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Everything posted by ilovedogs

  1. Sometimes my dh looks at me like I'm crazy. He doesn't protest to anything we're trying with ds but when I start going off about sulfation systems and neurotransmitters or salicylates, etc...he just starts staring at me! It's kinda funny, to tell you the truth. Here's a recent story from this AM: Ds had been sick with a nasty cold that started on Monday and he hadn't ticced in the past 2 days. Well, this AM I see the minor facial twitch that leads to his eye wink start. So, I start analyzing what he ate yesterday, etc. I realized that when he was sick I hadn't given him pizza or a lot of dairy(he did have a turkey sandwich on Wed. that had cheese on it) ie. no milk, no ice cream, no pizza with mozz. cheese. Anyway, I see the tic starting and I said: salicylates???? tomato sauce???? To which my dh says, "What the heck are you talking about?" And he has this look of fascination on his face like I'm just spouting gibberish at this point! I started to laugh b/c I realized that a lot of what we discuss on this board probably does go over other people's heads, including our spouses(until we educate them, of course!). Anyway, I had to share! So, now I sit here and wonder if ds is reacting to salicylates or is this just a coincidence that he didn't tic for 2 days, eats pizza(Wolfgang Puck natural pizza with nitrate free pepperoni), and now I see the tic again??? He also had a BLT sandwich for lunch that had tomato on it, as well. I really need to find that list of salicylates and try a little experimenting! Bonnie
  2. I don't have any advise, except to say that this happens to ALL kids. Especially if they are a grade apart. I remember splitting from a friend when I was going into 8th grade and she was going into 9th grade. It was like I couldn't possibly be her friend anymore b/c I was too young. And, yes, she started hanging out with someone who made fun of ME and she did not defend me. I'd see them at football games and they'd whisper about me and my friends, etc. It really hurt. Unfortunately, kids can be cruel sometimes....and so can adults. We all have to deal with disappointment whether we have TS or not. Chalk it up to a learning experience and nothing more. Encourage him by telling him that there's a new friend waiting for him at school next year( I know there was one for me in 9th grade and we were best friends for those 4 years). Hugs to you and your son today! Praying he finds a new friend or strengthens the bonds with another friend this next year! Bonnie
  3. No side effects so far. Ds is 9 and he takes 2 capsules a day. Each one is taken 1/2 hr before a meal and I open up the capsule and mix it into juice. I do not know the amount offhand and we're both sick laying down right now on the couches!(or I'd check for you!). You can go to Neuroscience's website at www.neurorelief.com to see the products/product and maybe find a doc in your area who uses these products and is familiar with them. Bonnie
  4. Hugs to you! I'm sorry you are dealing with this, as we have just btdt with the OCD/anxiety lately. Our naturopath recommended that ds take a Neuroscience Product called Kavinace and it has helped tremendously. He started having diminished symptoms after 2 days on this product. It's a B6, taurine and other amino acids complex that has really helped him. Right now he's sick and I'm debating whether or not it's strep throat, again. He had it back in January. He is NOT PANDAS as far as I can tell, though, b/c his anxiety(more general anxiety) and tics were there before the strep infection. Most doctors aren't well versed in the supplements, try finding a good naturopath or environmental doctor. Have you thougth about increasing the inositol again? What was she on before? Bonnie
  5. Just wnated to chime in that my ds has reduced OCD symptoms over the past week after we started him on a Neuroscience product called Kavinace. It has Vitamin B6, taurine, and an amino acid complex. I'd say he's 80% better and is controlling his symptoms. He even admits he feels better. Our naturopath is waiting on our results from the Neuroscience urine test but his anxiety was so high I begged her to let us give him something other than the kid's calm. Also, I have seen his tics reduced, too. Not gone away completely, but reduced. Hope this helps!
  6. I have very dry itchy skin but I add oatmeal bath stuff to my epsom salts, which seems to help. I know that dead sea salts are supposedly good for eczema so maybe it's helping to slough off the dead skin for him?
  7. congrats to your oldest son!!! Have a safe trip!
  8. (((Faith))), I'm right there with you trying to figure it all out, too! And, I'm just as confused. To answer your question honestly, I don't see any difference in his tics when he's playing video games. We have a Wii and a Playstation 2. I do see him tic more when he's in the pool, that's the only connection I've been able to make recently. I think the Wii is better graphics wise than the PS2. There's not so much movement on the screne, at least in the games that we play on the Wii. Right now we're dealing with anxiety more than anything else so the tics have taken a backseat in our daily grind anyway! Hang in there, Faith!
