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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Claire just to let you know I have you and your presious son in my prayers. ask your doctor if it is ok to put him on Olive Leaf Extract (with PLENTY of water) we use it as a natural antibiotic and it is amazingly effective. I am not suggesting that you not do the antibiotics prescribed.......strep and infections need rapid action!!.......just suggesting the olive leaf as a follow up maybe ? I am sure you are remembering to use the probiotics too God Bless Claire......I know how worried you must be and I pray that the fever subsides quickly and the pain goes.
  2. Hi there and a big welcome to you. it certainly does sound like you are having tics, but just why could be for a number of reasons. It seems you have already found one in that you are sensitive to the flicker from screens. When you are on the computer, maybe try to always have a light on to reduce flicker, and even better, a light that has one of the full spectrum daylight bulbs in it. Do you have an LCD monitor? many have found that those are better than the CRT ones. If you read around here you will find that many things can underly tics so it really is a process of going thru them and trying to discover your underlying issues. For a diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome, there need to be motor and vocal tics present and I dont see that you have described any vocal tics?? only motor ones. that would make me wonder if maybe you arent rather dealing with more of a transient tic issue. Start off by trying to note whether you tic more after certain foods? other things? so much more for you to check out but I dont want to give you info overload. Just try assimilating info here and then ask questions...maybe also ask your mom to start reading here so she can help you try to find the answers.
  3. efgh myrhh is excellent for this as is tea tree oil. you can obtain both from health stores and mix with pure water as a mouth wash. Bleeding gums are often a sign on gingivitis, and so myrhh really is very healing for this Gum bleeds can also indicate vitamin deficiencies, the most common being vit C HTHY
  4. Hi Gina hormonal changes at puberty can also bring about emotional upheavals, and some have found that the combination of these plus the Ts can lead to more explosiveness. Nomatter the reasons, we all know that out of control rages are dangerous and so if you notice that this is becoming a serious problem you may want to consider cognitive behavioural therapy. Also, dont forget that sometimes rages can be associated with other things too, one that comes to mind is pyroluria, as well as candida build up, mercury etc....also artificial stuff in food and MSG etc can trigger rages.....tho I think you are probably careful with those. hope you find a solution as this is a tough one!
  5. Hi Robin the 5HTP had by far the most dramatic and immediate effect on my son in calming his anxiety and stabilising the OCD. He took 50mg each evening. I havent ever seen it in 30mg doses but that would be good to start with if possible some people get "edgy" on it so if you dont see a marked improvement but instead a worsening after 3 days, discontinue it 1500mg taurine seems high to me, as we used only 500mg taurine (along with a separate combo of 500mg magnesium, 1000mg calcium, 50mg zinc)
  6. Hi Robin my son has TS & ADD and he did just fine with Inositol. we also used 5HTP to help with his OCD /anxiety etc. as well as methionine (or the samE version which costs more but acts faster) GABA is ok but not advised for everyone with all these I really do advise having a naturopath or integrative physician give advice on suitablitily and doseage our plan was formulated with physician guidance and was very specific to my son's individual needs and metabolism. as with all supps....what works for some doesnt always work for others because of underlying individual biochemistry If you have seen such a sudden return of OCD/anxiety there may well be an infection or other illness or parasite, toxin, allergy causing it we have almost always been able to trace such flareups to something like that!
