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Just got Cam K number back today. 175! I think I am relieved? At least now we have some real answers and my intuition is right on. I guess I feel as if I am truly part of this family now.


I do have a question for all of you veterans. My ds was doing well at school these last two weeks (only had to beg and bribe to get him to go), however, his tics started again two days ago and were full blast yesterday. We have been keeping them under control with lamictal. I thought that it might be some stressor at school, but I am noticing that I have a sore throat and headache developing. Could this recent exacerbation be the result of my illness? Could he be a "canary in the coal mine"? He is on zithromax (500mg) right now and it seems strange that he could get strep from me, but what if it is viral? Could this cause an increase in symptoms?


Going to see Dr. L in October. Excited to get some real help and answers. :D


I would say yes, just because my dd8 had initial strep infection (<1yr) that I believe started this years ago, but I believe she has had many other exacerbations d/t viral type illnesses, and that is where the PITAND comes in. Influenza seems to be the worst trigger for her. I think once the immune glitch has started, it can be triggered by other illness. My dd had elevated ASO after a viral type flu with absolutely no signs of strep. I am thinking maybe these rogue strep antibodies could be triggered without even any strep antigen present, just another illness to set off the immune response. That is my theory, it would make a lot of sense for our history. Hope it gets better for you.


If you continue to have a sore throat and it looks red, it may be best to err on the side of caution and get yourself tested. If you haven't had the whole famlily tested yet, that is suggested as well. PANDAS kids can have a worsening of symptoms from being exposed to strep, whether it be in the family or even in the classroom or playmates. Some have said that their kids will worsen when the child has a virus or when the child is exposed to a virus. If this is the case, hopefully, once the virus passes, the child will improve. You can try some Ibuprofen for the time being if the tics are bothering him.


Finally, even if a child is on antibiotics, it does not protect them 100%. Yes, it helps prevent strep, but there are kids on here that have tested + for strep while taking antibiotics.


Yup, my dd has reacted when family members have gotten strep. (I compare it to a kid with a peanut allergy who reacts to peanut dust without actually eating peanuts.)


She also reacts when she gets non-strep illnesses (eg. viral).


Fun, ain't it?

Posted (edited)

Just got Cam K number back today. 175! I think I am relieved? At least now we have some real answers and my intuition is right on. I guess I feel as if I am truly part of this family now.


I do have a question for all of you veterans. My ds was doing well at school these last two weeks (only had to beg and bribe to get him to go), however, his tics started again two days ago and were full blast yesterday. We have been keeping them under control with lamictal. I thought that it might be some stressor at school, but I am noticing that I have a sore throat and headache developing. Could this recent exacerbation be the result of my illness? Could he be a "canary in the coal mine"? He is on zithromax (500mg) right now and it seems strange that he could get strep from me, but what if it is viral? Could this cause an increase in symptoms?


Going to see Dr. L in October. Excited to get some real help and answers. :D

I'm editing my post because I realized I had misread something.

So, yes it could totally be the canary effect, DS always gets that to the point we know someone has strep because of his change in behavior. If you haven't already done so, get to the doctor ASAP! Go to an urgent care center if you have to, do not wait until Tuesday. If it is strep, the longer you have it the more likely you'll give it to other family members, and the longer your son is exposed, the worse the exacerbation. So try to get it checked out as soon as possible and check others in the family as well.

Also, do not discount him getting an infection as well. My son got an ear infection while on high dose Augmentin. So if it's just an increase in PANDAS symptoms, it's probably just the canary thing, but if he seems to be getting sick himself, take him to the pediatrician and get it checked out. Hope I'm making sense here...

Wishing you the best!


Edited by mati's mom

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