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We spent yesterday shuttling from appointment to appointment - first a mtg with a private school that specializes in working with kids with ADHD and axiety disorders. (Likely the best placement for my son - but at $15k per year for K-5...we'll need to think about that!!)


Then off to the ped for just a routine follow up and ear check - followed immediately by the follow up appointment with Dr. Murphy.


We mentioned to both Dr's that he's been ramped up all weekend - but not quite to the "we think he's got strep level" - but very Jeckyl/Hyde. Ped looks at him - notices signs of seasonal allergies (and it's been rough lately) even though we never had allergies previously. Ped knows that it can trigger symptoms - puts us on Nasonex for the allergies. Dr. Murphy also does a rapid culture (negative) to make sure there's no strep - but decides to change our abx protocol anyway since he's gotten strep 2x in the last 2 months on the current plan. We're going to full strength Omnicef for a month and see from there. (And for the first time in any Dr's appt since all this started - my son was in FULL ON CRAZY at Dr. Murphy's office - is it terrible that I was happy about this? it just makes me feel less crazy when others can see it for themselves)


Anyway - this morning, we drop off at school and earned our very first reward for being able to get through drop off/breakfast without a SINGLE compulsion! YAY!!! I thought it was going to be a good day...until...


I got a call a while ago - my son is not doing well. Out of control to a point they haven't seen since pre-dx days. Not only is he kicking, screaming, biting, throwing things. He keeps taking off his clothes because they're "wrong" and is peeing anywhere he pleases around the classroom. He keeps yelling that he can't cover his "pee pee".


Knowing what I'm in for when I go pick him up and get home tonight - and considering my husband just left town this morning for a 4 day bachelor party cruise - you think I'd be sobbing right now.


But all I can do - is imagine my little guy - not quite 3 years old - with his scrawny little butt running around his classroom with his teachers chasing him while he screams "don't cover my pee pee" with all of the other kids looking around very confused - and I can't help but chuckle. It's not funny, I know - but something about picturing this train of naked chaos just makes me laugh.


Considering what I'm in for in an hour or so - I'll take a laugh where ever I can get it.





Really, that is what life is about--finding those small moments of joy when you can. :lol: Thank you for sharing and best wishes while your spouse is out of town!


We are doing an on-line program for my ds12 called K12.com which is a free public school that kids do at home. At least, until he is healthier.


Julia :)


There's nothing like all out goofiness to make you chuckle. You keep laughing girl--it gets us all through!

Hope everything is getting better for the rest of the day!


I just cried and laughed at the same time. Hope you survived the night - and that he is ok. But oh, how I can relate. I still start laughing (like a crazy lady on the bus) when I remember some of the things that our dd did during an exacerbation.


Congrats on maintaining a sense of humor in a crisis!!!!


Just too funny! I can see the humor in it. When they are 19, it's hard to see the humor though. Thanks for the laugh.


We spent yesterday shuttling from appointment to appointment - first a mtg with a private school that specializes in working with kids with ADHD and axiety disorders. (Likely the best placement for my son - but at $15k per year for K-5...we'll need to think about that!!)


Then off to the ped for just a routine follow up and ear check - followed immediately by the follow up appointment with Dr. Murphy.


We mentioned to both Dr's that he's been ramped up all weekend - but not quite to the "we think he's got strep level" - but very Jeckyl/Hyde. Ped looks at him - notices signs of seasonal allergies (and it's been rough lately) even though we never had allergies previously. Ped knows that it can trigger symptoms - puts us on Nasonex for the allergies. Dr. Murphy also does a rapid culture (negative) to make sure there's no strep - but decides to change our abx protocol anyway since he's gotten strep 2x in the last 2 months on the current plan. We're going to full strength Omnicef for a month and see from there. (And for the first time in any Dr's appt since all this started - my son was in FULL ON CRAZY at Dr. Murphy's office - is it terrible that I was happy about this? it just makes me feel less crazy when others can see it for themselves)


Anyway - this morning, we drop off at school and earned our very first reward for being able to get through drop off/breakfast without a SINGLE compulsion! YAY!!! I thought it was going to be a good day...until...


I got a call a while ago - my son is not doing well. Out of control to a point they haven't seen since pre-dx days. Not only is he kicking, screaming, biting, throwing things. He keeps taking off his clothes because they're "wrong" and is peeing anywhere he pleases around the classroom. He keeps yelling that he can't cover his "pee pee".


Knowing what I'm in for when I go pick him up and get home tonight - and considering my husband just left town this morning for a 4 day bachelor party cruise - you think I'd be sobbing right now.


But all I can do - is imagine my little guy - not quite 3 years old - with his scrawny little butt running around his classroom with his teachers chasing him while he screams "don't cover my pee pee" with all of the other kids looking around very confused - and I can't help but chuckle. It's not funny, I know - but something about picturing this train of naked chaos just makes me laugh.