  7. Hi all I would add is that, especially with a child that young, I really would supplement under the guidance of a knowledgable and qualified physician. The brain of one so young is still undergoing developmental changes and so you really do need to appraoch this with a lot more care than with an adult weight teenager! The upside is that starting a nutritional program so young has very deep and lasting results:) 5HTP is a very powerful supplement, and I would honestly caution against just doing guesswork on the dose for your little one. Inositol has a similar effect to 5HTP and it may well be better to start with it as it's overall action is less dramatic. It is a fact that some people just dont seem to do well on Bonnie's supplements tho it puzzles me as their ingredients do seem so very pure and good. the mag taurate by Cardiovascular research is available at The Vitamin Shoppe, either in their stores or online from their website. ROYAL JELLY ( a nutrient produced by queen bees) is an excellent source of B vitamins! (if you can afford it, the BeeAlive brand is best, otherwise NOW makes a good and affordable one too)
  8. ah, i was posting at the same time as you efgh we use the METAGENICS brand of antioxidants called OXYGENICS ( http://www.metagenics.com ) He takes adult dose. I am very pleased with Metagenics products and use their Multigenics for all of us. My son watches a bit of TV....about the same as always. Still always in a lighted room with full spectrum daylight bulbs. darkened rooms and TV make him tic more, and he still avoids the cinema for that reason....goes on rare occasions but still increased tics afterwards He is far more intersted in his computer (LCD screen) and plays his games on it rather than thru the TV console systems. His love for and talent in music also means he spends a lot more time playing his guitar and piano these days than being in front of a screen. he writes a lot of his own music and I am really pleased with his focus on that.
  9. You are more than welcome Alison when I prayed for God to guide me to be able to help my son, I knew in my heart that much of what we had experienced was going to be used to help others too. My son and I prayed together once, that God would use his experience.... the heartache and the joys, the failures and the successes....... to benefit others. I am blessed to see that prayer answered
  10. Dear Marie first off.......here is a BIG COMMUNAL ((((HUG)))) from all of us. I dont think there is a parent here who hasnt gone thru the emotions you are describing. We have all felt guilty, hopeless, helpless, angry, frustrated etc etc etc. I think that is just a sign that we are ok parents because WE CARE SO DEEPLY Our physician once gave me a really good pep talk, and helped me realise that i was going thru emotions that were related to grief. when our children manifest these symptoms and, especially in the case of those of us who then get a clear diagnosis, it almost feels like we have "lost" the child we had before, and we grieve for that. and then we go thru those "what ifs" to do with our genetics, our health when becoming and during the pregnancy, the vaccines, the environment, the nutrition they had, the way we misunderstood their symptoms, etc etc etc etc etc but, as we have all had to learn......the what ifs are unproductive and just drag us down, and looking back hampers us from going forward. Just take it ONE DAY AT A TIME dear Marie. sometimes you will see progress and other days you will feel defeated, but as long as you just keep gaining knowledge and implementing it, the trial and error begins to have positive results and as you see the little improvements, your hope grows and you become more confident in the overall course. soooo dont feel alone in those emotions. we sure understand them all too well. more wise words someone once gave me "this too shall pass" more (((hugs))) and blessings from us to you
  11. Hi efgh ok...I will answer in sequence 1) we withdrew the supps because my son asked us to. His tics were very mild, the OCD negligible and his ADD so greatly improved that he is making excellent grades and has been on the honor roll thru 7th and now 8th grade. He felt that he (and those around him) dont really notice the tics etc anymore, and that the routine of taking the supps twice daily was causing him to refocus on tics and so start ticcing as soon as he took them 2) no, his tics have remained stable with the supp withdrawal. Do remember tho that he IS still taking a high potency multivitamin/mineral and a flax/borage/evening primrose combo every day. He also gets an antioxidant combo once a week now. Also, I have worked to make sure that his diet is rich in the important vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that the supps were providing, so he is actually still getting them......just not swallowing so many pills a day. He takes his multi etc when we all do at dinner time, and so he doesnt feel "singled out" in taking them.....it is just part of dinner for all of us. 3) we removed the supps gradually, not by decreasing the doseage but by withdrawing individual ones in what we felt was the order of lesser importance. With the 5HTP we withdrew it by going evry other day, every 4th day and then once a week and then stopped completely. 4) We are no longer regularly consulting with physicians as my son has been so healthy for so long now. We only see them now for annual physicals. His "team" know he is off the supp program and are delighted with his overall good health and stabilised tics/OCD 5)Yes, my son still tics and his tics follow the regular waxing and waning that is characteristic of TS. However, the tics are so very mild that they are barely noticeable....an occasional throat clearing or sniff, a slight shoulder shrug or facial twitch. They dont bother him nor us nor anyone else. He and his teachers say they dont notice them in class at all. he had a cold a few weeks back as a nasty thing was going round the school. however, where others were very ill, for him it was a slight sore throat, cough and sniffles...I believe his overall health and built up immune system helps this. Anyway, while ill his tics were slightly up, but not enough to do any more than give the antioxidant combo daily. 6) His OCD remains negligible. Yes, he still has OCD, but it doesnt seem to be a controlling force in his life and it isnt focussed on disturbing or debilitating things. he still likes things "just right" but doesnt get bent out of shape if they arent. I really think his seratonin levels have stabilised enormously, as his overall moods are so balanced, and we dont see anxiety or frustration etc like before. I still have the 5HTP and the Inositol available if he should need it, but so far it hasnt been necessary. 7) He was on the supps for just short of four years, and has been off them now since last summer Hope that answers it for you. I stress again that we still strictly adhere to a nutritional plan, with a very balanced and healthy diet containing foods that provide him with the vitamins and minerals that he needs. And we absolutely avoid junk food and processed foods and all the artificial stuff that we know are major triggers for both his tics and OCD.
