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Steroids are contraindicated with any infectious disease. Lowering the immune system is the worst possible thing one can due with an infectious disease.
Friend just found tick attached to her - what to do asap?
red replied to TeamTyrion's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
This is why we have a problem with abx overuse and resistance to bacteria. Dig the head of the tick out before it causes a localized infection. It is INSANITY to think that every single tick bite immediately be treated with abx. The average person in my area of the rural countryside gets a 25-100 tick bites a year. Literally millions of people get many many millions of tick bites a year and nothing happens. I stated abx (200mg twice a day of doxy X 4 weeks) after a tick bite with an expanding rash and still got chronic batonella from it because doxy does not kill bart. Really one tick bite, even in an endemic area does not make for a trip to the doctor. -
Complement C4a & Lyme - depressing news.
red replied to trintiybella's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
C4a is NOT mold dependent. C4A is just an indication of inflammation and be a result of many sources. Shoemaker is adamant that only Quest perform C4a because they send the test out to "The performance characterisitcs of this test have been validated by National Jewish Clinical Reference Laboratories. It has not been cleared or approved the the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The results are not intended to be used as the sole means for clinical diagnosis or patient management decisions. This laboratory is certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA-88) as qualified to perform high complexity clinical laboratory testing. Performing Laboratory National Jewish Center Imm Med 1400 Jackson Street Denver, CO 80206-2761 Doing an in house ERMI is the only real way to test for mold. You can spot test but mold can be behind the walls and therefore hidden from spot testing. I myself have used Mycometrics for the last decade. http://www.mycometrics.com Mold is processed by the liver and not by the kidneys. Shoemaker says that there is no direct test for mold in the blood. Mold spores are fat soluble hence they settle in the brain tissue which has a high amount of fat. Mold is found in cholesterol which is processe in the liver. Shoemaker uses cholestyramine because it bind directly to bile. The bile has mold and cholesterol in in. Through the bile binding process the bile is extracted and the eliminated through bowel moments. Once bound up by CSM mold cannot escape back into the blood stream. New clean bile is produced by the liver and the process starts all over ever time you take CSM. I fail to see how a urine test could show mold spores. And if the person is excreting mold via urine that would be a good thing. The reason some of us get sick from mold and others do not is because we cannot process the spores as a foreign toxin: hence it builds up in our blood stream making us sick. Shoemaker has identified about 8 HLA types that are susceptible. I strongly suggest taking the VCS, visual contrast sensitivity test. It can be found on Shoemaker's site. There are no false positives for this test. If it shows neurotoxins then you have neurotoxins. The are some outliers who have mold but they have a normal VCS test. If I read it correctly OATS tests for yeast which is different than environmental sick building syndrome mold. SBS mold it inhaled and ingested through our food as the spores settle out inside the house. Common sources of food mold is peanuts, cheeses and some fruits. Most food sources like fruits and cheese you can see the mold. Nuts are harder to find because the source comes from bad storages practices before the product comes to market. -
Prednisone is inactive until it passes through the liver and is activated by enzymes in the liver. Prednisone convert to the active metabolite prednisolone. Giving prednisolone ensures that if the liver is inefficient the body still received the proper dosage.
Dear Rowingmom, You seemed to have both misunderstood my posts and misrepresented my position as a result. You accuse me "If you think that the presence of ephedra compounds in the sida species is unacknowledged by Buhner, that you are outing his protocols, you are very wrong". When in fact I said "You should also be aware that Sida Acuta which is a major part of Burhner's protocol has ephedra in it. When I took it it was last summer (before I started biaxin) and I was sitting outside in 85 degree whether with a robe on and shivering". I never suggested or inferred that I was outing Burhner nor did I even remotely imply that somehow Burhner was hiding that ephedra is in Sida Acuta. Burhner states in his book (which I am very familiar with thanks for the suggestion) that Acuta has ephedra. The context/purpose of using the ephedra experience (it very well could have been another herb from another protocol) was quote "Because many herbs are poorly understood you are taking unknown risks adding herbs to biaxin. These herbs are very powerful and with children one has to be more aware. The more I learn about western abx and herbals the more I believe they should not be mixed". Try re-reading what I said and hopefully you can come away with the concept that "I am wary of mixing abx with herbs. And that with children I think it is more dangerous". Now I do not expect agreement but that is what I was stating. I have had my CYP 450 cytochrome analyzed to better understand my personal metabolic profile. It is important to understand that we all metabolized drugs and herbs differently due to genetics. I also use a sophisticated computerized drug/herb interaction program that includes my metabolic panel to assist me when taking drugs/herbs. I have considerable experience in alternative therapies especially TCM herbs and acupuncture. 