Considering what I'm in for in an hour or so - I'll take a laugh where ever I can get it.


I hope his caregiver's appreciated the situation as much as you did! Glad you can see the humor in it and hope you're in for a better time than you expected!


Yup...it's good that we can see the humor in these not-so-great days. Hopefully in a few years (or a decade) we can laugh about this stuff. It is a pretty funny image of your son running around peeing everywhere.


I now (sort of) laugh about my dd (7.5 years at the time) urinating in the corner of exam room at the outpatient eating disorder clinic. She had her shirt on her bottom...so she could urinate out the head hole in the shirt. (We had been trying to get a urine sample in the bathroom, but she refused.) I was rather horrified at the time. We think it was a combo of PANDAS ramping up with some serotonin syndrome (from lexapro). This place was an adolescent eating disorder clinic...they honestly had no idea what to do with this anorexic, defiant, pandas-y, serotonin-ed up 7-year-old! (They weren't much in the way of PANDAS believers....obviously they didn't "get" her.)


Yup...it's good that we can see the humor in these not-so-great days. Hopefully in a few years (or a decade) we can laugh about this stuff. It is a pretty funny image of your son running around peeing everywhere.


I now (sort of) laugh about my dd (7.5 years at the time) urinating in the corner of exam room at the outpatient eating disorder clinic. She had her shirt on her bottom...so she could urinate out the head hole in the shirt. (We had been trying to get a urine sample in the bathroom, but she refused.) I was rather horrified at the time. We think it was a combo of PANDAS ramping up with some serotonin syndrome (from lexapro). This place was an adolescent eating disorder clinic...they honestly had no idea what to do with this anorexic, defiant, pandas-y, serotonin-ed up 7-year-old! (They weren't much in the way of PANDAS believers....obviously they didn't "get" her.)

Well, the part of that story that amuses me is the shirt on the bottom so she could urinate out the head hole!

Posted (edited)

:) Here is another one--hysterical and happened this week in our family.


DD (10) is in an episode, overcome with the fact that all her socks are contaminated. Trying to get her out the door for the drive to school is close to impossible. My dear husband drives off with both kids in the car--


As they turn down the lengthy driveway to the school our dd threatens to throw those "dirty" socks out the window--and holds them out the window flapping in the breeze.


As my husband whirls towards the drop-off area (where the librarian is waiting to open the door) my d starts to yell "lock the door--lock the door"! The librarian calmly opens the door (by now dd has socks and shoes on her feet again) and dd leaps from the car to go (happily) inside...


(EAMom--your story made me laugh--thanks!)

Edited by T.Mom

Emerson & anasthesia do not mix. They just don't. Plain & simple. I've "gone under" many a time & every. Single. Time. that I come back up... I'm in a rage. It's gotten to the point where I warn doctors beforehand; "You might not wanna be in the room when I wake up..."


Three or four years ago I had an MRI. The technician in charge had the nerve to look me in the eye & tell me to "stay still". Uhm. Excuse me sir... But are you aware that the entire reason I'm having this MRI is because I CAN'T DO THAT? Much frustration, a few needlepricks, & a couple hours later, it was time to wake up. If I'm being totally honest, I remember absolutely nothing about the entire day after the MRI, but my Mom isn't on the forum to share her "I shouldn't be laughing..." story, so I just thought I'd share it as it's been relayed to me.

I was in the little waiting room for patients done with their procedures. I don't know the name of it, but it's the big room with the little areas separated by curtains where they make you eat a popsicle & drink some Gatorade before you can leave? Yeah, that one. Well, in the little curtained off area next to mine was a very unhappy baby, who wanted the whole hospital to know just how upset she was.

At first, I looked at my Mom & I said "Someone needs to make that baby stop crying.", & she tried to comfort me a bit. Then, "Can you please make that baby stop crying?" (the "please" makes it sound polite. Don't be fooled though - It wasn't so much asked as snarled), to which my Mom said "No, Ailidh, I can't make the baby stop crying. Just please eat the popsicle & drink the Gatorade so that we can leave.". It's at that point where she always remarks that her heart skipped a beat, because she knew that Pandora's box had been opened.


Over. & over. & over. & over again. Louder & louder & louder each time. To this day I still can't help but chuckle at the thought of the look on their faces. Those poor terrified new parents, already obviously dealing with something involving their little one, now being accosted in a hospital waiting room by this twitchy twelve year old with tears streaming down her face who really, REALLY just wanted some peace & quiet.

I've never seen my Mom drink some Gatorade or down a popsicle so fast, I've never seen nurses so willing to turn a blind eye, & I've never seen an orderly wheel a wheelchair out to exit door so fast.


It makes me wonder a bit why in my fifteen years, not a single doctor has said anything to me about my anasthesia rages. Even the ones who have seen them firsthand. I haven't had to go under since & hope to never again, but even moreso than that I just hope that no sad babies are in the vicinity. <3

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