This seems to be a common issue among some of his patients. If you search the forum archives (search bar is in the upper right corner of the page) under "Dr T" you may find previous discussions on the matter. The forum generally tries to avoid doctor bashing and if this thread turns too negative, it will likely be locked at best or taken down at worst. So if others have strong feelings, it's best they contact you via personal messaging (again, look to the upper right corner under your login name to access your mailbox).
Many doctors seem to have polarizing effects on the Pandas parents - some love a particular doctor and get defensive when shortcomings are pointed out, while others feel compelled to share their negative experiences as a warning of sorts. The complaint about not being able to contact a doctor for follow up is a common one not limited to this doctor. But that doesn't excuse the behavior. You paid for a consult and were given a promise directly from him that he'd get back to you with instructions. You are not asking for something you didn't pay for or that he didn't offer to provide. Enough time has passed and you're entitled to the guidance you have a right to expect, IMO. I would call, every day if necessary, Stay professional and respectful but also persistent. However, if it proves to be too much work to continue the relationship, then it may become time to consider other doctors.
In the 6 years I've been on this journey, I worked with 3 different specialists and had passing conversations (at conferences) with two others until I found the right partner. Each has their strengths and weaknesses. This is a bit like dating - a matter of finding the best fit. Each doctor has a different perspective on this disease and how wide a net they're willing to cast in terms of testing and treatments. The right doctor for you will be the one who's willing to look in the right place, given your daughter's symptoms/history.
I would continue to contact Dr T for further guidance/lab slips but also clarify whether there will be a charge to review the results, or ask if the results can be sent to your family physician. If you ultimately decide to seek another doctor, you may want to post the things you're looking for - do you want mainstream or integrative or naturopath or homeopath? Do you want someone who can do IVIG? Do you want long term antibiotics or would you prefer to use naturals? What geographic area can you travel to? Then people can message you with their own experiences.