  12. Hi Marina good to hear from you again! Efalex comes highly recommended provided your child tolerates fishoil. I had not heard of the other prodict before but it certainly seems to have good stuff in it. a few things things tho...... the calcium to magnesium ratio should be 2 cal to every 1 mag so if I were you I would definitely add say calcium citrate to that to bring the correct balance. I also didnt see any vit B6 on the list , but see it in the ingredients?(pyridoxene) I feel B6 is an important part of the correct absorption and action of many of the other supps) I noticed potassium aspartate....hmmmmm...I am personally a bit leery of anything in the aspartic acid group because of the problems with nutrasweet (aspartame) but perhaps that particular form of it is ok??? There is enough taurine in that complex for you not to need extra. stay in touch.....I am so glad you are finding solutions. It is a steady progress but so worthwhile when you begin to be able to identify those triggers and find the things that help!
  13. Hi Marie so many things can all be influencing each other that yes, it probably is all inter-related in some way, and so as you start seeing improvements in one area, so others tend to follow. Stress really does have an amazing effect on our bodies....one that the medical community is beginning to take very seriously. I remember when I was at college and interested in psychosomatic medicine, it was considered as 'quack stuff" and scorened. Now, some better med schools have it as part of the curriculum. it is so good that the neighbor will soon be gone and that your son is bonding with his puppy. All part of his recovery from the post traumatic stress of that very scary experience. as I often say here.........look Marie !......see that light shining at the end of the tunnel !
  14. No Claire, a 504 is not only medical, and it is also different from an IEP which is specifically for learning disabilities/accomodations. A 504 is a very specific plan put in place which takes into account all of the child's needs.......medical, physical,educational, emotional, psychological etc etc etc. and yes, it can be removed once no longer needed or kept in place and modified for as long as needed
  15. Marie from my own personal experience the ONLY way to absolutely get the teachers to make the accomodations required for your son and report back to you so that you can keep tabs on them is with a 504 plan It is the LAW that once a 504 is in place, the teachers and the school admin HAVE TO perform according to what you have mutually agreed is in your childs best interests. We had our own independent educational psychologist evaluate our son, and then that, coupled with his medical diagnostics, was taken to the initial 504 meeting where you and every teacher that has your child are present. After the meeting, the plan is drawn up and each person present signs it. The plan goes with your child thruout the school years, and at the start of each year, you meet with the new teachers and modify it as necessary.
  16. Hi Jane Bacopa is used in Ayurvedic medicine. I know absolutely nothing about it, and it is also not listed in the health Encyclopedia at iHerb. None of our physicians ever recommended it. that is not to say it isnt beneficial, but without knowing more about it and just how it works or any anecdotal reports from folks who have used it, I honestly cant comment on it.
