientific study, Item #2). The FDA has issued a warning regarding this crucial finding.[1] Furthermore, the 2013 meeting of the Board of Scientific Counselors at the CDC revealed additional alarming data that pertussis variants (PRN-negative strains) currently circulating in the USA acquired a selective advantage to infect those who are up-to-date for their DTaP boosters (see appendix for the CDC document, Item #3), meaning that people who are up-to-date are more likely to be infected, and thus contagious, than people who are not vaccinated. ***And read page 6 with the heading Resurgence of Pertussis: http://www.cdc.gov/m...OID_Minutes.pdf Note: I added the bolding. "Resurgence of Pertussis. As reported at the May 2013 BSC meeting, the recent resurgence in pertussis cases has been associated with waning immunity over time in persons who received the acellular pertussis vaccine (which is administered as the pertussis component of DTaP vaccine). However, a recent study suggests another explanation for decreased vaccine effectiveness: an increase in Bordetella pertussis isolates that lack pertactin (PRN)--a key antigen component of the acellular pertussis vaccine. A study that screened B. pertussis strains isolated between 1935 and 2012 for gene insertions that prevent production of PRN found significant increases in PRN-deficient isolates throughout the United States.2 The earliest PRN-deficient strain was isolated in 1994; by 2012, the percentage of PRN-deficient isolates was more than 50%. 2Pawloski LC, Queenan AM, Cassiday PK, et al. Prevalence and molecular characterization of pertactin-deficient Bordetella pertussis in the United States. Clin Vaccine Immunol 2014;21(2):119-25. To assess the clinical significance of these findings, CDC used an IgG anti-PRN ELISA and other assays (PCR amplification, sequencing, and Western blots) to characterize 752 B. pertussis strains isolated in 2012 from six Enhanced Pertussis Surveillance Sites3 and from epidemics in Washington and Vermont. Findings indicated that 85% of the isolates were PRN-deficient and vaccinated patients had significantly higher odds than unvaccinated patients of being infected with PRN-deficient strains. Moreover, when patients with up-to-date DTaP vaccinations were compared to unvaccinated patients, the odds of being infected with PRN-deficient strains increased, suggesting that PRN-bacteria may have a selective advantage in infecting DTaP-vaccinated persons. "   3) as far as Gardisil goes...NEVER NEVER NEVER http://www.ageofautism.com/2014/04/japan-and-the-hpv-vaccine-controversy.html lots more on HPV and pertussis vax in this thread http://latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=23596&page=1 Maybe others can comment on bacterial meningitis...I see no reason to do it at age 11 however...if you decide to do it, do it closer to college.
  6. Good show re SB277...at about 45-55 min they also talk about the HPV vaccine and how it may be causing autoimmune dz in suseptable girls http://archives.kpfa.org/data/20150618-Thu1900.mp3
  7. Here's an article re HPV vaccine and original antigenic sin http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v21/n6/full/nm0615-540.html?message-global=remove I haven't read it yet, hoping to get my hands on a free copy.
  8. Here's an article about the rally http://www.breitbart.com/california/2015/06/09/hundreds-gather-in-sacramento-to-protest-vaccine-bill/
  9. Yesterday the Assembly Health Co. passed the bill 12-6 ... the bill was split down party lines (all Republicans opposed). Burke (dem) abstained but she SHOULD have opposed b/c she has an 11 mo. old child and is doing an alt vax schedule. It also sounded like she didn't understand the difference between a conditional entrance (temporary waiver while child is in process of getting vaccines) and a medical exemption. Here is the most powerful speech from yesterday's rally. It just may bring tears to your eyes.
