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Hi, I live in the north Atlanta area and my almost 7 year old son has tourettes - mostly mild but always present. I have tried to locate some naturopath or environmental MD's or those MD's that have experience with looking for the root cause and using supliments in lieu of medication but so far, I have not had much luck finding someone I am comfortable with. Has anyone on this board that is located in the Atlanta area found a capable person to work with? If so, I would welcome a name or two to contact


I really want to find someone who has worked with kids that have tourettes.




Me, too! I am looking for someone in the vicinity of Morgantown, West Virginia. We have NO ONE around here! Our pediatric neurologist prescribed Prozac and it made the tics worse. HELP!!


Hi and Happy New year to you both :)


I am in florida, Glenn and so dont know anyone personally in your area.


Have you gone thu the lists that Sheila has posted at the top here for Finding medical help?




You could also try contacting Bonnie Grimaldi as she may know of good naturopaths in your area



all the best and keep us posted on your progress. Finding the right physicians to work with truly turned things round for my son!


You need to contact the tourettes association in that state, it is how i found my doctor in Florida after my son had been to a few that never mentioned tourettes. www.tsa-usa.org



The TSA is an excellent resource, but Glenn, just do be sure to stress that you are looking for a naturopathic doctor.

I have great respect for the TSA, but many of the doctors on their lists are ones that see a prescription as the answer to all things! :)


Chemar and all, Thanks for your comments. I did check with the local Atlanta TSA chapter but all they provided was MD's The one we went to for the formal diagnosis was discouraging when we asked about suppliments or diet solutions. I have not given up looking but was hoping that I could leverage any one on this site that has found someone in the Atlanta area. Hopefully I will get a resonse. If not when I finally find a professional that I like and that promotes alternate treatments with a sound process I will be happy to share the information and results.


Glenn and 7 roses,


Did you look at the list Chemar posted? I don't know that we have any posters from your area...and the TSA is more likely to find neurologists using the more traditional pharmaceutical approach.


I called and did a phone 'interview'. He did more autism spectrum disorders than tic disorders, but the testing protocol turned out to be similar. It is customized depending on what they uncover.



Maribel L. Angka-Servera, M.D.

Resurgens Healthcare

4555 N. Shallowford Rd., Ste 100

Atlanta, GA 30338

ph: 770-220-0078

fax: 770-220-0748


Heather Koeppel, D.C.

3776 Clairmont Road

Atlanta, GA 30341

ph: 770-455-1950

fax: 770-455-1390


ALTANTA, GA environmental medicine list

Member: Susan L. Tanner , M.D.

Southern Environmental Medical Center

44 South Clayton Street


Lawrenceville, GA 30045

Phone: 7702778030


Membership: Member

Specialties: Allergy, Chelation, Clinical Immunology, Environmental Medicine, Family Practice, Immunologic Metabolic Disorders, Nutritional Medicine, Geriatrics; Limited Chelation Therapy




Nation: USA

Member: Prudencio C. Corro , M.D.

P.C. Corro M.D., Inc.

251 Stanaford Rd.


Beckley, WV 25801

Phone: 3042520775


Membership: Member

Specialties: Allergy, Environmental Medicine, Otolaryngology,

Certifications: Otolaryngology,



Member: Albert J. Paine , M.D.

Bluefield Ear Nose and Th

2120 Mountain View Ave.


Bluefield, WV 24701

Phone: 3043259577


Membership: Member

Specialties: Otolaryngology,



You can tell a lot by a phone call with the office. If you click on the name in the DAN lists, it tells you what tests they run. eg. If not listed, then just ask them about these tests.


Specialties: Environmental Medicine

Vitamin/mineral supplementation:

Essential fatty acids:

Gluten and casein-free diet:

Diet avoiding food allergens and yeast:

Feingold diet:

Digestive aids/Probiotics:


Transfer Factor:

Antifungal pharmaceuticals and nutriceuticals:


Heavy metal detoxification:


Antiviral medications:


DAN Conferences: Atlanta (2001), Boston (2002)



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