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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. It's a very common tic, efgh as with other tics, it comes and goes.
  2. Hi Vicki and welcome to Latitudes I absolutely agree that MOLD is a major tic (and general health) aggravator. and it is very likely that the carpeting or seat fabric in your new car is causing the problem...possibly via the formaldehyde in it. Also the plastic and other synthetics may be "leeching" (very common) and some chemical there may be causing a problem. Detox and herbal treatments etc is best done under a physicians guidance and there is a very helpful list of doctors who practice alternative medicine at the top of this board http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...p?showtopic=565 My son had tremendous help by undergoing accupuncture, reflexology and biofeedback (NOT neurofeedback) while he was going thru the detox procedure. We have seen my son's tourette and OCD go from very severe to mild over the 3+ years that we have been using supplements(vitamins,minerals,amino acids,herbs) and other alternative therapy. there is a wealth of information in the various threads on this forum, and a really good article on tic triggers http://latitudes.org/articles/finding_triggers.htm nice to see you here and hope you will stay in touch
  3. concernedfiance I am so glad you have started to post at BrainTalk too. let me know if you need help navigating the many relevant forums there. I know it can be daunting at times as it is so vast. Also, do please check your private message box there (top right of screen) as there are some folks who will PM you too.
  4. wow! tough to deal with all that. my heart goes out to her, and to you. she really is so blessed to have you to care for her Most of us here are dealing more with Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorder, and also have predominantly negative views on medications. But, as in the case of your beloved, there are more serious conditions that need more drastic intervention. I am just wondering if you would get more experienced input over at BrainTalk Forums. Many folks there who have vast experience with the pros and cons of various medications. There are numerous forums, each devoted to specific issues so i am going to give you the main index and you can browse and see which category fits best. these are the forums for specific neurological conditions http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/forumd...display.php?f=3 and these are the "general" forums http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/forumd...display.php?f=2 Please do stay in touch here too tho, as we care and will be keeping you in our prayers
  5. what is her actual diagnosis? BiPolar disorder??
  6. concerned fiance I just did a quick search on Google for "seroquel side effects" and I was very alarmed at what I found...especially as many of the top results dealt with lawsuits against the manufacturer of the drug...and there are warnings that is has especially bad side effects IN WOMEN!!!! Apparantly any doctor prescribing it is obliged to warn the patient of the serious risk of side effects, especially that of tardive dyskinesia, which is a majorly serious and non-reversible side effect! You are very right to be proactive on this, and, tho your fiance may not understand it now, one day she will thank you! I am not trying to suggest that she shouldnt be on medication, I am not a doctor and I do know that some people need meds....BUT it is very clear from your posts, and from what I have just read, that she is having a bad reaction to seroquel! Please stay in touch and let us know how things are going
  7. Dear Concerned fiance how blessed your lady is to have you! Most of us here are anti-prescription meds either by bitter experience or because we dont want to have the bitter experience that so very many people do have with these brain drugs. My son was severely hurt by these drugs and, from what you are describing, the same is happening to your fiance. One doesnt wait 2 weeks when a drug is having a bad effect!!! Believe me...it can lead to toxic shock, med induced psychosis and more. I am not being alarmist...this is a simple reality! She needs to get to the doctor asap. Dont abruptly stop the med tho...she needs to taper off it under doctor guidance. My personal advice to you would be to find an alternative doctor from the list posted at the top of this board, http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...p?showtopic=565 and see if she can possibly be helped naturally. I and many others here can testify to the effectiveness of alternative treatments. I am rushing out, but please feel free to ask more details or email me if you need more info Cheri
  8. efgh Check your thread on brainTalk I pointed you to the previous discussion you had with Mrs D on flax/fish where she discussed the importance of GLA in individuals who are sensitive to fish oil alone where guy at brainTalk made a valid point re the ratios of omega3 and omega 6, yet I honestly feel Mrs D is the expert here and would follow her guidance on this.