  10. Sorry! I meant to also post this http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/12090838/ it was only 1 small study...I'm guessing it was not repeated on bc pharma doesn't want that info out there
  11. Another Hep B study http://www.fourteenstudies.org/ourstudies.html Children who receive the entire 3-shot series of Hepatitis B Vaccine have a 9x higher rate of developmental disabilities than unvaccinated children. Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 1-9 years Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, September 2008 Carolyn Gallagher* and Melody Goodman Excerpt: "The odds of receiving EIS [special education services] were approximately nine times as great for vaccinated boys (n¼46) as for unvaccinated boys (n¼7), after adjustment for confounders. This study found statistically significant evidence to suggest that boys in United States who were vaccinated with the triple series Hepatitis B vaccine, during the time period in which vaccines were manufactured with thimerosal, were more susceptible to developmental disability than were unvaccinated boys." Note: This is the only published study we know of in the world that compares vaccinated children to unvaccinated children.
  12. Probably not the kind of thing you were thinking of, but I do have some concern re SSRI's and growth retardation. I wonder if this happened with dd. She is only 5 foot 1/2 inch. I'm 5'5" and dh is 5'10". She was on Prozac from 2nd to 7th grade (got her period in 6th grade). So, she was on it during a time when she should have been growing a lot.
  13. Former Merck drug rep on #SB277 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nOMnLZoFcZY
  14. More on the study http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/blog/jama-study-mmr-vaccine-autism/
  15. Here is the link to watch it for free until May 25! http://www.boughtmovie.com/free-viewing/ New BOUGHT Documentary Exposes Ugly Truth Behind Vaccines, GMO's and Big Pharma...Join us for this FREE online screening event of Bought! The event features a FREE screening of BOUGHT the film PLUS bonus interviews with well respected health experts, leaders of the movement, and other great bonus footage.
  16. "Some parents reject the current vaccine schedule. This video includes a selective review of issues and studies that may contribute to parental concerns. The "vaccine court" and the Omnibus Autism Proceeding are discussed. The accusations against Dr. Andrew Wakefield and the lack of evidence he commited fraud are reviewed." "Why do parents refuse to vaccinate their children?" This video needs to go viral...it deserves millions of views.
  17. This video needs to go viral. I may post it in a separate thread later. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8LB-3xkeDAE
  18. Yes, when Senator Anderson asked Pan about the Hep B, Pan ending up not answering the question and started a talking about measles at Disney (again). So, I found out from somebody that works at a hospital that they do know which moms are Hep B positive and which aren't...don't know if this is true at all hospitals. I should say that the legislators (and their people) are sorely uninformed. Basically the legislators (aside from a couple, like Anderson) are getting spoon fed info from Pan, and that's all they are processing. I had a meeting with an aide of one of the CA senators. Her stance was that vaccines are very well tested and completely safe. She simply couldn't understand why anybody would NOT want to give a baby Hep B, even if that infant was at very low risk for infection (eg Hep B negative mom). I should also add that this person (who is working closely with the senator, and we weren't allowed to actually talk to the senator) was so uninformed that she thought a Hep B positive child would be allowed to go to school AFTER that child received a Hep B vaccine. So these people (who don't even understand that vaccinating a Hep B positive child for Hep B would be completely pointless)...the ignorance is frightening and these are the people in control. .
