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I posted this on the Lyme Forum but then realized that this could also be a PANDAS issue so I thought I would post here too.


I am trying to put together a schedule for my son's antibiotic/supplements/probiotic/activated charcoal. We were okay with a schedule for summer but now that school is starting back, I am having trouble trying to keep everything spaced apart. My son really doesn't want to have to take anything at school but I think that given he takes two different antibiotics every day, he may not have a choice. Does anyone have suggestions on how they make it all work?


We combine antibiotics, herbs, supplements and Mepron after breakfast and after dinner. Then, a couple of hours later, we do the charcoal and/or probiotics. We are in a phase now where we do not have as much herxing so I switch off between the probiotics and the charcoal every other night.




I posted this on the Lyme Forum but then realized that this could also be a PANDAS issue so I thought I would post here too.


I am trying to put together a schedule for my son's antibiotic/supplements/probiotic/activated charcoal. We were okay with a schedule for summer but now that school is starting back, I am having trouble trying to keep everything spaced apart. My son really doesn't want to have to take anything at school but I think that given he takes two different antibiotics every day, he may not have a choice. Does anyone have suggestions on how they make it all work?


if you can give abx at same time...


abx and supp i morning.


after school... charcoal..bentonite


night time...other supps that are best for night..and have been told that most digestion happens at night and to give probi's then...


Hmm, that could work. He's not supposed to take the zith and augmentin at the same time but if he took the zith at school then I could do the charcoal after school and then probiotic again at bedtime. Thanks!! This is really giving me a headache.




if you can give abx at same time...


abx and supp i morning.


after school... charcoal..bentonite


night time...other supps that are best for night..and have been told that most digestion happens at night and to give probi's then...


Are your kids not in school then? I was just wondering how you do the probiotics a couple of hours after breakfast. I was even thinking of sending probiotics to school with my son!


We combine antibiotics, herbs, supplements and Mepron after breakfast and after dinner. Then, a couple of hours later, we do the charcoal and/or probiotics. We are in a phase now where we do not have as much herxing so I switch off between the probiotics and the charcoal every other night.




Yes, my daughter is in school and my son is finally starting school, after being out for a year. So, I just give them either 12 charcoal or 12 probiotics every night before bed. I do not give them charcoal or probiotics during the day.


I do still find it a struggle to get everything into them!!!




Elizabeth--I am curious what do you mean by "12" probiotics? I know we were told to give out d one or two "Pearls" probiotics...or another type...Good Belly juice, etc.,

so I am just wondering what type you would give 12 of? thanks--




We are working with a nutritionist who feels that repairing the gut and ensuring proper detoxification are critical to healing the body. So, every other night, we give our son 12 capsules of 50 billion units each of probiotics for a total of 600 billion units. And then every other night we do the same, but with charcoal pills. However, when we were just starting the lyme treatment and our children were herxing quite a bit, we incorporated the bentonite or charcoal pills more frequently than the probiotics. This really seemed to help both of our children.






We are working with a nutritionist who feels that repairing the gut and ensuring proper detoxification are critical to healing the body. So, every other night, we give our son 12 capsules of 50 billion units each of probiotics for a total of 600 billion units. And then every other night we do the same, but with charcoal pills. However, when we were just starting the lyme treatment and our children were herxing quite a bit, we incorporated the bentonite or charcoal pills more frequently than the probiotics. This really seemed to help both of our children.




so are you saying you dont give probiotics every night...

you alternate ..is that how you did it from the start with the probiotics...(maybe because 12 pills of anything is alot)..but sometimes squeezing in extra detox stuff


i guess that worked for you..what kind of probi do you use


Well, we definitely change things frequently around here.


Initially, when we began the multiple antibiotics for the lyme treatment, we did 6 charcoal pills every night followed by 6 probiotics every night. There is so much die off initially with treatment that I felt the daily detox was very important. And if we had a couple of bad days in a row, then we only did charcoal and did not use the probiotics. The only reason why is that my son will only take so many pills and 12 is quite a bit for an 8 year old in one sitting.


Now we alternate and so no, we do not do the probiotics every night, but do a very high dose on the nights that we do use them.




Elizabeth - Is your son still taking more than one antibiotic a day? If so, are you giving at same time or spacing apart? So far the only "herxing" we have seen is a bad rash that comes and goes on the arms and stomach. Mood is still good but eye tic is still there. We're only two weeks in with treatment so maybe too early for serious herxing... I'm so wimpy though, I'm only giving one charcoal pill every day. Does that help herxing or encourage it because you are getting rid of the toxins?


My own dr recommended using Culturelle in addition to our regular probiotic to help with stomach issues. Anyone use that? Is it considered a probiotic where you have to give separately from antibiotic?


Well, we definitely change things frequently around here.


