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About mom2a

  • Birthday 04/30/1969

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    Rio Rancho, New Mexico
  • Interests
    Homeschooling and Alternative Health

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  1. Hi Bonnie, Yes, our products are fish oil based but we are researching an alternative formulation right now to add to our product line for children who have fish sensitivities or allergies (many requests). We would love feed back from you or other parents with suggestions or thoughts on this future product. The signature line of supplements we offer was inspired by our son who is for the most part symptom free all the time. We now want to branch out with more options because as we all know, "what works for one doesn't always work for all". Erin
  2. yes, I did a post on this topic not too long ago!!! Absolutely, chlorine is a big tic trigger!!!! We finally switched to a salt water chlorinator for our above ground pool....it cost around $180.00 at walmart.....best investment ever!!! My son swims every day now and has had no reactions to it!!! Last year....he had a small vocal tic every day from swimming in the chlorine pool we had......It seemed like it took about 3-5 days after swimming for the tic to start disipating!!! We just encourage the swim days at our home with his friends vs. a public pool. Good luck!!!
  3. Hi Char....I'm soo sorry for my delayed response! I never received this message, by accident I stumbled across it! To answer your question.....Before we knew for sure I would say he started displaying tics at around age 2 1/2 (small things) and then at age 5 is when we knew for sure! He had OCD really bad along with intrusive thoughts and of course tics! My son is now 8 years old and has been symptoms free since we did the food elimination diet 3 years ago (food triggers are salicylates, dairy, too much sugar, and pasta). The only time he shows symptoms is when he eats too much of his sensitivities or environmental factors such as allergies...but even that has been better this year as we always give him local honey to build up his tolerances. We give him Children's Love my Brain and Omega 3-6-9 and when he has very busy days we include Cal/Mag 2:1 ratio to him relax him. Every day is like clockwork now...we just know.....He does fantastic!!!! I'm fortunate because my son cares a great deal about being healthy....so he has made it easy on me...how did I luck out??? Sorry again for my tardiness!!! Erin
  4. Our Family keeps dairy out of the house as this is a big OCD trigger in our family and we also find GREAT benefit with Omega 3-6-9.
  5. My husbands tics increase while driving too. He has told me that the sensitivity to Light (even with sunglasses on) effects him along with the vibration of the car. He has always said his senses are hightened because of TS which effects tics.
  6. My son's OCD is triggered by Dairy big time! Have you tried eliminating dairy for a couple of days to notice if any changes take place?
  7. If there is an egg sensitivity I would also test for chicken too! Every client I work with that tests weak to eggs also tests weak to chicken products. I'd keep them both out of the diet!!
  8. For my son....we usually saw improvement after an offender was taken out of his diet within 24 hours! With supplements it can take anywhere in my opinion from 24 hours to 3 months...everyone is a little different.
  9. Hi there tryinmybest!!! I just posted on this topic not to long ago because I was very excited with our results on our salt water filtration system for our pool. Last year we did the chlorine chemicals and my son also had a flare up of tics after swimming. This year we are going salt water and so far no tics and he is swimming atleast 4 days a week!!! Totally worth looking into!!!
  10. Hi Kathy!! Really look into Food triggers and chemical sensitivities!! They played a huge part in my son's Tics and OCD. The top offenders would be: Dairy, Corn, Eggs, Wheat, salicylates, peanuts and of course sugar. I would start with this list...take items out one at a time and wait for a couple of days and see if you see improvement! Don't do it all at once or you won't know the culprits! My son has been symptom free for 3 years now...the only time I see flare ups is during allergy season, too much swimming in chlorine pools (we now have a salt water chlorinator, and no tics so far) or if he eats too much of one of his sensitivity foods. Otherwise he is fantastic!!! On another note....this may help some people out there with seasonal allergies. We feed our son local honey to help build up his allergy defenses. It is actually working....every year since we have been doing this his allergies get better and better! (been 3 years). Good Luck Kathy!!!
  11. Hello! Everyone is different and will re-act differently to most supplements. My husband tried L-Tryp. for a month and we both noticed his tics increasing! It was a costly lesson and as we all know L-Tryp. is NOT cheap! You will have to experiment with supplements unfortunately. What works for my husband does not work for my son...the only thing they have in common is they both respond great to calcium/magnesium 2:1 ratio. Good Luck with your detective work!
  12. I would certainly try to ease him off the meds, try a food elimination program to find sensitivities and put him on some key supplements. I agree with Chemar....some meds actually create tics and makes situations much worse. I have worked with many families detecting food triggers and the parents are always amazed that within 1-3 days how much of a GREAT change they have seen! Learning about foods is hard, but worth every minute of effort when you start seeing the changes taking place!! Hang in there!!
  13. Hang in there! I agree with the other people who have responded...YOU ARE DOING GREAT and ARE AHEAD OF THE GAME!!! My suggestion would be this You have a lot of stuff going on between the vitamins and all the foods eliminated. Sometimes it's worth it to take a step back and introduce things one by one again. Your child may be re-acting to one or more of the supplements. Make sure your supplements are FREE from artificial ingredients and "Natural Flavors"...many people think because it says "natural" it's actually "Natural", it is still chemically made. I know my husband re-acts to Taurine in a negative way. It actually increases his tics. We find a 2:1 ratio of Cal/Mag. usually is best too. Sometimes you just have to step back and re-group....question what you are doing and look at it all again! Us mom's have to be the detectives, how we wish there was a one size fits all solution. Good Luck, don't give up!!
  14. Really good information!!! Thank you for sharing!!
  15. That is GREAT...You'll have to let me know if you have the same results.....what we do is keep the chlorine levels at the low end...the minimum amount....we only run our salt water chlorinator every couple of days....and just so you know on cooler days the chlorine last longer. We had a lot of learning curves with the salt water system but once you have it figured out it's like clockwork! Hope you guys have great results too!!! Erin
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