I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said it was an "ulcer" on my tonsil. I swear it tastes like strep to me, but he took a swab for herpes. I don't know how I would have herpes, and he said he even doubted it.
I ended up popping it with a pencil when I went home, and no pus came out, which I guess means that it wasn't strep, even though I have a strep taste in my mouth.
There is much less pressure, but I've had a continued pulsating feeling the back of my neck, almost a clamp like sensation, as well as mild ear pressure and pain. I've also been steadily gaining more and more weight.
I know this is a PANDAS forum, but I was just looking for some of your thoughts since I do believe I had PANDAS and I know inside me that all of these issues that I am having continue to be strep related.