Your journey is amazing! Thank you for finding this post and writing up your experiences!
My 8 yr old son was diagnosed with PANDAS last year and underwent a series of tests. It all started with strep infections back to back over 3 months. He had OCD, hallucinations, brain talk where his brain was telling him bad things, separation anxiety, and had the same questions about why God was doing this.
I told him about your story and his eyes lit up with excitement. He was amazed that someone else had gone through this the same as him. What was really eye opening is when you described there being 2 people inside of you. When I mentioned this to my son, he completely understood. And I finally did too!
After IVIG he is doing so much better and is nearly back to his normal behaviors. I just wanted to thank you for telling us your story as it has brought clarity into an environment where there has been so much fog.