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Hello everyone,


I'm usually here to talk about my younger son, but today it's my oldest. He is 19 and going to be a sophomore in college. We've been talking and he is really concerned about his ability to focus in class. He says his mind starts wondering after sitting for 5 minutes in class. He has always struggled with his grades and teachers have always told me he is capable, but he needs to put in more effort. So it's been a struggle through the years, with my husband and I always on his back to try harder. Now I'm wondering if he might be right- he thinks he has add. He is not hyper at all so I know it's not adhd. His ped. wants him to see an educational psychologist and have an evaluation. We have an appointment for Sept. but in the meantime school is starting and I was wondering if anyone can recommend any supplements for him. Native remedies has a wide variety and I'm not sure where to start. I'd appreciate any input!





Hi Mary


we found that increasing omega 3 and adding the herbal supp ginkgo biloba was most helpful. My son has also found that methylB12 helps his focus


other supps help too but those are the primary ones that helped his ADD. Studies with Borage oil suggest it is an excellent add supp as well (we had an omega supps that had flax and borage combined)


I have heard mixed reports on the Native Remedies products, some people feel they are very beneficial and others feel they did nothing. No personal experience tho


My younger son is also 19 and about 3 years ago he started having a lot of trouble in school; it wasn't that he didn't know the material, he couldn't concentrate and he was having difficulty with comprehension. He would put in the effort but not see the results. He does have mild TS but is not being treated for it, however he was diagnosed with ADD and some mild OCD. After trying several ADD meds, he seems very happy with the Adderal XR. When my older one heard about this, he mentioned that he has had trouble focusing for years as well. He was then diagnosed and find the Adderal helpful. Both only take it during school and not on weekends or summer because they don't like the way it affects them other than being able to focus. The younger one was still having trouble with comprehension so after he graduated HS and before he started college, I had him tested. We now know that he has a mild form of Aspergers which explains a lot of his behavior growing up and why he was having trouble comprehending (he tends to focus on details and misses the bigger picture which is also why those with Aspergers have trouble with relationships; they don't read people well). Anyway, if your son is complaining about focus, he may get a lot of relief with some of the ADD medications available now. Good luck!




Hello everyone,


I'm usually here to talk about my younger son, but today it's my oldest. He is 19 and going to be a sophomore in college. We've been talking and he is really concerned about his ability to focus in class. He says his mind starts wondering after sitting for 5 minutes in class. He has always struggled with his grades and teachers have always told me he is capable, but he needs to put in more effort. So it's been a struggle through the years, with my husband and I always on his back to try harder. Now I'm wondering if he might be right- he thinks he has add. He is not hyper at all so I know it's not adhd. His ped. wants him to see an educational psychologist and have an evaluation. We have an appointment for Sept. but in the meantime school is starting and I was wondering if anyone can recommend any supplements for him. Native remedies has a wide variety and I'm not sure where to start. I'd appreciate any input!




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