  17. Our therapist is highly qualified and accomplished and only charges $85 for an hour during which time he does the accupuncture and any of the other treatments (aromatherapy, reflexology, biofeedback, craniosachral and other massage) He first places the necessary accupuncture needles and then proceeds with the other treatments. it is a time efficient and cost effective method. The first time one visits, he spends half hour learning what one's problems are and then one hour treatment follows and it is $100 charge total. He is a lecturer at the local naturopathic college, and also travels worldwide conducting seminars etc on the various therapies. amazing medical knowledge too, even tho he isnt a doc so, choose carefully, but beware of too high prices......that doesnt necessarily mean a better therapist! if you want to PM me with your location, i can check with him on whether he recommends anyone in your area
  18. Hi Susan Accupuncture has been very helpful for my son, and our therapist had treated TS before, and is experienced in working with children. we did try the Chinese herbs and although they werent a problem, yet we found using the a supplement program to be more beneficial.
  19. Hi health stores sell a variety of natural cough and cold remedies. they are usually herbal blends and dont contain the drugs in regular over the counter cold/cough formulae we also find that lemon honey tea is excellent......cup of black tea with fresh squeezed lemon juice and honey to taste. there are also drops that you can dissolve in steaming water and then breathe in the vapours to help with decongesting. again these are available at health stores echinacea, zinc and vit c are the preferred supplements for colds, generally most helpful before it is fullblown
  20. Hi Diane and welcome you can find Bonnie's vitamin info at http://www.bonniegr.com
  21. Hi Marie you arent a failure......just on the same learning curve we have all had to go thru...trial and error and then...bingo....success just a point to note on your supps it is VERY important to balance the Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. So try to get a good combo (Natrol makes one) that blends them all in the correct ratio My son simply could not tolerate B complex (neither can I) although the combo of Bs in a multi dont bother us. We used Royal Jelly as our B source, and supplemented with extra B6 and B1 when needed, plus extra B12 when ill, and B5(pantothenic acid) when he had jaw clenching or tooth grinding tics. Dont feel discouraged, you are truly on the right path. it does take time and perseverance but eventually you will learn what the specific tic triggers are, and which supps help most etc.
  22. Hi Andy hmmmmm...sounds like your neuro should read this board to learn a bit more about metal toxicity and how detoxing has helped so many of our kids! you know, one common theme I have noticed is that when a person is doing well with stabilised tics and then suddenly they flare up big time, it is often an illness/infection trigger, eg strep or another virus or parasite. that and the obvious possible food or airborne trigger. Most of us have found that by eliminating the triggers and toxins, and building up the system, the supplements and other natural remedies just seem to work even more efficiently. I really do recommend you trying to find an integrative doctor(one specialised in alternative medicine while being fully trained in conventional medicine too) as they just seem to have the balance needed to seek underlying causes and treat those effectively, instead of just damping the symptoms with precription meds as so many regular docs do. hoping you find that missing link to help your child.....you are on the right path by searching so carefully
  23. yes, marcia, you are sure dealing with a whole different scenario re school and the selective mutism issue. you are right to follow your instinct on that one. Not all kids with TS have learning disabilities, and most are actually very bright and talented, although yes, ADD is often comorbid and yes, handwriting, especially in boys, seems to be a struggle I am always so hesitant to recommend doses as it is very dependent on a number of individual variables. However, magnesium really does need to be balance with double the amount of calcium and so you could maybe start with 500cal:250mag and see how that goes. I have always been told that zinc is a valuable addition and so with that level of cal and mag, around 15-25mg zinc, but again it depends on the individual. my son didnt react well to a B complex and so we had the individual Bs topped up. he tolerated the combo ones in his multi just fine. I feel that vit B6 is important with all neurological issues, but again this is determined by the individual metabolism and underlying things in their system. I would personally suggest that you get a good pure multivitamin/multivitamin complex with no copper and low iron, and add to that the calcium and magnesium( remember to check how much of these is already in the multi, as well as how much zinc) then add to that a good essential fatty acid complex...if your child handles fishoil, preferably one that combines fish, flaxseed, borage and evening primrose oils Natrol makes a good combo start on that, and then see how things are for a couple of weeks and then reevaluate what else may be needed. and dont forget, by