  19. More info on Hep B here (molecular mimicry mentioned): In 1996, Burton A. Waisbren, M.D., a cell biologist and infectious disease specialist, who is a founding member of the Infectious Disease Society of America and past President of the Infectious Disease Society of Milwaukee, pointed out in the Wisconsin Medical Journal that "there is an increasing number of reports in the refereed medical literature about demyelinizing diseases occurring after an individual has received the hepatitis B vaccination...since the hepatitis B virus itself has been reported to cause autoimmune problems, should we not be wary of giving antigens that seem to have triggered these problems?" Waisbren, in a presentation before a 1996 Institute of Medicine Vaccine Safety Forum, warned that genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccines contain polypeptide sequences that are present in human neurologic tissues such as myelin and that, by a mechanism called molecular mimicry, these polypeptides can act as autoantigens which can induce autoimmune demyelinating diseases of the brain such as multiple sclerosis. http://www.nvic.org/nvic-archives/newsletter/untoldstory.aspx
  20. Getting back to the JAMA paper, here are more criticisms (from another forum): "If you only follow children continuously enrolled in the database from birth to 5 years, you will miss almost half of the children with an ASD since the mean age of diagnosis is 4-5 years, especially when you include Asperger’s. This is a major failure in case ascertainment. These ‘missed’ ASD children will not only not count towards ASD group, they will be included erroneously in the non-ASD group." "Could [the requirement of two diagnoses] be a similar maneuver of removing an association as the one when they removed children without GA birth certificates from the other MMR study?" "Children and older siblings with only 1 ASD diagnosis were excluded from the study. I wonder what the stats would have shown if they were included. More importantly, children that didn’t actually receive MMR, but instead received the individual components of the monovalent vaccines were included! (See paragraph #4 under Methods; this is also confirmed in Table 1 in the Supplement.) This is NOT a true MMR/autism study." "It looks to me as if they did not bother to eliminate anyone who already had autism or obvious developmental delay prior to the date when the vaccine should have been administered. Clearly, a mother with a child who is suffering from obvious developmental issues is going to be a lot more wary about vaccinating the child (regardless of whether there was an older sibling with autism). In both groups, those kids who ALREADY HAD EVIDENCE OF AUTISM are going to be FAR LESS LIKELY TO RECEIVE THE VACCINE - and they are going to be counted in the camp of "autism/no vaccine." This is similar to the flaw that I saw in the paper that was written by a kazillion authors that purported to show that MMR did not cause autism (in answer to Wakefield's claim that it did). I think that paper was published around 2004. They put any kid who already had an autism diagnosis before the date of the first vaccination (1 1/2 years) in the "not-vaccinated" camp. I thought this was foul play."
  21. Stephanie Seneff knows more about this too She written about multiple toxicants in the environment affecting the CYP enzyme activity. Most notable is glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, which is working synergisticially with vaccines to cause harm, in her opinion. It has been shown to reduce CYP enzyme activity in plants, microbes and the liver of rats.
  22. Some of this may be redundant, but I'm posting in case there is new info (from another site): There is a gene called the CYP450 pathway which is critical for effective detoxification. It is suppressed genetically in 43% of Africans. Unfortunately, CYP450 pathway affects the safety and efficacy of 90% of therapeutic drugs and other environmental chemicals. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3868406/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23641907 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1390790/ http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/14/34 http://www.nature.com/.../jou.../v13/n1/full/tpj201245a.html The MMR vaccination: autism correlation was related to African American boys having a 3 fold increase in autism with MMR vaccination. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25114790 http://www.cnn.com/.../health/irpt-cdc-autism-vaccine-study/ http://www.ageofautism.com/.../whistleblower-says-cdc... http://healthimpactnews.com/.../obama-grants-immunity-to.../ How do we empower the African American community to question and oppose mandatory mass vaccination of their children without parental consent, without physician discretion based upon the individual health of their child, and without consideration of the genetic risk and predisposition to adverse reactions from government forced vaccination? Additionally, Latinos have a suppressed CYP3A4*10 enzyme and CYP3A4*16A enzyme. http://www.pharmacologyweekly.com/.../genetic... http://www.sciencedirect.com/.../pii/S0163725813000065 http://www.aafp.org/afp/2007/0801/p391.html http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15364537 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/744945_3 http://www.hoajonline.com/jdrcm/2050-0866/1/22 https://books.google.com/books?id=XAfUAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA335... http://www.fda.gov/.../ScienceResearch/.../UCM085502.pdf... Any suggestions? There is too much bad history. Tuskegee Experiments: http://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm "Besides the southern doctors’ training in race-based medicine, the prevalent racist sentiments of the 20th century added kindling to the fire of patient and subject mistreatment. For instance, many southern doctors of the 1900s asserted that all blacks were promiscuous, unintelligent, poor, and both morally and physically dirty, all of which contributed to their propensity to disease, crime, and degeneracy.