  9. Hi Tonyswife and welcome Although we do have some adults with TS who post here....most of us seem to be parents using alternative treatments to help our kids. My son visits a chiropractor periodically to restore the skeletal balance that the tics can often knock out. He also finds that soaking in a warm tub with 2 cups of Epsom salts added to the water really relaxes the muscles, and actually also diminishes tics. If you browse around this Forum, as well as the whole Latitudes site, you will find a lot of really useful information to maybe help your husband. Many of us have found great benefit in eliminating artificial foodstuffs, as well as adding special vitamins and other supplements to the diet, controlling yeast(Candida) overgrowth and so much more that you can read about here. May I also suggest that you post this question re the DBS etc over on the BrainTalk TS Forum. there are many adults with TS represented there and there was a lot of discussion on the DBS technique recently here is the link http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/forumd...aysprune=&f=253
  10. hi efgh usually a multivitamin gioves the full daily requirement of Vitamin E and so an additional supplement is not needed. Especially in children, it is important not to give MORE than is recommended, unless a doctor has advised to do so. If you are still only giving flax, I really do suggest that your add a source of GLA as from Evening Primrose Oil HTH
  11. Hi Andy and welcome to Latitudes Most of us here use variations of vitamins and supplements to help our loved ones who have either fullblown TS or transient tics. have you been to Bonnie's website? She devised a supplement program for her son with Ts and had such success with it that she now markets it as Bontech products http://www.BonnieGr.com I use a variation of her program, fine tuned to suit my son's needs of comorbid TS/OCD/ADD and have also had remarkable success in bringing his symptoms from very severe to mild. We devised my son's treatment under the guidance of a team of Integrative Physicians who specialize in alternative medicine. Hope you get lots of benefit here at Latitudes as there is a wealth of information here in the Forum and also fron the excellent articles etc that you can access from the Home page.
  12. Hi Kat the ONLY time my son ever "came undone" was when he was on meds (haloperidol=haldol) As your husband is on a combination of strong medications, it may well be that the meds are having side effects. They produced "medication induced psychosis" in my son. Since he came off meds and started these natural treatments, he has gone from frighteningly severe TS to vey mild. Do try to gradually read thu the relevant posts here and also the many articles on TS that you can reach from the latitudes homepage....especially the "Finding triggers for tics" article. There are Soooooo many things that can make tics and behaviour worse, and it may well be that some of these are triggers for your husband too. Stay in touch...this is a great place for info, and lots of caring support too!
  13. Susannah I have only ever used Great Smokies and Great Plains and with great satisfaction
  14. Thanks for the update Sherry. I am convinced that so many of the problems we face in life with health issues can be related to allergies and/or toxins! Isnt it great to have something concrete now to work from! Hoping this gets your daughter on a rapid recovery path God Bless Cheri
  15. Hi I have asked my son about this and he says it has only ever happened to him when he has had tics where he has had to tense his abdominal muscles....the result has sometimes been that kind of diaphragm pain. I know nothing about Tenex...but could this be a side effect maybe. Hope it gets better for him
  16. hi kimwal I am so sorry to hear of your stress right now. I have just a few pointers that may help.... PANDAs is usually treated with antibiotics I am not sure what the "drip" treatment is in hospital that you refer to. Ronna is our PANDAs person and if you like I can put you in direct contact with her. Also, it is generally found that, even tho a vitamin/supplement routine is always good, the benefits are DRASTICALLY reduced if the person is still taking meds. This could well be why you arent seeing much improvement with the supplements, if you are still on meds. I notice that you only refer to your child's vocal tic and hyper behaviour...are there motor tics too? Have you had any testing done for heavy metals, especially Mercury? Is your son on any of the stimulant medications for hyperactivity as efgh has pointed out, the meds used to treat ADHD frequently CAUSE TICS! Finally have you had your son tested for pyroluria? Often this can be the underlying cause of tics and other problems. kimwal....please dont give up! your solution is probably at hand...it just needs a bit of refinement. We have found that the natural treatment we are using with such amazing results is truly holistic, in that it is important to maintain health in all areas. All the supps in the world arent going to help enough if my son still eats artifical junk or has a yeast flareup or infections like strep or heavy metal buildup or if any of the other things that are known tic triggers are impacting his wellbeing. It is so very important to maintain this balance. Something is clearly a major factor in causing your son to have such a poor response to the good things you are doing for him....so the important thing to find out is what. have you read Sheila's article on tic triggers? here is the link http://latitudes.org/articles/finding_triggers.htm These are just some thoughts I had while reading your post. I will be praying for you kimwal....that God will shine light on the areas that need to be taken care of to help your precious son please stay in touch! it is so important to have an outlet like this for your feelings and frustrations God Bless Cheri
  17. Hi Sherry I pray that you will have a good doctor visit and that the Lord will give insight and guidance into what is causing the tic and how to treat it. and Claire I was so happy to read you praise report!