far one of the major tic triggers is the artificial stuff in food! avoiding junk food is really important. hope that helps to get you on the supplement road as to the prozac......well, any doctor who still gives prozac to a child is really in need of some updated education on the dangers all round of SSRIs , and especially in young people. and yes, i have heard numerous reports of SSRIs triggering tics. thankfully, it is out of your child's life and will hopefully be out of his system soon too. many people use acetyl-L-carnitine for the eye tics. it is an amino acid, and my son had benefit from it initially for eye rolling/blinking, but then seemed to get a bit edgy from it so we stopped it. I also want to recommend Royal Jelly as an all purpose supplement, which is especially rich in the B vitamins. As long as your child isnt sensitive to bee products, it is a great nutrient! bye now
  24. Hi Marcia although i wholeheartedly agree that diet and environmental triggers play a major role in tics, yet it is very important to differentiate between undefined tic disorders and GENETICALLY INHERITED TOURETTE SYNDROME if it is genetic TS, there is an underlying mechanism at work that isnt quite the same as the transient and other tic issues, and it is just not accurate to suggest that genetic TS can necessarily be "cured" in the same way that transient and other tic disorders can. helped tremendously.......most definitely YES as our experience with my son going from very very severe TS to now extrememly mild. as to the waxing and waning this does not refer to all tics coming and then going ...ie tic free times. It refers to SPECIFIC tics waxing and waning. But the fact that tics are always present is very common in true TS, and that they only cease when asleep. My son has always ticced daily. when it was severe, he had several tics running at the same time, motor and vocal, waxing and waning. now that things are so much better, he seems to have fewer overall tics, their manifestation is less intense and noticeable, and they seem to also wane faster and he does have long periods thruout the day where no tics are noticeable but, he still tics every day while awake, just to a MUCH lesser degree....an occasional little sound, or facial tic or movement. I cant remember if you have any history of TS in your family? Truly, to me that is the primary indicator of genetic TS tho I know that many experts disagree. I do feel that many kids are diagnosed with TS who do in fact not have it but instead are dealing with a tic disorder brought about by some other trigger. But the flipside is that some do in fact have true TS and one has to approach their treatment with a more flexible attitude...not being disillusioned when the tics dont stop completely nomatter all the right stuff they are being treated with. If your child does have TS, you really need to adopt the most valuable piece of advice that another caring mom once gave me "It's OK to Tic" bleesings to you Marcia......it is good that you are embarking on a supplement plan as it can ONLY be beneficial.
  25. Hi Marcia It is mainly facial grimaces and especially vocal tics that seem to be the ones that other kids pick up on My son is a very sociable person, and makes friends easily, and he absolutely hated the 6 months of homeschooling that he had to have after he had the severe reaction to zyprexa and then the med withdrawal. he just was too ill to be in school so we homeschooled for the rest of that year and he desperately missed the school environment, teasers and all. I honestly think that for him, learning to deal with insensitive and unpleasant people has been a very important preparation for life. Instead of hiding from it, he faced it full on, and as I mentioned before, turned some of the teasers into friends by educating them, somewhat shaming them for their intolerance and then proving to them that not only are people with TS just regular people who tic, but also that TS people are very bright and talented, and in my son's case, a very witty and endearing sense of humour. sometimes we try to shelter our children from pain, but eventually they are going to have to be able to deal with the world, and the resilience that my son has learned thru these formative years has become a strength. yes, there were times when my heart would break for him when he shared some of what he went thru with his peers, but overall I am glad I allowed him to find his own way of dealing with it, knowing he would always have our shoulders to lean on when it became hard to bear. I must say that overall, the kids we have encountered have been very supportive and understanding, both in the private school setting and now in public school. in fact, my son actually finds the public school kids a lot more tolerant and accepting! In answer to your question re the supplements a resounding YES! I feel the combination of the supps and the other natural treatments, with MUCH PRAYER, have gotten him to where he is now.... I am not sure if you have read my updates, but he is now actually only taking a multi with added EFAs and careful to avoid especially dietary tic triggers. His tics are very mild, OCD negligible, ADD so improved that he is in advanced classes for all his 8th grade subjects except does regular math, getting As and on the honour roll. PERSEVERANCE PAYS!
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