[12] This harsh stereotype gave rise to the belief that the black race would not survive in America’s Darwinian society and was doomed to extinction, unsalvageable by education or philanthropy.[13] These racist attitudes toward blacks shaped the Tuskegee doctors’ treatment of the patients “simply as subjects in a ‘study,’ not as human beings.”[14] In other words, the physicians did not believe the black population deserved equal treatment, as that was reserved only for those they considered to be human to the fullest extent of the word. Hence, from the doctors’ perspectives, the social context of racism legitimized their controversial behavior at the time." http://www.bu.edu/writingprogram/journal/issue-6/tam/ Eugenics in North Carolina until 1976: "Blackmon is among the more than 7,000 people in North Carolina — many poor, many African-American, many disabled — who were sterilized between 1929 and 1976 in one of the country's most aggressive eugenics programs." http://www.npr.org/.../payments-start-for-n-c-eugenics... This CYP450 pathway is key to effective detoxification. Everyone is pharmaceutical research knows this. There are some interesting variables regarding genetic testing and pharmaceutical medications. To simplify, 90% of pharmaceutical drugs in use, including adjuvant detoxification, require the CYP450 pathway. 33-43% of Americans have an impaired CYP450 pathway. http://www.fda.gov/.../druginteractionslabe.../ucm110632.htm The risk of adverse drug reactions to vaccines is worse for people with asthma, on blood thinners and seizure medications.http://www.aafp.org/afp/2008/0601/p1553.html CYP450 can either increase the rate of drug elimination (ultrametabolizers, leading to faster metabolic clearance potentially resulting in reduced effectiveness and need for higher doses) or decrease drug metabolism (poor metabolizers, which may increase the potential for drug interactions and adverse events). Toxicity and cancer are closely linked. CYP450 varies by ethnicity. This leads to great diversity in individuals' susceptibility to environmental, chemical and drug toxicity. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/776653_1 Africans are especially susceptible to the drug interactions with the CYP450 enzyme: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/14/34 Since 1997, the FDA requires testing about the CYP450 with all new pharmaceuticals. Not old ones. Not vaccines. Additionally, 40-60% of Americans have another genetic polymorphism, MTHFR, which further impairs detoxification. We do not test if people have these genetic issues before prescribing medications, or vaccinations. Although, the drugs are only tested on people without these genes. http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/gene/MTHFR Preventable Adverse Drug Reactions: A Focus on Drug Interaction:http://www.fda.gov/.../DrugInteractionsLabe.../ucm110632.htm
  23. More original antigenic sin?? "More concerning than the fact that the flu vaccine is not effective, and therefore cannot be used as a reason to justify flu vaccine injuries and deaths, is the research showing that the vaccine can actually cause people to be more susceptible to the flu, or suffer worse symptoms if they contract the influenza virus. This phenomenon where the flu vaccine can actually make the flu worse was originally observed in mass in Canada during the 2008-2009 flu season. Researchers studied the issue for the next couple of years and concluded that the flu vaccine did in fact increase the severity of flu symptoms among those who were vaccinated (see: Study finds flu shot really did make people sicker.) The same issue was studied in Hong Kong in 2012 by comparing a group of people vaccinated with the flu vaccine against a group that used a placebo. The researchers found that those who received the flu vaccine suffered 5.5 times more incidents of similar diseases (see: Study: Flu Vaccine Causes 5.5 Times More Respiratory Infections A True Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study.) In 2013, a study conducted by microbiologist Dr. Hana Golding of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at Bethesda in Maryland showed that pigs vaccinated against one strain of influenza were worse off if subsequently infected by a related strain of the virus (see: Vaccination may make flu worse if exposed to a second strain.)" - See more at: http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/government-pays-damages-to-vaccine-victims-flu-shot-most-dangerous-with-gbs-and-death-settlements/#sthash.JG1fUBwu.dpuf
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