  18. I posted the other day about info on testing for neuroTransmitter levels. Well, that discussion has expanded to include some fascinating info on why some folks may get "edgy" when taking 5HTP here is the thread at BrainTalk http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/showth...ead.php?t=18386
  19. Hi efgh I have heard many people say that their TS was at it's worst in the teen years. Average age of onset is usually around 10. Then, when they reach the end of the 'hormonal years" it seems to stabilise again. Of course, their are wide individual variations....with onset being much younger in some, and peaking often occurring in the pre- teen period. Still, the majority of folks I have had contact with have had the pre-teen onset followed by the teen crescendo.
  20. someone just posted on BrainTalk that they had actual Neurotransmitter levels tested for their child by NeuorScience Lab/research center. This is the first I have heard of these tests, but agree that this would be VERY valuable info to have in providing the most comprehensive treatment.
  21. This article is really worth reading http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/main.jht...13/htimmy13.xml
  22. Anyone interested check out this informative thread on BrainTalk http://brain.hastypastry.net/forums/showth...ead.php?t=17908 also deals with allergies/grapeseed extract etc
  23. Hi Andy and welcome to latitudes I would venture a guess to say all of the above things you mention could be playing a part in your son's tics. I read your other thread too, and tend to agree that possibly the dx of TS may just be a bit premature. There is so much evidence to show that things like the vaccinations, allergies and infections...ESPECIALLY STREP/ PANDAs and other viral infections as well as yeast(candida) overgrowth internally(mainly in gastro intestinal system)...all these can set of tics. There is also a condition called pyroluria ( sometimes called stinky feet syndrome) that can cause TS-like symptoms and is easily tested for and treated with primarily vitB6 and zinc. Also magnesium and taurine are very beneficial for all tics, and some people are greatly helped by L-carnitine for eye blinking/rolling tics If you get a chance, start reading thru old threads here...you will get much very valuable info. If you need any more details...just LMK
  24. It would be best to check with your doctor if there are any interactions between klonopin and 5HTP. I have NO knowledge of klonopin, only of 5HTP. From my experience, that dose of Inositol seems VERY high for a child... My son is 14yo/150lb and only needs 500 mg/day, so I would think that ONE 600mg tablet would be more than ennough for an 8yo. This is only my opinion...if a doctor has recommended that dose then there may be a good reason to continue at such a high doseage.
  25. efgh a word is not a complex vocal tic.......whole phrases or sentences or a combination of sounds are complex tics. AND DO REMEMBER complex tics do NOT mean severe TS People with mild TS have complex tics too, just as people with severe TS may have simple tics predominating I homestly think you are worrying too much about your son. If you met someone with severe TS you would realise how thankful you can be and how little you have to be concerned about I know you are just being an excellent mom, and so I truly understand....just seems you give yourself a lot more anxiety than you need to. Deep breath now.....RELAX!
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