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  1. Abbe, Caryn is the resident gluten-free expert here (you can search her posts). She has a lot of amazing recipies on her site (Healthyfamily.org). Keep in mind that her son is sensitive to corn as well, which causes further restrictions that you are not dealing with. Join an internet Celiac Society or club (or just lurk one!) They cannot eat wheat; so they are very knowledgeable. A local one will even direct you to restaurants in your own community, and tell you which menu items are safe. In the meantime, go to Whole Foods. You can go to customer service at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's and ask for a gluten-free list, and they will be happy to give you a printout. If you call Whole Foods and let them know when you will be coming in, they will actually walk you around the store and point out the items to give you a visual. I would highly reccomend that since following the list in a store that size is very difficult.
  2. I am too cynical. My guess is that it will happen because this one could be so profitable. Look at all the school and work hours that are lo$t when a child is infected, and strep is pesky because they can get it more than once. We live in a world where some people give their toddlers and preschoolers tylenol to mask their fever so they can drop them off at daycare and go to work.
  3. Again, I still don't understand. What's the difference between shooting inactivated streptococcal vaccine into something while TRYING to cause an autoimmune disorder and shooting inactivated streptococcal vaccine into something and ACCIDENTALLY causing an autoimmune disorder? (Don't many vaccines use inactivated virus or bacteria?) Granted, they purposely used vulnerable rodents, but who is screening our children to profile them for such vulnerabilities? I still think a strep vaccine sounds more likely to cause PANDAS than prevent it. And what about the children who had the ckn px vaccine and are now more likely to get shingles. What if the strep vaccine prevents typical manifestations of strep throat and children are more likely to get, well, PANDAS?
  4. I'm confused. Kim? Doesn't "immunizing mice with an inactivated form of the bacteria" sound like a strep vaccine? Aren't they working on a strep vaccine now? for children? In my personal opinion, some vaccinations are harmful and some are useless. This could have the potential to be the worst one yet.
  5. Abbe, He is an otherwise very healthy child, who has had walking pneumonia twice. Once at 2 1/2, and again at 5. He is now 6 1/2. When I googled mycoplasma infection, I realized it is the most common form of walking pneumonia.
  6. My son gets pain behind his right knee EVERY time he has a fever. Always the same leg. Only with a fever. When the fever breaks, the pain subsides. The origin of the fever doesn't seem to matter. On one occasion it was a bad cold that his sister had too. On another, it was a stomach flu that the whole family had concurrently.
  7. Myrose, How long has she been at 25 mg of Topamax? What kind of vocal is it?
  8. Myrose, How long has she been at 25 mg of Topamax? What kind of vocal is it?
  9. I am sorry, Myrose, I really don't mean to aggravate you. I just didn't understand why everyone suspects PANDAS in your child. In my opinion, the fact that the Topamax worked indicates that it is a tic disorder, not PANDAS. I am no expert on PANDAS, but it seems to me that the mothers on the PANDAS board should be able to tell you if Topamax works for their PANDAS children. I will make an uneducated guess that it doesn't. Even if you look at this from the other angle and assume she has PANDAS, then you know that the Topamax controls her PANDAS. Topamax and zith are both drugs. Both require prescriptions. Both have side effects. Why would you consider the antibiotic the better choice?
  10. Thanks, Colleen. I didn't realize she had a history of zith stopping the tics. I just knew that the Topamax completely stopped them for close to a year, until she had been completely weaned off of it. Tics do fluctuate, but to be tic free for a year while on Topamax, in my mind it deserves the credit. Myrose, how many times has she been on zith?
  11. I've been trying to follow this, but maybe I'm confused. Why does everybody think that the zith controlled her tics as opposed to the Topamax? She took both concurrently. The Topamax is prescribed to control her tics; the Topamax worked VERY well before.
  12. Guy, I believe the source was "Drugs.com." It was under "Klonopin/side effects/nervous system." How are you doing?
  13. Wendy, The first thing that comes to mind is that you had a house full of guests, including triplets, that are gone now. Things have settled down, and that is my best guess as to why her tics are milder now. I'm sorry to mention the Topamax again on this board, as I know people prefer natural treatments, but like I said yesterday, you only increased it three days ago. I don't think you gave it time. It worked miraculously before. It was SUPPOSED to take weeks to take effect, but you saw results right away. Doesn't mean it will work that quickly this time. Remember, it took weeks for the Topamax to wear off and the tics to resurface.
  14. Wendy, I'm so sorry to hear that she is not doing well. Remember it was really bad last time too, and the Topamax worked. Please don't give up yet. You said you have only had her on the 25mg for a couple of days. It worked before; it should work again. Things will settle down soon. Hang in there.
  15. Guy, I just Googled "klonopin side effects" and the first hit I got suggests its ability to "induce Tourette's syndrome." I looked at your link and couldn't believe how many of them quit it cold turkey. I think there was only one who tapered. Are you taking it? Or is this part of your data base?
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