10 years ago I was mid-diagnosed with Lyme + babesia and was treated by 2 of the top LLMDs and also did the Zhang protocol for Lyme. I then found Ritchie Shoemaker and he save my life with a mold diagnosis. In a few short months I recovered completely after CSM + $100K house remediation. Yes $100k. So I have seen that LLMDs can be quite as narrow minded as standard western docs who do not believe in chronic Lyme/bart. Ironically I now have a firm diagnosis of bartonella from Galaxy diagnostics in Sept 2011. I have virtually not one diagnostic indicator of Lyme disease. I believe as Edward Breitschwerdt believes bartonella is not a co-coinfection but a stand alone disease that has multiple vectors/sources and that bartonella is very under diagnosed. I undoubtably had it for years but because I was treated with hormones and radiation for prostate cancer I kept blaming my symptoms on that hence my delay finding bart. I have a very severe case of it most like due to how long I have had it before tx started. You also commented about me "The last time I saw this person on the forum was about 1 year ago. He had lots of information about abx protocols then as I recall, but told us nothing about his history, or whether he has children that he has recovered. Nothing." If one looks at my comment history I joined the list in July 2012 and post 35 times up to Dec of 2013. I then quite posting because I realized that I was on a list of mostly women who were self treating their children. And you all did not like what I was saying so I quit for a few months. I have nothing to hide nothing at all. Rowingmom you sound like I am to be distrusted because I am not one of you. After all I am probably old enough at 66 to be your father. But I think if you go back and read some of my posts I did talk about my history. I do not understand why you think I have told nothing about my history or my children. How strange. Is having a sick child a requirement to post on this group? I myself did not like it when the Pandas group was combined with Lyme group. Two very different diseases. I have a nephew with Pandas and keep up closely with my niece on his medical condition so I am at least familiar with the disease. "As for your comment While I don't think rifampin should be used alone because resistance develops quickly, I don't think Trinity's doctor needs to be questioned". Remember the context of the question from trintibella "my child can handle the minocycline and there is some improvement on it, but the bactrim is a no go...wondering if anyone ever used minocycline alone to treat lyme/bart?" I was not questioning Trinity's doctor. I was answering the question if anyone use minocycline as a mono treatment for bartonella". So I was responding to the question about mono treatment and I was not "questioning" Trinity's doctor! I was answering a query. As for your response that "I don't think rifampin should be used alone because resistance develops quickly" I would disagree with it. It is well established that no one western abx can kill bart. Resistance to rifampin is not the issue. Rifampin is one of the major drugs of choice because it is so effective at breaking down the cell wall but an additional abx is needed to kill the bacteria hence no one western abx can kill bartonella. Breitschwerdt has established that dogs show early resistance to azithromycin as well as poor outcomes with doxy in dogs. I have read every article Ed Breitscwerdt has published. That said here is link to on the better papers I have read on bart and Lyme. It's by a German doctor who has published 40 papers on LYme and all of them except this one are in German. Chronic Lyme Disease and Co-infections: Differential Diagnosis http://www.benthamscience.com/open/toneuj/articles/V006/SI0078TONEUJ/158TONEUJ.pdf As for me I am a western trained medical professional scientist whose training is in biomechanics. I have nearly 40 years as an allied health care provider and have published in peer review journals. I am a skeptic when in comes to medicine. I think most medicine both western and alternative medicine is not very well practiced. I would say only about 20% of practitioners are any good. And finally you say "If you have cured yourself of bartonella with biaxin/rifabutin, good for you. I am glad that you can come to this forum and state that the abx protocols others are using are useless. I would personally leave the abx decisions up to the LLMDs". 1. I am not cured and I am under the treatment of a LLMD. 2. I did not come to this forum and state that the abs protocols of others are useless. I cautioned against the use of abx and herbals together. That is hardly telling other people their protocols are useless. If you think I have inappropriately told someone their abx protocol is useless then quote me. I stand by my statement that singular abx does not have a chance to cure bartonella. I have read upwards of 150 scientific western papers (I have also read a herbal and other alternative papers) on bartonella. I have yet to read one paper that claims a mono-thereapy is effective. Otherwise I have to consider this comment deliberate sarcasm. You have created in your mind a fantasy of who you think I am and then have responded to that fantasy. "The last time I saw this person on the forum was about 1 year ago. He had lots of information about abx protocols then as I recall, but told us nothing about his history, or whether he has children that he has recovered. Nothing".