Initially, when we began the multiple antibiotics for the lyme treatment, we did 6 charcoal pills every night followed by 6 probiotics every night. There is so much die off initially with treatment that I felt the daily detox was very important. And if we had a couple of bad days in a row, then we only did charcoal and did not use the probiotics. The only reason why is that my son will only take so many pills and 12 is quite a bit for an 8 year old in one sitting.


Now we alternate and so no, we do not do the probiotics every night, but do a very high dose on the nights that we do use them.






We see our lyme doctor every 6 weeks and he changes a few things during each appointment. Currently, almost 6 months into lyme treatment and 1 year of antibiotics for PANDAS, our son is on Tindamax and biosil and bolouke (both natural products) for the cyst form of lyme and Mepron and Artemisinin for the babesia. He began his treatment with a good 4 1/2 months of azithromycin and omnicef. He is doing fantastic and doesn't really have any "really bad" days anymore. He is ranging between 90% on a bad day to 95% on a good day with the last few days being 95%.


The charcoal really helps with the herxing and you may see quite a bit more herxing than you already are right now. The first couple of months can be bumpy, especially when you add the second antibiotic into the regime and you begin to see some real die off. Have you added a second antibiotic yet? And if so, what antibiotics is your son on ?


I do give the antibiotics and herbs and Mepron all together and than I space the charcoal and probiotics a couple of hours out.





Just an FYI - to allow my son to take probiotics at school, I had to fill out a form (it's a state form - I can send it to you if you need it) and have our Pandas doc sign it. You need a separate form for each medication.


You're supposed to do probiotics away from the abx and on an empty stomach - the stomach acids kill about 90% of the probiotics before they get into the GI tract (not sure if this applies to Pearls, but believe it applies to anything in capsules). So if you take near mealtime, the stomach acid is at its highest and the poor little guys stand even less of a chance. So our plan is take Augmentin at 7am, take probiotics at 2:30 pm just before the end of the day (in nurse's office so he doesn't have kids asking about what he's taking), then augmentin at 7 pm.


If you wanted to add zith, you might be able to have him swing by nurse's office on way to lunch, take zith, go to lunch and recess, swing by nurse at end of day for probiotics. Then charcoal before dinner (don't know much about charcoal and mealtime? then augmentin with a light snack at 7pm.


I've read lots on the forum about charcoal/clay. I don't know much about it, so please don't think I'm trying to argue. I only pass along FYI our doc's concern that charcoal is indiscriminate about what it absorbs and can absorb augmentin as much as it will absorb toxins. An LLMD would certainly know more about this, but for anyone just dabbling on their own, i pass it along as something to consider, especially for those on Augmentin XR as the time release aspect comes into play.



Posted (edited)


Good information. I do have the forms from school to fill out if needed. Thanks though. I am going to try and do Augmentin in morning at 7:30 and Zith at 2:45 when I pick him up and then Augmentin at 6pm with dinner. Then we could do probiotics at bedtime two hours later. Our probiotic powder says to give with meals so not sure if that's because it's a powder or if that's just a standard line. If he gets up early enough, I might try to squeeze in a probiotic or yogurt an hour before the antibiotic.


I'll probably leave the activated charcoal to the weekends (unless we really need it)where we have more time. My dr also recommended an aloe vera drink to help with the constipation issues we had from the two antibiotics.



Just an FYI - to allow my son to take probiotics at school, I had to fill out a form (it's a state form - I can send it to you if you need it) and have our Pandas doc sign it. You need a separate form for each medication.


You're supposed to do probiotics away from the abx and on an empty stomach - the stomach acids kill about 90% of the probiotics before they get into the GI tract (not sure if this applies to Pearls, but believe it applies to anything in capsules). So if you take near mealtime, the stomach acid is at its highest and the poor little guys stand even less of a chance. So our plan is take Augmentin at 7am, take probiotics at 2:30 pm just before the end of the day (in nurse's office so he doesn't have kids asking about what he's taking), then augmentin at 7 pm.


If you wanted to add zith, you might be able to have him swing by nurse's office on way to lunch, take zith, go to lunch and recess, swing by nurse at end of day for probiotics. Then charcoal before dinner (don't know much about charcoal and mealtime? then augmentin with a light snack at 7pm.


I've read lots on the forum about charcoal/clay. I don't know much about it, so please don't think I'm trying to argue. I only pass along FYI our doc's concern that charcoal is indiscriminate about what it absorbs and can absorb augmentin as much as it will absorb toxins. An LLMD would certainly know more about this, but for anyone just dabbling on their own, i pass it along as something to consider, especially for those on Augmentin XR as the time release aspect comes into play.



Edited by justinekno

So glad that your son is doing better. We are doing zithromax and augmentin.




The charcoal really helps with the herxing and you may see quite a bit more herxing than you already are right now. The first couple of months can be bumpy, especially when you add the second antibiotic into the regime and you begin to see some real die off. Have you added a second antibiotic yet? And if so, what antibiotics is your son on ?




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