  9. Just curious about your experiences with vocal tics? I started ds on a Neuroscience product that has taurine and Vitamin b6 complex and I'm seeing some vocals. Bonnie
  10. I keep forgetting to respond DeeDee. Thank you for your input! We are checking out a counselor who does CBT today so we'll see what he has to say. I'm still sitting on the fence of the OCD vs GAD thing, too. Right now ds walks around all day and says: You know what my brain is thinking now? And, it seems to change from one subject to another(they are all religion based, btw....am I really a Christian, am I going to heaven, etc...) Then he also has sporadic worries where he worries about the future like: What if I can't say no to illegal drugs when I'm a teenager? What if I don't know how to write a check when I have to pay bills? Sometimes it cracks me up, other times it drives me crazy. He does say that his thoughts drive him crazy, too. He's actually looking forward to trying therapy and he works on the relaxation techniques I've taught him too. So, since he has no compulsive behaviors, I keep wondering about the OCD. I'm hoping we don't have to go the SSRI route and that our naturopath can help us get a handle on it! Bonnie
  11. I was wondering this, as well! B/c ds started with tics before the OCD-type behavior. Of course, I'm still wondering if it's true OCD or just general anxiety that he's carrying too far. He doesn't have ANY compulsive behavior. His stuff is all thought based and I wonder if some of his behavior is attention getting to some degree. Bonnie
  12. I've been trying to put some pieces of the puzzle together lately. What I can't figure out is why this OCD is coming on now? Why not last year or the year before? Ds has always been an anxious child but not of the OCD type. He started with tics back in November but had a full blown strep case back in January. I started seeing the OCD in April. Is that too long of a turn around time? Does PANDAS come on right after the strep infection? I only ask b/c if it doesn't, then I can get him tested for the strep antibodies. I had been discounting PANDAS with him all this time, though. Any thoughts?
  13. ((((myrose)))), I'm so sorry this is happening! At least it sounds like the meds are helping for now and maybe you have found out a piece of the puzzle. Praying for you all to have a quiet and restful weekend! Bonnie
  14. Yep, I agree about the stress but I also think chlorine is a trigger for my ds. When the OCD gets going, the tics get going. So, looks like we have to tackle the anxiety first and then the tics!
  15. Tami, we homeschool and usually finish around 1 PM, then we run errands or go visit friends, play games, etc. He does great through school time and accomplishes all that's asked of him. And, each day it's different stuff going on including Saturday and Sunday(when we don't do school). He wakes up happy, eats a decent breakfast, does school, and has lunch with no problem. Some days he's fine until about 6 or7, others I see him start fighting his "bad thoughts" around 4 PM or so. B
  16. Ds has been having OCD symptoms and after logging the behavior for a few days I've realized that it occurs at approximately the same time of day. It seems to happen between the hours of 3-6 PM and continues through the evening. Has anyone heard of this one? Of course, the tics increase when the anxiety picks up. I'm still waiting for the doctor to call me back and recommend what supplements for this as we're also waiting for the Neuroscience test results, as well. I just can't figure out what could cause this? could it be as simple as a blood sugar thing? Thanks, Bonnie
  17. I'm thinking the chlorine is something to really watch for in our ds. Even my dh noticed and has asked me about chlorine alternatives to treating the pool water. I'll be researching these this summer!
  18. I have been using it for 3 wks without major side effects excpet some gas and mild diarrhea which is know with high doses of magnesium. But, if you start out slowly like they recommend on the container, you should be fine. We've never had any problems. Currently ds is taking 1 1/2 tsp at night but we started him 2 months ago on 1/2 tsp and worked our way up. Both my dh and I take the natural calm product for adults and haven't had any complaints. It helps my hyper, over-reacting, ADHD husband sleep soundly through the night for the first time in years!
  19. I live way across the country from you but I wanted to suggest chiropractic care for the neck tic. It might give her some relief. Also, a good massage for both of you might be in order! I'm sure you'll get some great advice here!
