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Everything posted by blakes_mom

  1. I just watched a little bit of it but I find this extremely sad and frustating because a lot of these kids obviously have pandas. I did see a piece on here about a 13 year old girl with horrible tics,OCD. It showed her treating Dr who happens to be Dr. Mink a big critic of Pandas. He has been treating this poor girl for 4 years without improvement.
  2. My son tested positive for strep G a while back. If it is strep G I would ask for treatment. With a history of a tic disorder I would probably treat regardless.
  3. The immunologist that we recently saw explained to me that the strep titers will go up any time he gets sick with a virus, immunizations or other illness.
  4. I am sorry to not answer your question but your sons tics are very similiar to my sons. Have you looked into the diagnosis of pandas.
  5. My son has very similiar eye tics, ( eye roll and winking, blinking tics. It also sounds like your daughter has some OCD symptoms. This looks like PANDAS to me which is what my son was diagnosed with. It is possible that your daughter had strep again without any symptoms. My son does not get a fever or sorethroat with strep. My best advice is to find the nearest PANDAS doctor in your area. I would also consider antibiotics to prevent future strep episodes once you get this flare up controlled. A tonsillectomy has also been recommended for my son.
  6. I am also a Minnesota Mom. I sent you a pm.
  7. When my ds 10 had his latest exacerbation of tics my oldest son(non pandas) tested positive for beta hemolytic strep G. After a round of penicillin VK he came down with a sorethroat again and grew out Beta strep but not group A,B,C,F or G. I am not sure what this means but I am a nurse and I have never seen this before.
  8. I just watched it. Dr. Drew made a comment about how it probably is not PANDAS/PANS because they were not experiencing any OCD symptoms. Where is this guy getting his information?
  9. I am thankful that Dr.Drew is covering this and said he would continue to cover this story.I am disappointed that they didn't give Dr.T. time to discuss treatment if it is PANDAS/PANS. Dr. Drew also made a comment about antibiotics,steroids,IVIG as a treatment but said it doesn't work very well. I disagree about this and wonder how he would even know! I am not sure how many more broadcasts I can watch about this being stress related.
  10. It cant hurt to do a titer to see if there has been a recent strep infection.You will need to do a ASO and a DNase B titer also.My son never had a current strep infection when he started ticcing but his strep antibodies always showed he had a recent strep infection. If it has been too long they may not show a rise.If you can get a trial of antibiotics to see if you see improvement with the tics that would also be worth a try.
  11. My ds 10 has also had good results with penicillin vk 500 three times a day. After he started this I saw inprovement in 4 days and 95% improvement in 1 week. I am also a nurse and most dosctors will agree that penicillin is very effective against strep.My sons first 2 episodes of PANDAS were quickly relieved by an injectible penicillin (bicillin cr 1.2 million units) back in 2006.
  12. I dont know anything about supplements but I do know that infections can trigger tics. You may want to look into PANDAS as a possible diagnosis.pandasnetwork.org has been helpful for me.
  13. Yes we are currently on antiobiotic since Sept 2011,PENICILLIN VK 500 mg 3 times per day.He is 10 years old and weighs about 65 lbs. This is his third episode of PANDAS. He is doing well right now but when I tried to taper his antibiotics last week his symptoms came back, so we will be on long term and then try to get preventative antibiotics for strep.
  14. My son never had any symptoms when he had strep.Please check out pandasnetwork.org for good info.In my opinion your son has a lot of symtoms of pandas.My son was treated with penicillin and improved in 1 week.
  15. Has your son already been tested for PANDAS. My son had tics too and was diagnosed with PANDAS. Antibiotic therapy is helpful for this. Pandasnetwork.org has some great info on this diagnosis.
  16. I would really look into the diagnosis of Pandas.You can find some good information at pandasnetwork.org.My son had the same exact symptoms especially the blinking tic.I wound not rule this out just because you dont think he has any history of strep.My son never had a fever or sorethroat with his strep infections.My son was treated with antibiotics and the tics went away almost immediately.
  17. We just experienced the same thing with our son.He was doing really well and was even on an antibiotic when we recently went back to his grandparents house.On the way home he started having his classic blinking tic and sure enough a few days later Grandpa was admitted to the hospital with a terrible blood infection.I really think they are really sensitive to bacteria around them.
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