Have you used minocycline alone for lyme/bartonella
red replied to trintiybella's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
No single drug can kill bart. It has to be a combo. The 2 best drugs are baixin and rifabutin. Rifabutin has less side effects than rifampin. Azithromycin has shown to be ineffective with bart. Breitschwerdt has said they see early resistance to azith in animals and have move to biaxin as a result. -
You need to understand that biaxin (which I am taking with rifabutin) is a major C3A4 inhibitor. This means biaxin can affect the bioavailability (usually but nor always increase) of many drugs and herbs. Because many herbs are poorly understood you are taking unknown risks adding herbs to biaxin. You should also be aware that Sida Acuta which is a major part of Burhner's protocol has ephedra in it. When I took it it was last summer (before I started biaxin) and I was sitting outside in 85 degree whether with a robe on and shivering. These herbs are very powerful and with children one has to be more aware. The more I learn about western abx and herbals the more I believe they should not be mixed. Especially with powerful drugs like biaxin and rifabutin. I also believe that not all negative reactions are herxes. One simple may be having a negative response to the combo of drugs and or herbs. Herxing is very difficult to understand. When the body is overloaded with inflammatory agents the threshold for painful episodes it lowered.
Lot of good easy to read material. http://mthfr.net/ This one is rather complex and hard to read. http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/the-stages-of-methylation-and-healing.21725/ Red
I recently took 6 weeks off of AZ and doxy to be retested by Galaxy for bartonella. I was not finished with antibiotics by any means; the test was to gather further information. I declined severely while off meds and I notice my GI problems returned. In my case I will have multiple loose stools and get completely washed out as a result. This problem returned after a few weeks off antibiotics. Just one take on at least trying AZ and see how he responds. Red
A protein has been identified that ultimately will lead to much better testing results to find active lyme disease. As we all know to well the inadequacies of present lyme test this one looks very promising: because if you have the protein in your blood then it proves you have active lyme and need treatment. Now all we have to wait for is getting this test on the market. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130326194140.htm Red
Vit D is absolutely essential to immune function. Anybody who thinks starving their body of Vit D to starve lyme is making a huge mistake. As for starving Lyme here is a recent article about manganese Quirky Lyme Disease Bacteria: Unlike Most Organisms, They Don't Need Iron, but Crave Manganese http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/03/130321205712.htm Red
I had very similar situation with a bit more history to it as I did high doses of doxy on the 1st day of rash and still got extremely fatigued. Over the years I recovered but had low grade chronic symptom like yours but then really crashed this past year. I had every work up for everything and all normal except for bartonella per galaxy diagnostics. I recently sought a 2nd opinion and just finished 6 weeks off antibiotics which made me so sick that I no longer have the strength to drive a car one mile. A heavy price to pay for a 2nd bart test. I am back on doxy and AZ and will add low dose rifampin later. It has been a horror story. I abhor diagnosing on symptoms but you sound much more like bart than lyme. Vit d does NOT feed lyme. In fact D is critical for immune system function. There are no scientific papers about Lyme and D. And I think you can be safe to take CoQ10. Lot of folk lore out out here about lyme and other diseases. Bartonella is a stand alone disease and is not a "co-infection". Early epidemiological work is beginning to show that bart may be more common than lyme. Your labs to not look that bad. YourCD 57 is at the border of low and your Vit D is very low. Red
From this article http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/18/human-parasites-video_n_2679698.html (there is also a video for those interested) "Did you know that only one in ten of the cells in your body is actually human? That's right. A whopping 90 percent of your cells are bacterial, viral, or parasitic in nature. The NIH's Human Microbiome Project is ambitiously aiming to characterize the microbial communities living in us. And while the vast majority of these germs are symbionts, once in a while, we pick up a straggling critter that's not just along for the ride--it's there to leach our nutrients at all costs. These parasites fall in five distinct categories, the first of which is the most numerically abundant animal on Earth: nematodes". Red
Moving out of/remediating moldy house
red replied to mama2alex's topic in PANS / PANDAS (Lyme included)
I do not see any problem using a laundry mat. Find a clean one and take your clean clothes out of the washer and put it right into dryer. Then take them right out of the dryer and stuff directly into a plastic bag. You will have to deal with the wrinkles and creases later. You are not going to get mold from a washing machine that has had soapy water in it. I think you have been meticulous and sure you will not get ever last spore. Electronics are OK just do not take them apart in the house if they need fixing. The most likely have some spores inside but that is small potatoes. I would never ever use an air compressor as you are asking for trouble pushing dust into the air. Hepa vacuum or wiping. Swiffers are better than anything. Otherwise good old soapy water. Vinegar does nothing to mold and the same for chlorine. I would expect the piano to be cleaned carefully if it is a Grand or open piano. I wonder about an upright. Is there opening in the back where spores can get into? If you had it tuned you would open that area and that might be a problem. Again HEPA vacuum is the way to go.