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  1. Seven years ago I found this site when searching for a reason for my son's symptoms. Happily I can say we have kicked PANDAS' butt! Now I am having my own issues and doctor after doctor can't find a medical reason, so basically it's in my head. I'm hoping one of you great people can help me again. Short story, I have a tremor anytime some thing is injected into me. Now I have a new issue, when I eat soy or peanuts I have a horrible tic. I can deal with the food problem, but anyone have an idea about injections? You can take blood, but inject anything and my blood pressure rises, severe tremor, heart palpitations, and flushing. I have posted two videos to show what I'm going through. http://m.youtube.com/?client=mv-google#/playlist?list=PL3N_uDVF2wxXlgDh3NkJp18XqQxn1OIlA
  2. Any luck on getting a list of labs/tests others have done? If so can you share?

  3. Have heard that warts are viral. Have you had viral blood panels done on him? We have been lucky that all Dr. Latimer had to do is to change antibiotic and last strep symptoms went away. Maybe I should be seeing a different type of doc too? I would love to hear what type of doc I might need to add to our list!
  4. Hmm.. We have no warts, but last year he did have to have 31 little ones burned from his arms, legs, and feet. Warts do not run in our family. They said he had so many because he scratched one ane they spread. Is warts common for other pandas children?
  5. My ped has a call into Dr. Latimer, but it could be months before she calls back(two months last time we called.) I am very lucky to have a doc here in Georgia where we live that will order any tests needed, but we are her only PANDAS case. What other infections should we be looking for? The first available appointment with Latimer was Feb, so until then who should we see? Last time I just ignored the tics thinking being school he was exposed to others, it turned ugly quick!
  6. First let me say I'm happy the bloodwork, urine and throat cultures are negative for strep! Now what??!! My son was on pcn for 4 years and the ocd, tics, hallucinations, emotional issues all came back. He ended up having perianal strep and he has been on augmentin xr and has been symptom from 2 years. Now the facial tic has started and every week something else is added to it. Example, started just a nose crunch, then nose and eye blinks, and now the neck. The only time my son has had tics is when there is strep. Any ideas what else it could be or what we should do?
  7. Hi, My son had all the same issues and antibiotics took them away. Four years later the OCD, tics, anger, etc. started again. We found he had strep growing again with no symptoms and he need a different antibiotic, which has been working for two years now. We have been very lucky and not had to go any other route other than the daily antibiotics and probiotics. Has this been tried for your son?
  8. Thank all of you! We would never change doctors, she helped my son when no one else did! I'm happy to hear this is just the "norm" and will just have my ped fax and update on his condition with what her plan is and if Dr. L doesn't agree to email them. Thanks again for the ideas!
  9. Thank you for replying! Do you ever have an issue with getting a phone call back? We live in georgia and have seen her twice. I'm trying to figure out is it a staff issue. My ped has called with questions about continuing high dose antibiotic and also labs we should check. Hate to keep calling and bugging, but three messages(two from me one from ped) in three months. The staff just takes a message and says I should just make an appointment. I hate to pay all those travel expenses plus out of pocket for an office visit just to answer what labs do you want.
  10. Is anyone seeing or seen Dr. Latimer?
  11. Two years on Augmentin XR and doing great! Now facial tic starting this week. Heading to the ped for yearly check-up and going to ask for labs. My ped is great to order, but I need too explain why. Can anyone tell me what labs they get and why? I have read the above posts, but it would helpful to know why certain ones are needed. Thanks!!!
  12. Thank You very much. We had a good day yesterday, no pain and it was a good day in regards to the compulsions and behaviours also. This morning however he has woken with head pain, so I will begin the Ibuprofen immediately and keep a good detailed journal of any changes. Thank You I hope things are better! I just wanted to say the stabbing head pain has alwayss been my son's first symptom before our pandas flare. Dr. Latimer explained that his immune system is trying to kill off brain proteins that mimick strep. Antibiotics to kill the true strep are needed. We also do ibprofin, but until strep is gone the pain continues.
  13. Hi, I tried to PM you, but it said you weren't taking new messages. I'm normally not on this forum and just saw your post. My mother went through 2 years of every test every doctor she was sent to could think of and she kept getting sicker and sicker. I friend told us about Dr. Laura Larson in Villa Rica, GA (770) 456-3737 ‎ . After the first visit she knew my mother had LD and was treating her before the tests even came back! Not sure where your friend is located, but Dr. Larson is worth the drive. We were at the end thinking no one would be able to help and she did!
  14. I could not find a list for DAN's that have been good with PANDAS. Anyone have one for Georgia or can you help me know how to find a good one? Are there questions I should ask etc..?
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