  20. I know how heart wrenching this is...I, too, have been in tears the past few days b/c of his obsessive thoughts that bring him to tears! How old is your DD? I can't remember from previous posts. Have you thought about counseling and therapy? What about an alternative doctor who can get the neurotransmitters balanced for you? That's where we're starting anyway. Just know that you are NOT alone! Praying for you and your dd! Bonnie
  21. I'm all of a sudden seeing new tics(well, they're a combination tic). Like an exaggerated eye blink that includes some muscle tension in the jaw and a slight head toss. There's a head nod, too. This combination is new. I'm also hearing some throat clearing and can't tell if it's allergies or not since he's done this seasonally before. Of course, the OCD/anxiety has been heartbreaking these past few days. He's been in tears on and off again b/c of an unwanted thought that plagues him. My questions is: how much of this is the pool and the chlorine or is it b/c I've been slacking off on his diet. Quite frankly, I got tired of the resistance to the nitrate restrictions, the restrictions on Sprite, etc. I've been allowing him to eat some cr*p lately but I've been letting him do this for the past 3 weeks and just recently(the past 2 days) I'm seeing new tics. The anxiety increased even when I was feeding him good, preservative free foods so that's why I gave up for a bit. Of course, now I'm seeing the tics. He wasn't ticcing very much yesterday morning but he went into the pool(within a few hrs of my shocking the pool) and it was like immediate ticcing started. I also noticed he tics more when he's out in the sun, maybe a photosensitive type thing? Anyway, I also want to know what the biggest preservative/additive problem is for our kids: is MSG, HFCS, vanillin, nitrates, etc? Which one is the biggest offender and what other names do these products disguise themselves under? I think it's time I start getting back on the Whole Foods bandwagon. I'll be heading there tomorrow to get our nitrate free meats, HFCS free soda, etc. I've been way TOO relaxed and I think we're seeing big changes here. Both with tics and anxiety! Thanks, Bonnie
  22. Both products are made by Peter Gillham. Natural Calm is for adults and is magnesium only. The Kid's Calm is magnesium, vitamin C, and Zinc. I give my son a teaspoon every night before bed. I have not seen any tic benefits but I must say that it does help him fall asleep faster even when his OCD is high( I was totally surprised about this one). Anyway, the natural calm has worked great for my husband. We all take it. They tell you on the bottle to start slow since magnesium loosens the bowels and then adjust up. There are no side effects that we've seen. I'm going to be increasing my son's dosage b/c I'm seeing an increase in his tics now that we're in pool season here in AZ. I want to encourage you to read these boards and learn all you can. My son just started with facial tics back in November and now we're seeing OCD. These boards have been a godsend for me/us. I haven't done all the diet cleanup yet but I have started the process with getting his neurotransmitters tested. I suggest keeping a food diary and also a tic/behavior diary to see if you can see some sort of correlation between those things. Welcome to the boards! Bonnie
  23. Hey, my rose: I had a bad, bad weekend too! Mostly OCD stuff with ds. Anyway, I need to try a magnesium cream as well b/c ds was ticcing really badly yesterday and I really do think it was the pool. He was barely ticcing when he woke up and as soon as his body got into the pool he started blinking hard and nose wrinkling with the blinking as well as winking. And, yes, thanks to Carolyn for her information about the cream!
  24. Hey Tami! I am currently researching the difference between GAD and OCD. Basically, they are both anxiety disorders anyway so I'm hoping that CBT and certain supplements will help with both of those things! I also have been steering more toward the GAD after researching but either way I still know I need to help my son! It's weird b/c OCD runs in my dh's family(repetitive behaviors more than thoughts) but my family has panic disorders and phobias and anxiety in general. The poor kid, genetics definitely don't help him here! On the brighter side, both my dh and my family don't have any serious hereditary diseases so I guess we're all just mental! Bonnie
  25. Our symptoms are not PANDAs, though. Don't know if that makes a difference. My ds doesn't get stuck on his thoughts that much, where it interferes with his daily life or social activities. He just gets overly worried about stuff and can't NOT think about it. But, it usually doesn't last more than a 1/2 hr or so. He doesn't get consumed by it, but it does cause him distress in the form of crying, worrying more about the fact that he's worrying, and even physical symptoms like chest pain and nausea. So, I'm going to try the GABA first but I'd love to hear about whether folks have had success with the inositol and SamE.
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