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Everything posted by trintiybella

  1. Oh my gosh. There so odd looking. They don't even look like anything on Dr. Jones website!!! They look like scar tissue left behind from surgery. Only way to describe them!!
  2. The bactrim and minocycline combo. make her so mean and it never eases up. What other combinations are there that people have used? I am trying to up the probiotics to see if it helps with the meanness. She feels horrible too. Very depressed on this stuff. I am giving charcoal, water and lemon for detox.
  3. Seems soooo much like my girl. Bactrim turned mine into a raging animal. We added in something very strong (amphoceterin) for yeast and she is so much better on this stuff. Guess you dealt with the yeast stuff, it seams though. My girl can not handle psych. drugs either, unless she is stable with some antiboitics. Small dose of seroquel made her MUCH more manageable. PM me anytime if I can help anymore.
  4. Have you looked into tic born illnesses? Bartonella, Lyme etc???
  5. Someone on the board mentioned a friend of theirs had severe insomnia due to migraines. I can't find the post. Does anyone know who it is that said that??? Thanks
  6. I have the charcoal for the detox. i called the doc. Waiting for call back.... Scary.
  7. We started treating again for bartonell. She is taking bactrim and minocycline she's been on it for a week and is pretty mean which I expected but she's had migranes with vomiting for three days now. Gets migranes and vomited sometimes when u start a medication but this is happening a lot with horrible head aches.
  8. She bouncedoff the wall in total confusion with racing thoughts. We bought computer to help calm her. Now she stares at same show over and over. It's horrible!
  9. We see genetistis on Sept 4th. Treated bartonella again because its the only thing that gets her to sleep a little. Our family could not go any more with out sleep, day after day...week after week. It was too much for all of us. Dr. J. said put her back on and we have Dr. B trying different psych. drugs. Hoping that NYU has some more advice and possible IVIG can be covered there.
  10. We are back treating for the bartonella again because of severe insomnia. The bactrim and minocycline for sure help with sleep, but make symtpoms so much worse during the day, that never seem to get better. Had her on this combo for over a year in the past and herxing never seems to stop. Her main symptom during the day is severe confusion. This has always been a symptom of hers but of course it is 100 times worse with treatment. Dr. B. wants to try topomax. We need to be really careful. She can't handle lots of drugs and going up to high doses on anything. So Dr. B. said to add little bits of things. Any advice is welcome.
  11. Someone mentioned that their friends child has severe insomnia and hallucinations due to migranes (i think) but I can't find the post. Wanted to ask them a question.
  12. For some odd reason, my child can not take large doses of ANYTHING! If they could figure out why, perhaps they could find out what else is wrong with her :0( Doctors never beleived it when I told them what happens to her when I go up slightly on meds. They have me keep pushing, because they tell me that the medications that she is on, are not designed to make a kid violent. Well, I video tapes over and over what happens and now ALL of her doctors agree, that she can not handle large doses. I pray I will find out WHY when I go to NYU, and see genetisist, and hopefully Dr. N.
  13. How long does die-off usually happen when you first start antibiotic. Thanks
  14. Our test for viruses just showed the word "high". Is there an additional test that shows titers or wether the virus is active or not?
  15. How long does serious herxing generally last when treating with antibiotics for bartonella?
  16. I am pretty sure its the bactrim and minocycline causeing meanness, but I am not taking her off since It is helping with massive insomnia. I would rather add something to make her nice, ya know. I can try adding something for detox. Would vitamin C be food for detoxing?
  17. What else can I give. She is sleeping better but so mean. This is what I am giving: 10AM 6mg Lamictal 1 BACTRIM 1 MINO 1pm 4000 UI D3 10ml IRON 1-OIL OF OREGANO 5pm 1-OIL OF OREGANO 11PM 6MG. SEROQUEL 1 MG. MELATONIN 10ml. Iron 3 Teeny scoops probiotic (D-Lactate)
  18. I never changed kitty litter, while pregnant.. I did not even have the cat around. Could I have had the toxoplasma in my system already. Also are tests accurate when they test for this. Are there false positives?
  19. Good to hear. Was that with Dr. N.?
  20. can toxoplasma be passed from mother to child in utero?
  21. Can these both be from cats?
  22. "being more honest with what he should be doing to help himself and he is able to hear it better." Anna...I can so relate to what you said above. Nobody understands me when I explain this symptom.
  23. I have her EEG back, but doctor wants 300 dollars to discuss results on phone. We just gave him 300,00 dollars for him to tell us that our child has low ferritin levels. Can't afford any more. We are on our way to NYU, and will have them looked at there, but would like someone on here to take a look. To me it looks like they are saying all is good on the EEG. Thanks so much!
  24. she has not seen any doctors there yet though. Our first appointment is sept. 4th
  25. thanks. i will try to call directly to doctor. you guys are the best!
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