Hi Kathy!!
Really look into Food triggers and chemical sensitivities!! They played a huge part in my son's Tics and OCD. The top offenders would be: Dairy, Corn, Eggs, Wheat, salicylates, peanuts and of course sugar. I would start with this list...take items out one at a time and wait for a couple of days and see if you see improvement! Don't do it all at once or you won't know the culprits!
My son has been symptom free for 3 years now...the only time I see flare ups is during allergy season, too much swimming in chlorine pools (we now have a salt water chlorinator, and no tics so far) or if he eats too much of one of his sensitivity foods. Otherwise he is fantastic!!!
On another note....this may help some people out there with seasonal allergies. We feed our son local honey to help build up his allergy defenses. It is actually working....every year since we have been doing this his allergies get better and better! (been 3 years).
Good Luck Kathy!!!